Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

In the mirror!
In the mirror!

A new home on the web

19 October 2009
Dear friends,

I have the great honor to launch my NEW website today! For a long time I have been wondering how I should build up my personal- and my ministry site so they can work together and be as easy to navigate as possible.

I would like to thank my brother and friend Linus Mickelsson at Magnic Oy who have been working on the new website. He is a wonderful brother in Christ and a nice person indeed.

On this site you will frequently find updates about my life and my ministry as well as testimonies, life stories and teachings. Many people have asked me during the years why I have a website and today it is very easy for me to answer the question. It is all because what Jesus told me in february 2007 when He visited me at my death bed at the hospital in Vasa; "Go out and tell all the people about me and about your life..."

I will only write in english on this site as most of you understand that. I will start writing the new blog here later this week when me and my son are going out on the American roads as Ambassadors For Jesus Christ on our Mission America 2009 part II trip.

You can also get information about my books and records on this site and information about where you can place your order.

I hope you enjoy the new website and I would just like to encourage you to keep your eyes on Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life.

God Bless!
Pontus J. Back
October 19th 2009

Kära vänner,

Välkommen till min nya hemsida. Så här kommer den att se ut i framtiden och jag vill tacka Linus MickelssonMagnic Oy för hjälpen. Från och med nu kommer jag endast att skriva på engelska här i och med att största delen av besökarna talar engelska. Mina tankar på svenska kommer jag att koncentrera till Kyrkpressens bloggportal.

Guds välsignelser!
Pontus J. Back
19 oktober 2009
Pontus J. Back
Ristin Oma - in finnish Päivä Oy 2009
Ristin Oma - in finnish Päivä Oy 2009
Ride To Freedom
Christian Rock and Roll - Päivä Oy 2009
Christian Rock and Roll - Päivä Oy 2009
Pontus J. Back
Jesus Rocks - No turning Back english version Onwards and Upwards 2009
Jesus Rocks - No turning Back english version Onwards and Upwards 2009
Pontus J. Back
The first book about my life in Swedish from march 2008
The first book about my life in Swedish from march 2008
Pontus J. Back
event flyer
event flyer