Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden

It all started at the toilet

1 November 2010
Dear friends,

First of all I would like to thank all of you who are standing behind me in prayer, believing in me and my ministry and making things possible. Without YOU I could never have done what I have done this past weekend. I have been here in Sölvesborg, Sweden pressing in and diving deeper in the word of GOD! I have been on a three day conference here at the distance Bible school where I am studying. Thank you all for your prayers and financial support to make this happen. I just feel this is the will of GOD in my life right now.

I have to share this story with you about HOW I found out about this Bible school and how it all started. It is a funny story but GOD has HIS own sense of humor and GOD is a good GOD! We have to remember that NOTHING bad comes from GOD!

It was this summer when I was in Gothenburg, Sweden ministering and preaching in some churches. I stayed at Betelskeppet, a ship where around 30 alcoholics and drug addicts live. Me and my son Sebastian stayed in the captains cabin on the upper deck and it was something like a luxury cabin with dark wood on the walls and had two separate rooms and a bathroom. There were windows in two directions so we could see the waters of Gothenburg and the sun deck. I think it was the first day after we had arrived when I had to go and take care of some business at the toilet. Usually I read the newspaper there but I had no newspaper this day. There were some books in the cabin and I saw this book with flames on and thought that must be a good book as it had fire on it. I sat there for I dont know how long and read this book as it really spoke to me. Not just to my flesh but to my inner man, to my spirit. Actually I sat there until the captain Jukka Mäkikangas came and said we have to leave for next meeting.

I left the book there and we did what we were there to do and on our way back to the ship I remembered the book. I wanted to read it all but I knew that I had no time to do it before we had to leave the ship. I asked brother Jukka about the book and he said that I could have it. People have been giving me books and I have many books that people have been giving me. This book is different, I got overwhelmed when he gave it to me and I remember how it had its special place in my bag.

When I came home I red the book and it really spoke to me. I remember being so thankful for that book and I wanted to know more about the person who wrote it. First I thought it was some old dude that moved home to the Lord 50 years ago or so. I never heard the name Tommy Lilja before. I started to investigate him and his ministry that I never heard about either. I found a man in his best years, a man of GOD with a ministry and a church. Let me put it this way so you understand what I found. I found something like the swedish version of Reinhard Bonnke. A minister with his heart on the right place and a passion for the lost. This is not possible if you are not humble.

I had been praying for a Bible school as well and I planned on starting studying on Morningstar in USA by their distance school for international students. For some reason this never happened even if I visited Morningstar earlier this year. I wanted a distance Bible school in Swedish. Now I found this on pastor Liljas webpage and I knew then that this is what I have been searching for. Of course I did not have the money, but because of YOU I mentioned before I now have the finances to study and get deeper in the word of GOD.

I have now studied two months and this last weekend I attended their conference with ten lessons in FAITH and three meetings with a woman of GOD, Paige Junaeus from USA. This last weekend have been so wonderful and dear friends, again I have to face the fact that tattoed and hairy rock and roll bikers does cry. I have been so thankful for everything and so touched by GOD this weekend here in Sölvesborg, Sweden that I have been crying like a child. I received really encouraging words from GOD through HIS prophets and I met new brothers and sisters that I do love with all my heart. I can easily say that this weekend changed not only my life even more, it changed me, my way of thinking and my way of living. I really want to step out of my comfort zone and live a life to serve other people. Imagine that all this started at the toilet in Gothenburg earlier this year. We can NOT understand GOD and HIS ways!

Mission America 2010

Tuesday morning we are flying from Stockholm to Frankfurt, Germany and from there to Houston, Texas. As you might know we are going to make a documentary movie during this trip to the USA and the main focus is on what GOD can do in peoples lifes and that we ALL can be used by GOD. We will capture different persons with their life stories and how they are in GODS service today. We are in need of more funds for this project, so please pray for us. We have reached 50% of the estimated amount of money and it is like two days until I leave. I dont feel pressed or stressed, I know GOD will take good care of us. IF you feel like giving us a donation use the information down at this page for your donations.

Meetings in USA

Wednesday november 3rd I will have my first meeting in USA. This at Family Church in Houston, Texas. You´ll find the details in the calendar. There will be more ministering in Texas as well as with the homeless and among hundreds of tousands of bikers at the Lonestar Rally in Galveston.
After Texas I will visit pastor Derrick at The Way Fellowship in Kansas City for four days before I return to Florida with meetings in Lakeland, Lake Worth and some other places. More meetings to be anounced soon.

I hope and pray that you all have a blessed week!

Love you all!


Aktia Savingsbank
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Account number: 497011-28558
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Följ med på min resa på svenska:

About the movie:


Tule mukaan kahden doukmentin tekemisen seurantaan Netin kautta! Näitä pläjäyksiä tulee marraskuun alussa lähes päivittäin. Toinen dokumentti kertoo Jeesuksen muuttavasta voimasta ihmisten elämässä. Toinen kertoo ihmisen eheytymisen prosessista vaikean elämän jälkeen. Voit seurata tekemisiämme Netmission Streaming palvelun kautta. Klickaa kuvaa!

Voitte olla mukana tukemassa projektia Frank Mangs Center ry:n kautta:

496310-230925 Närpes Sparbank
207218-6436 Nordea
144 38 96-4 Postgirokonto i Sverige


Pontus J. Back
On my way down I met my brother Mika who got a new cd :)
On my way down I met my brother Mika who got a new cd :)
Pontus J. Back
Pastor Tommy Lilja
Pastor Tommy Lilja
Pontus J. Back
Mens seminar
Mens seminar
Pontus J. Back
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Anja Haka
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Tobias Tahvinainen
Reijo, Tommy and Pontus
Reijo, Tommy and Pontus
Pontus J. Back
Paige Junaeus
Paige Junaeus
Tobias Tahvinainen
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Pontus J. Back
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Pontus J. Back
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Pontus J. Back
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Pontus J. Back
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Pontus J. Back
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
Folkkyrkan, Sölvesborg Sweden
This is the book!
This is the book!