Many things have been on my mind lately and I have really been pressing in asking GOD for many of these things. I just have a feeling that Christianity is moving in a direction that may be not is so good. Since I came back from the outpouring in Lakeland, Florida in 2008 I have been concerned about quite many things. I am NOT judging anyone, just giving my opinion in these matters. I got really blessed during the Lakeland Outpouring and I am looking forward to re-connect with pastor Stephen Strader and Ignited Chruch during my trip over to the USA next month.
Dont get drunk on wine, get filled by The Holy Spirit...
One thing that I have been thinking and praying about is all these people looking for manifestations and feelings instead of our Lord Jesus Christ. I call them "fire chasers" that run from revival to revival to get a buzz. To me this has nothing to do with GOD or HIS word. I see this as simple. GOD tells us in HIS word to not get drunk on wine but filled with HIS Spirit. Believe me, I have been drunk in my past and most of the time I just acted like the fool I was. GOD does not mean that we should "toke the ghost" or "drink Jesus" like some Christians seems to do. What GOD means with getting filled with The Holy Spirit is acting the opposite to being drunk. It is not about being foolish, it is about walking in the Spirit filled with GODS love and love each and another. Imagine how BAD it looks for a person outside the body of Christ when a Christian person shows up and is acting drunk and foolish. Would you want to be a Christian if you saw this? NO, you would get scared and take off and run!
"At the same time, they praised God and had the good will of all the people. Every day the Lord saved people, and they were added to the group." (Acts 2:47)
Here we read that the apostles had the good will of all the people. They were having favour with all the people. They spoke in other tongues and some people thought they had been drinking all night because of their language. They were not struggling or acting foolish. Being filled with The Holy Spirit has NOTHING to do with acting drunk or foolish. That is just crap. Being filled with The Holy Spirit is walking in the fruits of the Spirit. There are nine biblical fruits of the Spirit and the are: 1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace. 4. Longsuffering 5. Kindness 6. Goodness 7. Faithfullness 8. Gentleness 9. Self-control. Thats what I had to say about this case today! Dont let the devil get you with his stupid ideas. Sometimes I wish we Christians were as active as the devil is.
Last weekend in Pori, Finland
Last weekend I took my family with me to the city of Pori, two hours south of Vasa. I was invited by some of the local churches to preach and sing at an event outside the four walls of the church. It was an attempt to reach the youth and these brothers and sisters in Pori are doing an amazing work for the Lord. Friday and saturday night I really got to feel the news songs being sent to me from GOD. They changed the atmosphere, they really did and the best that could happen to me were those who came and told me what happened in the spiritual realm during these songs, "Thankful" and "Without You I am Alone". So cool and it is just great to know that those songs are not written by me or any man. GOD gave them to me! Thank you JESUS!
Sunday afternoon I gave my testimony and sang some more in the local methodist church. I was invited by their pastor, my brother Pasi Runonen also know as the pastor of Preacher MC. Met some of the preachers and they are also such great dudes of GOD. Love them!
The new single is ready for release
Yesterday we got the three new songs mixed and the single is scheduled to be released tomorrow wednesday october 27th. One day before I leave for Sweden and USA. I am just blessed that GOD connected me with my long time friend and brother Martin Kantola. He have done an awesome work in the studio. I do not do music for money these days so the songs are already available FREE on the internet. Listen to the new songs and read about the new release HERE!
Thursday morning I am leaving home and will be away for one month. First I will spend the weekend at the bible school for a conference in Sölvesborg, Sweden. I am excited about this.
Monday I am flying up to Stockholm for one night and I will hook up with brother Reijo Ruotsalainen from Netmission. Tuesday morning we are flying from Stockholm to Frankfurt, Germany and from there to Houston, Texas. As you might know we are going to make a documentary movie during this trip to the USA and the main focus is on what GOD can do in peoples lifes and that we ALL can be used by GOD. We will capture different persons with their life stories and how they are in GODS service today. We are in need of more funds for this project, so please pray for us. We have reached 50% of the estimated amount of money and it is like two days until I leave. I dont feel pressed or stressed, I know GOD will take good care of us. IF you feel like giving us a donation use the information down at this page for your donations.
Meetings in USA
Wednesday november 3rd I will have my first meeting in USA. This at Family Church in Houston, Texas. You´ll find the details in the calendar. There will be more ministering in Texas as well as with the homeless and among hundreds of tousands of bikers at the Lonestar Rally in Galveston.
After Texas I will visit pastor Derrick at The Way Fellowship in Kansas City for four days before I return to Florida with meetings in Lakeland, Lake Worth and some other places. More meetings to be anounced soon.
I hope and pray that you all have a blessed week!
Love you all!
Tule mukaan kahden doukmentin tekemisen seurantaan Netin kautta! Näitä pläjäyksiä tulee marraskuun alussa lähes päivittäin. Toinen dokumentti kertoo Jeesuksen muuttavasta voimasta ihmisten elämässä. Toinen kertoo ihmisen eheytymisen prosessista vaikean elämän jälkeen. Voit seurata tekemisiämme Netmission Streaming palvelun kautta. Klickaa kuvaa!
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