Last tuesday me and Reijo arrived here in Texas, USA. Our sister Monica Sanchez picked us up at the airport and we were both tired after being up for 24 hours. The flight from Frankfurt, Germany to Houston, Texas took over 11 hours and it was probably the worst flight I ever have experienced. It was bumpy and the turbulence really made me pray out loud. Usually I watch the crew and as long as they are smiling everything is ok. Now they did not smile. They were freaking out. Anyway we came down as scheduled and our mission over here started.
On wednesday our brothers Victor and Samuel picked us up at our motel and took us to take care of some things. I had had one of my guitars laying here since last time so I needed to get a new tuning key for that one. It was not easy at all but GOD took care of it and now the guitar is in tune again and ready to be used for our Lord and Saviour.
Wednesday night I had the priviledge to hold a meeting at Family Church in Houston and it went all good. I felt that my english speaking skills could have been better but I remembered that I had not been speaking the language that much the last year. I dont really need to speak english when I am at home. I wish I could keep myself up to date with the language but anyway it is getting there now after a couple of days in this country full of possibilities. If you ever are in the area I suggest you visit Family Church. A wonderful church and I love the pastor very much. A man of God with both feet on the ground, filled with power of the Holy Spirit.
Lonestar Rally 2010
On thursday our brothers picked us up again and we headed towards the Galveston Island for the Lonestar Rally 2010. Last year was my first year at the rally and then around 350.000 bikes attended. I had never ever seen that many bikes on the same spot before. Now I knew where we came to but for Reijo it was like for a child in a candy store :)
Our brothers and sisters had already set up the booth where the Ambassadors For Jesus Christ motorcycle ministry was going to share the gospel, give away bibles, speak with and pray for people. The location this year was way better than last year, even if I miss the harbour. This place was way more busy and it was located just at the end of The Strand where all the bikes were driving thru. What an amazing opportunity to be there and tell people about Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Many seeds are sown and now we are praying for GOD to give them seeds water so they can grow.
A funny thing the other day were a man who asked us if we were from Finland. Of course he was right, we are from Finland. He had a friend whos girlfriend or something lived in Finland and when he said the name of the town I almost fell off the chair. I could never expect an American speak about the big city of Närpes in Galveston, Texas. He asked if we knew were Närpes is and I could proudly say that I am working out of there :) He called up his friend whos girlfriend lives in Närpes, Finland and had me talk to him. Of course I asked him if he knew Frank Mangs Center and of course he knew both about the place and about our the late and great Frank Mangs. He also knew about NTM and Halpa Halli. Famous places of Närpes. We are really living in a small world. You can check the conversation out HERE!
There are many Christian clubs and ministries at the rally and personally I think it is a great testimony for those who still live outside that we are so many wearing different colors. It is a shame that some of the big ones are trying to fish members from the smaller ones focusing on being biggest. Actually the numbers does not speak to me. To me the most important thing is that the heart is right and that the members are real Ambassadors For Jesus Christ (2 Cor 5:20).
We have been eating good every day and our brothers from the Ambassadors have been taking good care of us. I have made many new connections and established new relationships with people. This feels good. The new single is also already in peoples cd-players over here and I am excited to see how that go on in the future.
The documentaries
We have been filming every day and we have interwied some of the brothers and we have awesome testimonies on tape now. GOD has changen peoples lifes and everyone has a personal story about how they met GOD and how they today are used by GOD. It is such encouraging hearing all these testimonies as it is raising my faith within me. Nothing is impossible for GOD. You can check out the interview we did with brother Samuel HERE!
We will continue filming the coming days and tomorrow we will minister to the poor and the homeless in Houston, Texas. On tuesday we are going to minister at The Table in the Wilderness that is a program for alcoholics and drug addicts with a Christian base. We will keep filming more testimonies and I can already now tell you that these documentaries will be very interesting. What we do we do for the Lord.
Stay Blessed!