I am thankful for every day
I am thankful for your love and grace
Without YOU I would be, lost forever
Dear friends,
Those are words straight from the bottom of my heart. I am thankful for every day and I am thankful for Gods amazing love and grace. There are so much to be thanful for and those words are lines from the new song "Thankful" from the upcoming album "Thankful".
I am not only thankful about what is going on in my life right now, I am also very excited. GOD have been pouring down new fresh songs for the new album since I returned from Sweden last month. GOD have opened new doors and connections for me so we can go in the studio next month before I leave for The USA and record some of the songs as high quality stuff.
Another thing that I am stoked about is the documentary "Used by God" that we are going to make. It will be a documentary produced by Frank Mangs Center and Netmission. For the first week of my "Mission America 2010" trip Reijo Ruotsalainen from Netmission will follow me with his camera. We will take everything on tape when we are reaching the lost as Ambassadors For Jesus Christ at the Lonestar Rally in Galveston, Texas and feeding the homeless under the bridges in Houston, Texas. We will meet lots of interesting people who are going to give their testimonies and tell the world how GOD is using them. All people can be used by God and as evangelist Reinhard Bonnke said a couple of weeks ago I can also say; If GOD can use me, HE can use anyone.
Imagine that this documentary will not only been seen on TV all around the world or on-line. It will also be available as a tool for ministries, churches, prisons, schools... The first manuscript is ready and now we just have to take the next step in faith and hook up the flights and stuff over there. We NEED your help to make this possible and imagine that this documentary can inspire other people to go out with the good news, the captives can be set free and souls can be saved because of YOU! Pray for us and for our finances and if you feel like you would like to sow into this project all donations and gifts are going to be paid to Frank Mangs Center r.f.
I am so excited and I am thankful! My heavenly father has everything in his hands and he confirmed this to me a couple of weeks ago by sending me a song. You can listen to a home demo of this song HERE.
If you want to sow into the documentary use these details and mark your payment: documentary
Frank Mangs Center r.f
496310-230925 Närpes Sparbank
207218-6436 Nordea
144 38 96-4 Postgirokonto i Sverige
When we are ready filming in The USA we will make a short trailer and continue the work with more filming here in Finland and we will also start editing the documentary.
I wish you all lots of love and blessings!