Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Wonderful days in Säffle

9 July 2024

Dear friends,

We had some wonderful days off in Säffle, even if the weather was not on our side all the time. We experienced rain and heavy winds but we also had days when it was possible to take a swim in the lake Vänern. I just feel that with the age and the health issues I have been going through this year it is good to have a few days off and this is why I am so blessed that we have our Gospel Express bus.

Sebastian and Nixon in the bus

On Friday we were scheduled to be outside ICA Kvantum a big grocery store at a shopping centre outside Säffle but we decided to not go out there as it was raining hard on Friday. We still had a wonderful service at the local Pentecostal church.

Another swim in Lake Vänern

We have been returning to Säffle for some years now and I feel more and more close to Pastor Glenn Antonsson. A wonderful brother in Christ. We share many values in life and one of them is to make sure those who really need to hear the good news gets the message.

On Saturday morning we set up our gear at Erikshjälpen’s second hand store, Kvarnhjulet. Many people came out that day to shop and all who came got to hear that Jesus is alive and that He is real.

Erikshjälpen second hand store

It was a wonderful day and we also had some good talks with people we met. We gave away quite a few books and it is always wonderful to receive an e-mail or some other message from someone who found new hope in life after reading my life story. This is the main reason we print and give away books.

On Saturday evening we had another evening at the Pentecostal Church and it was slightly different but very powerful. I can’t grasp how The Holy Spirit works but He works in such wonderful ways that I can’t explain with my little brain.

Brother Glenn speaking at the Pentecostal church

I have been playing most part of the songs from the Rockabilly Hymns album and the songs are fun to play. I get happy when I play these songs and the music is well received. This is why we currently are working on a Rockabilly Hymns album in Swedish to be released this fall.

Pentecostal Church in Säffle

Sunday morning we had our last service at the Pentecostal church and it was a wonderful morning. Again we got to experience the works of The Holy Spirit and Pastor Glenn had such an inspirational message. The Holy Spirit spoke to us in a way that we both were on the same topic and that was a simple message of faith, hope and love.

Monday we had our last evening in Säffle and it was an LP meeting in the ground floor of the Pentecostal church. LP is an organisation named after Pastor Lewi Pethrus and they work with people who need help coming out of struggles with drugs and alcohol. A wonderful ministry.

Brother Glenn and brother Erik singing at the LP evening

We had a wonderful evening and I shared what Jesus have done in my life. If He could save me, heal me and set me free He can also do it in anyone elses life. This is something I keep repeating over and over again. We really want people to be delivered, set free and come to God, through Jesus Christ. He is the only way to eternal life and this is why it is so imporant to keep the Gospel so simple so that everyone can understand.

I have had some stress this tour, financial stress and we left in faith and we have done everything by faith. Before we left we had the bus in for service and the bill was due yesterday. I was almost panicking as to me it is important to pay bills when they are due. It was different before but this is something that God has worked out in my way of thinking.

LP evening

The open invoice was 1346€ and to us it is a lot of money. I woke up in the middle of the night, last night and I checked my mail. There was a donation from Canada that came in through PayPal and I immediately transfered the funds to my account hoping it would cover the bill that I was worried about. The amount that came in was 1354€ so again I got to experience how God takes care of His children. I was so thankful this morning when I paid the bill. Thank you wonderful brother and sister in Canada who listened to God.

Brother Glenn drove us back and forth from the bus during our days

Now we have moved from Säffle to Åmål and this week we are going to be around on the yearly Åmål Bluesfestival. Friday and Saturday we are going to play on the main square as well as on the shopping street. This is our third year here and we love what God has been doing here during the festival. I am so looking forward to get out there and tell people about Jesus.

Åmål blues festival coming up

Thank you all who we have met this last week. Thank you all who have helped and supported us and thank you all who are praying for us. Together we make a difference!

God Bless You All!

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Thank you for standing with us and doing this together with us!