Usually when I write I try to keep focusing on what is good. I try to keep my eyes on GOD all the time as GOD is good and we have to remember that NOTHING bad is coming from GOD. We do NOT serve a mean GOD. GOD loves us and GOD is love. These are very important things.
The good news I have this wednesday morning is that last sunday, during the last day of the Lonestar Rally in Galveston, Texas I got to give a short testimony and sing a song during the CMA church service. It was such an honor to do that. To me this was a great way to end the rally for this year.
During sunday I started to feel that the cold I had for a couple of days came more all over me and sunday night I just stayed in bed after we arrived here in Houston, Texas. Monday I felt worse and my fever was going up and it was hard work to bring the word to the homeless under the bridge that night. I was not myself and I just could feel this flu all over me. I could never have thought that I could get this sick while being on the road. Tuesday I could not get up from bed at all and I had high fever. My brothers here who are taking care of me took me to a doctor and I got a shot for the flu.
Now two days later I am still sick but I am getting better. I have not been this sick in years and it has been really horrible to experience the Texas flu. It is not just a little cold, you are seriously ill and you need medication.
Kansas City cancellation
I am sorry to anounce that I will not attend the Wake up the dead conference in Kansas City this weekend. This due to the flu and that I need to take it easy for some days now and recover. I am sorry for this and my prayers goes out to pastor Derrick and his team in Kansas City over this weekend. I pray that all arrangements shall go good and that GOD will do mighty things during their campaign. They will do good without me, GOD is what they need and I am sure HE will touch HIS people there.
The movies
Reijo left Texas yesterday and flew back to Finland. It has been such a blessing to have him around and get to know him better. We have done most of the filmings we were scheduled to do but because of my fly we lost two days of work.
We still believe that we have enough material for the both documentaries and it has been amazing to read all the e-mails coming in from all over the world about our movie stream on Netmission, almost in real time.
Yesterday I spent some time with my brother Sterling that I met for the first time three years ago. I love my brother, he is older than me but his soul is on fire for Jesus. We had some good fellowship going on yesterday and I am such a blessed man to have all my brothers and sisters from the Ambassadors For Jesus Christ motorcycle ministry over here. You know who you are and I love you all!
Stay Blessed until next time