Dear friends,
Me and my son Sebastian have now been on the road for one week. Last wednesday we arrived to Stockholm, Sweden and we were both excited about this trip and the coming days. Immediately after the arrival we visited Radio Hope FM in the morning and I attended a live radio program where they played all the three new songs from the "Thankful" single and I got to share the wonderful things Jesus have done in my life. Rest of the day we spent together with our brother and friend and Ambassadors For Jesus Christ Sweden´s Branch Leader, Jari Niemi. During our days in Stockholm we are staying at his home and he is such a good friend and a blessing not only to us but also to the Body of Christ.
Thursday our friend and brother Lasse Lindberg had invited us to speak in Ågelsta Folkhögskola outside Stockholm. The students were listening to both the music and my testimony but the time were too short. There were so much more I had on my heart but since it was a lunch concert I only had 30 minutes time that I extended to 40 minutes. Everyone got one of my books and I am looking forward to visit this school again.
Friday we picked up Church on Wheels Europe Pastor Ulf Mannebäck from the train station in Stockholm and headed north to Storvik where sister Ester had been setting up some meetings for us. Friday night we had off and it felt good to just take it easy and rest after these days of traveling. There is no church in Storvik, Sweden and there are around 3000 people living in this small community. They all need Jesus even if they all don´t know it themselves and sister Ester have really listened to God what HE wants to do in Storvik. There used to be a church 20 years ago but now the church is owned by a mens choir. In the old church we held a meeting on Saturday night together with Pastor Ulf and it was off the hook. People came and people did not want to leave. People came to receive prayers and people got saved. I have a feeling that we were really walking in Gods plan for this small community and after the meeting we just had one word in common; VICTORY!
Another brother that I also met during my short visit in St. Klara church in Stockholm on thursday, Traktor Kenta also came up to Storvik this weekend together with his wife Marie Svensson. They are also working for The Lord and they are doing an awesome job in the Stockholm suburbs and in different prisons. At sister Esters home we had a great time with good fellowship and good food for two days, two days I always will remember.
On sunday me and Pastor Ulf had the meeting in Vallhovskyrkan in Sandviken and again it felt so good to serve The Lord together with Pastor Ulf. I feel that we have the right package to go out anywhere. Even in churches where all people are already saved we have something to share; our vision of reaching the lost and spread the fire and motivation to reach souls outside the four walls of the churches. Pastor Ulf founded the organisation Biker Church back in 2001 and he was one of the persons with the vision to print a Biker Bible for the Biker community. Since then lots of things have happened and they have printed and given away not far from 100.000 Biker Bibles. Some years ago they changed their name to Church on Wheels Europe as they also want to reach other people within the motor community. I am thankful for the relationship with former Biker Church, Church on Wheels. The new version of the Biker Bible in Swedish just came from the printers and in Swedish it is called "Hojbibeln". Soon we are together with The Ambassadors For Jesus Christ Motorcycle Ministry printing more Biker Bibles in Finnish, English, Russian and Spanish. We share the vision with Church on Wheels to spread the word of God. Last time I wrote about keeping the Gospel simple by preaching the word of God and this walks hand in hand with that as there IS power in the word of God.
The meeting in Sandviken was awesome and I also feel that it was the start of a great awakening in this area. It is such amazing to be part of planting a new church in that area of Sweden and my prayers goes out to all those who are going to serve in the area. I have a feeling that many people will get saved in the area and they all need a spiritual home. After the meeting in Sandviken we rushed back to Stockholm as Pastor Ulf had train to catch. We got there in time I we left him where we picked him up a couple of days earlier and drove out to Jaris house in Vendelsö, outside Stockholm. Another week went by and again we got to see God in action. What a blessing it is to be used by God.
This week started good! I was invited to visit the prison at Svartsjö outside Stockholm but it almost did not happen. I needed a copy of my criminal records from the police department in Finland and this was something new for me. I got the ordered and faxed to one of my good friends and brothers, Sven Rönnlund back at home in Finland. He scanned the document and had it sent to me by e-mail. I was a little bit nervous since I knew I had a criminal background of smuggling drugs into Finland in my past. When I received the document and read it I just felt that what the word of God says is exactly as The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:17 about being a new creation in Christ Jesus;
"Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17)
This also means my criminal records and my past. What an awesome GOD we have. In other words I got into the jail with another brother Mats Hedenby who have been working as a Pastor in the same prison. We first gathered with his team at Mälarökyrkan in Ekerö and prayed, then we drove out to the prison and we really had a wonderful time together with the prisoners. Every one got their books and everyone walked out happy. I was really happy as I just felt I was at the right place and even if it first looked like it didn´t were going to happen GOD took care of everything and it all went good.
We have some more days here in Stockholm, Sweden and we are still excited. Today we will visit a rehab center for alcoholics and drug addicts in Visätra. Tonight we are having a meeting in the Finnish Pentecostal Church of Stockholm, Finska Filadelfia. I don´t know how many times I have been here before but it feels good to be back. Like I have written before it feels like coming home when you return to a church you have been speaking and serving in before. My personal expectations are high. I can feel it in the air and I am excited.
Tomorrow the Stockholm Bike Exhibition, "På tvä hjul" starts and together with Church on Wheels Europe we will be there for four days giving away Bibles and speak with people. New for this year is that I will be singing my songs about Jesus in our department and all of you who have a chance to come should definitely come and visit our booth in the A hall.
I will surely get back to you next week after I return from this trip. Another wonderful trip together with The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
Love Ya´ll!
We have some great news to tell and I feel led to bring books with me to the prisons and give all the interns an own book to read and an own Bible. I feel that I should do the same in the rehabilitation homes as well as I know that the word of God has power and I know that many people have already been touched by the story of my life and about the mighty things Jesus have done in my life. By giving them one book and one Bible they will soon realize that what is written in the word of God is true and then it is over with their old life and they can receive the Apostle Pauls words in 2 Cor 5:17: "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come."
IF you want to support the prison and rehab ministry we are doing through the Ambassadors For Jesus Christ motorcycle ministry you can buy books and bibles as a gift to an intern.
Your donation can be made to The Ambassadors For Jesus Christ EUROPE
by Bank Transfer to
AKTIA 497000-15427 IBAN-FI5849700010005427 BIC-CODE: HELSFIHH.
Mark the payment prison and rehab ministry. The price for one Bible and one book is 10 euros and that includes us getting there and back. So for 10 euros you can help an intern and for 20 euros you can help two. Please at least say a prayer for all those who will get a book and a Bible that God will speak straight to their heart and soul so they can get saved and set free and be new creatures in Christ Jesus.
Even more good news!
New videos from the four years anniversary on YouTube!