Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Old hymns
in Rockabilly style

Release April 19th 2024

When The Rocking Reverend, Pontus J. Back from Vasa was a kid he had three favorite artists. It started with Elvis Presley and then came The Boppers from Sweden who was his absolute favorite band for many years. His father took him to see them live a few times when he was under ten years of age.

- I still remember how I used to get The Boppers music on C tapes back then. We did not have a record player at home. I collected their pictures and it was huge for me when dad took me to see them live. I can say that I was a huge fan, Pontus remembers.
In the early 1980´s Stray Cats became big in Finland and this was within the genre Pontus loved. Boppers and Stray Cats were the two bands he listened to until later when he discovered harder rock music. During that time you were either a ”fiftare” (fiftys rocker) or ”punkkare” (punk rocker) in Finland. Pontus walked around with his Elvis style hair already at the age of eight.

- People thought I was weird as I did not only listen to the music, I did my best to live the lifestyle already as a kid, Pontus laughs.

Release March 22nd 2024

Over the years Pontus has played with different bands with members from Lynyrd Skynyrd, Molly Hatchet, Whitesnake, Status Quo and Frankie Miller Band to namne a few. He has always returned to his roots and did actually work both with The Boppers and members from the Boppers during the late 1990´s until 2006.

In 2017 he released some of his own songs in Rockabilly versions with his old friend Janne Hyöty as producent and co-writer. Now, since his life changed 18 years ago and he is an ordained pastor he decided to do another Rockabilly album with some old hymns and songs that all know; Rockabilly Hymns. This time with some very special guests as Johnny Hatton from USA on upright bass. Hatton known as a professional Rockabilly bass expert that also is part of The Brian Setzer Orchestra.

Rockabilly Redneck 2017

- I wanted to do something special with this album and called up Johnny Hatton. We connected right away and we worked with the music over here and sent the tracks over there and Johnny recorded his parts in a studio in LA, Pontus tells.

It has been so good working with Janne Hyöty on this project as he has developed the entire sound. I just felt that I wanted Matte Lagerwall from The Boppers to do the same thing he does on their hit ”Goodnight Sweetheart”and it became true on one of the two own songs that is on the album. This means so much to me, Pontus says.

Together with his band Gospel Express, Pontus plays some old hymns as ”Blessed Assurance”, ”Swing Low”, ”How great thou art”, ”Oh the blood of Jesus”, ”What a friend we have in Jesus” and ”I saw the light”. The album has ten songs of witch two are new originals ”Rockabilly Hymns” and ”Say a prayer”.

- I love how it sounds! All the musicians did a great job and I am such a blessed man to still be able to do new music. Well, this is old music but made new in an old style… You know what I mean, Pontus laughs.

The single Blessed Assurance and Say a prayer was released on all digital outlets March 22nd and the full album April 19th 2024.

© Talking Music 2024