What fascinates me is the personality of Jesus. As more I read and study I feel that I get to know him better and better for each day. As more I pray as more I feel his presense and as more I spend time with him as more my own flesh is fading away. When we read the word of God we really start to realise that Jesus was and is radical. For too long the church have been painting up a picture of Jesus as a calm down man, laying in the grass with the sheep. No, Jesus was radical as he cleansed the temple and he spoke with power and authorty. The difference with us people and Jesus is that HE was and is the only one without sin. No matter what you say, you have this good and that good, you are still a sinner. Also we do not get saved because of anything we do or anything we have done. Neither we get saved because of our sins. Jesus is waiting for you and me to take the step and say YES to Him. He wants us to walk around with that YES in our hearts telling others about Him. After Jesus fed the thousands of people most of them left him and only the disciples were left. Why is this? It is because even if they saw the signs and wonders Jesus did they did not want to accept him. They did not want to say YES! Many of them came just because he fed them but what they did not realise was that Jesus was feeding them with His body and His blood as He said that those who eat of my body and drink of my blood will have eternal life.
One of the most powerful messages in Mark is how it all ends. It is written; "And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. (Mark 16:20) This is about the disciples being out doing their work, being fishers of men, getting those who have not heard an opportunity to say YES to Jesus. At this time Jesus was not longer with them as HE is sitting on the right side of the Father on the throne in heaven. Imagine that you and me are todays generation of the disciples and that when you and me go out preaching the same message Jesus taught the first disciples God is with us confirmin his words with signs and wonders. I think this is just so powerful and it makes me hunger more and more for reaching the lost. I am looking forward to the future and I am excited about every word I read.
I have also been having a weid kind of headache lately and I went to see a doctor who prescribed some antibiotics for my sinuses. I hope the infection will be over with soon as both the headache and the medicine makes me tired. Anyway we have had lots of rain here in Vasa last week but yesterday was a wonderful day as today. The sun is shining and all the autumn colors are showing up. Actually this season is very colorful and beautiful but I am not really waiting for the winter that is coming around the corner and the biker season is soon over with. Yesterday me and Reijo Ruotsalainen did the first filmings for the coming documentary movie here in Vasa. We did the Harley Davidson parts when I am driving from the valley of death to the new life dressed in my Ambassadors for Jesus Christ motorcycle ministry colors. This first scene is filmed at a local grave yard and it will be in black and white. When I enter the gate out of the grave yard the vest is on and it will all be in full color as from there we ride in the light together with the King of Kings.
During the filmings of the documentary we are also going to do an internet documentary about the making of the documentary and as we move forward I will post some clips from the progress here on pontusjback.com and jildwi.com. Please stand in agreement with us in prayer as we have a long way to go before we are done with the filmings and we have a long journey to USA coming up with its own challenges. We believe and trust that God is with us as we have already seen many signs about that this project is according to His will. The only thing we are after with these movies are getting people to understand that Jesus IS Lord so they can deal with it and say YES to Jesus. IF you haven´t said YES to Jesus yet, do not wait. We do not know if we have a tomorrow. We dont know if we see tonight. When we step over the line from this life it is too late to say anything as in that place it is impossible to call upon the name, the name above all other names, the name JESUS CHRIST, the only name that can bring salvation and eternal life.
Some meetings coming up this week and october is going to be off the hook. Meetings in Ikaalinen, Tampere, Pori and Sweden among with some smaller meetings and visits to the prison and other places around these areas are coming up. God is keeping me busy and I am more than thankful for that!
Love you all!
Stay Blessed!
Tule mukaan kahden doukmentin tekemisen seurantaan Netin kautta! Näitä pläjäyksiä tulee marraskuun alussa lähes päivittäin. Toinen dokumentti kertoo Jeesuksen muuttavasta voimasta ihmisten elämässä. Toinen kertoo ihmisen eheytymisen prosessista vaikean elämän jälkeen. Voit seurata tekemisiämme Netmission Streaming palvelun kautta. Klickaa kuvaa!
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