Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Looking at the water. September 2010
Looking at the water. September 2010

What fire?

5 October 2010
Dear friends,

Something that is on my heart right now and that has been on my heart for a while is the fire. We Christians should know the fire and also know how to use it but it bothers me when there are people among us that dont understand this and keep asking what fire we are speaking about? It is ok for all those who dont yet believe to not understand but for us born again Christians the fire is something that we all have and that we all shall use. It would be stupid to think that Jesus baptized us in Holy Spirit and FIRE and save it for later needs!

Yes, it is Jesus who IS the baptizer of The Holy Spirit and fire. We can read about this in Luke chapter 3 when John the baptist said: "I baptize you with water. But one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of those sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire."

The point of comparsion between John the Baptist and the Messiah is in the medium in which or with which the baptism takes place. John immerses his disciples in water, while the Messiah will immerse His followers in the Holy Spirit and with fire. This is where we have the power to do same things and even greater things than Jesus did when He walked here on earth. These words are no rumours or lies, they are the truth based on His promises in The Holy Bible. Jesus walked around preaching the good news about the Kingdom of God, He healed the sick, casted out demons and raised the dead. These things and even greater things YOU can do in Jesus name.

What really bothers me are the head lines in the newspapers in Finland where people are mad at the church because they teach about the gifts of the spirit, healing, signs, wonders and miracles. I am not going to go in on the doctrine of eternal hell as I do not want to scare anyone to heaven. God sent us Jesus Christ without sin, filled with our Fathers love. BUT we cant leave these things out of the gospel as they ARE the gospel! Some churches have painted up a wrong picture of Jesus as the kind Jesus laying in the grass with the lambs. The truth is that Jesus was and IS radical. He went to the sinners, the prostitutes and the drinkers to save them. He did not sit in the church waiting for the sunday people to come in and have a nice sofisticated cup of coffee! We have to accept the full gospel and go out among the lost and preach the gospel filled with The Holy Spirit and FIRE as wonders, signs and miracles demonstrates the power of GOD so people would see and then believe. Jesus wants to set us free, He wants to heal us and most of all He wants to give us eternal life.

Well, I am trying to do the best I can with the fire I have. I wrote it earlier somewhere and I will write it again. It is stupidity for us to pray for more fire when we don´t use the flame we already have. Lets pray that our heavenly Father would give us knowledge and wisdom to use the fire we have. Then we will be followed by signs and wonders. Amen!

Busy times

The coming weeks are going to be busy. Friday night I will speak and sing at Café Nimetön in Ikaalinen, Finland and on saturday night I will be in Tampere at Vapaakirkko. Sunday I have the honor to sing at one of my brothers wedding outside the city of Pori.

Next week will be even more crazy but I love it when GOD keeps me busy. Tuesday we are entering the studio to record the three first songs for the new album "Thankful" and hopefully we have a single to release for the US-dates in november. Tuesday night I will visit the prison here in Vasa and deliver the best news ever to the prisoners, the message about Jesus Christ. The same weekend I have five meetings in three days in Sundsvall, Sweden and we start in the pentecostal church friday 15th with a swedish group at 6pm and with the finnish group at 8pm. Saturday night we are doing something togeter with our brothers and sisters in Cruisers for Life and we are going to welcome two new members to the Ambassadors For Jesus Christ motorcycle ministry. Sunday 17th I speak at two meetings in Elimkyrkan in Sundsvall, at 11 am and at 6 pm. More information about these dates in the calendar.

I am more hungry and thirsty than ever, I am happy and blessed and excited about the bibleschool I am attending. The last weekend of october I will visit Sölvesborg for their autumn conference with pastor Tommy Lilja and after that me and Reijo Ruotsalainen are off to USA to connect with our brothers and sisters over there. I will be there for one month and there are many reasons why I am going there. One of them is of course to spread the good news about my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ but another reason is to get a distance to my regular life so I can think and pray about many things.

For example I am going to be part of a TV documentary where I will meet my bilogical mother for the first time since she gave me away in 1972. I will get to know more about my parents, my brothers and sisters and I hear that I have a grand mother as well. I took up this relationship in 2007 after I got saved and healed but then it was not time to take it any longer. This have been bothering me but now GOD opened up this possibility to re-connect and also let other people in same situations be with us so they know that as long as there is faith, there is hope and then there will be eternal love. Amen!

Please keep me, my family and our ministry in your prayers and I am not going to ask you for any donations here and now. IF you feel led by GOD to sow into what we are doing you are more than welcome but I believe that GOD is my provider in all my needs.

Love you all!



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Thankful single cover
Thankful single cover