Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011

More from the road

28 March 2011
Dear friends,

Now I am finally back home after another week on the road. Tuesday night I left home and headed towards Laukaa, a smaller town outside Jyväskylä in the middle part of the country. I have to admit that I was a bit nervous and during the whole drive from Vasa to Laukaa I had to sit and pray as I there were a battle in the air. First I thought it had something to do with the first meeting ever with my biological father the next day but when I checked in at my hotel room and opened my e-mail I realized that it was just the poor 'ol devil who tried to attack me by using one of my best friends and brother against me. These are things we have to battle with in our Christian lives and it really hurts when it comes from other Christians, especially those you have believed in and trusted. Well enough of that! I just wanted to share that as those kinds of things happens in Christianity and I do not want to give a false picture of the Christian life being just good all the time. The good thing is that GOD is with us and the battle is His. "For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world's rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12)

Next morning after having my ordinary cup of coffee I jumped in my car and headed to my fathers house, I mean my biological father house :) As I said earlier it was the first time I met him ever and it was the first time ever he saw me, his only child and only son. The first moment was emotional and there were tears in our eyes. I have said this before but I just have to repeat myself. When I meet my biological family I feel like I have known them forever and there is love in my heart but still my brain won't understand my heart. My father is definitely not that person I have written about in my books and I apologize before all of you and God in Heaven that I have written and spoken things that not were true. I do not know why I have been lied to but my father never saw me as a baby and he never tried to do me anything bad. This is the truth, rest is rumors and lies and I don't know where they comes from or even why. Enough of that! I had a wonderful day together with my father and his wife since 33 years. Lots of things to speak about and it feels good to know from witch three I fell 38 years ago. It feels like some empty places inside of my have been filled and I have peace. All my life since I got to know that I am adopted I have thought about this. Who am I? Where do I come from? and many other questions. Many of them will never be answered but at least I know my biological parents, my brothers, my sister and of course my grandmother. Still lots of work to find all my 19 cousins.

From my father I drove to my birth town Jyväskylä and checked in at my hotel. Took a short nap after all I had been through this day and later I went to visit my grandmother. I also met one of my cousins for the first time ever. I had only met her on Facebook recently and we have stayed in touch. It was sure a great night and we had lots to talk about. I really love my grandmother, she is such an awesome woman of God and a prayer warrior.

The following day continued with battles against both principalities and flesh and blood. Same things came up and I have to admit that I got shot. I could not believe that people won't see the truth and I can't believe that people you have trusted and loved can act the way they do. Well it went so far that I in my mind thought about staying in bed and cancel the meeting for that night but praise God for His words to me. God told me to grow up. He told me that I should know by now that there will be battles before each and every meeting and this have happened before. I just pray and wish that I could realize the fact that it is the enemy trying to distract and destroy good things coming up. I realized that the night will be awesome and I got filled with The Holy Spirit. I went to Vapaaseurakunta in Jyväskylä and the power of God fell this night and many people got touched. I got really blessed. It is not in every church they want to lay hands on me after a meeting and bless me and pray for me. This happened this night and I got so many confirmations from the Lord this night. I just want to thank all the people who came this night as this night means so much to me. Also I met lots of new brothers and sisters and some of the meetings are a beginning of something new to come. You can surely feel when God is involved and when HE has something planned for you. Thank you JESUS for this wonderful night! You are awesome!

Friday morning I went to have a cup of coffee with my grandmother and even if the battle continued this wonderful and beautiful day in march I was still overwhelmed by what GOD gave me the night before so I managed to leave it all to GOD and not get involved in what was going on behind my back. The truth will always come in the light and the truth will set people free. I am free, thats also the title of one of the songs from the new album coming in june this year. After visiting my grandmother I drove from Jyväskylä to Kuopio and during the ride I was singing the new songs from the album together with a cd of work mixes. I am excited about the new album, it will be good. I am so thankful to GOD for sending Martin Kantola my way for this project. I know that our relationship will continue after these recordings as well and I am excited to see what GOD have prepared for us. It has to be something good as GOD is always good.

When I arrived in Kuopio I visited my little brother Marko and his family in their home and spent the afternoon together with them. We had a good time and he made me some traditional finnish food, "makaroonilaatikkoa". It was good and I am proud of my brother. He is going to play on of the guitar solos on the new record. Shame we did not have time to hook up more this weekend but I am looking forward to see him soon again when he comes to Vasa together with his family later this spring.

The same night I visited a youth club at a school and I got to tell my life story to them and about what JESUS have done in my life. As always it feels good to speak to the younger people as they need to hear about drugs and alcohol, how bad it can get when you enter that road. Also I have the best news ever inside of me and I am not ashamed of speaking out the word of GOD anywhere. There is such power in the word of GOD and every time I open my mouth and speak I get so much myself. 

Saturday I took it easy as I had two meetings at Tukikohta that night and again GOD led me to pray for and with people. It felt good and GOD sent some people my way. It is such an awesome feeling to go somewhere and realize that GOD had it all set up way before I even knew these people or these places.

Sunday morning Tukikohta held a morning service in bigger facilities and me and brother Reijo Kettunen led the worship. After we worshiped our Lord for a while I got to share my testimony and speak. GOD was present and many people got touched. As usual I asked if there are any doctors so they could verify the miracles JESUS have done in my life and there were three doctors there and ALL of them said that it IS a miracle that I am alive today. These words and thoughts brings me back four years in time to when I laid at the hospital here in Vasa being completely yellow with many incurable injures on my liver, kidneys and in my central nerve system. I get grateful every single time I think about that time in my life and sometimes it is hard to keep my tears away. What have I done to deserve all the good things JESUS have done in my life? Nothing and absolutely nothing. It is all about GODS Amazing grace.

After the meeting in Kuopio me and Reijo drove to Iisalmi and held another meeting at Cityseurakunta in Iisalmi. Another good meeting and I got to lay hands on many people and the power of GOD was naturally there as GOD Himself was present. One young woman gave her life to JESUS and there were and there is a party in heaven right now. It is interesting how GOD sent this woman my way on Facebook on another persons wall a while ago in a quite hectic discussion. I just felt led to send her my book and I did. She came to the meeting and wept. GOD touched her and today she wrote and said that this is the best she ever done in her life. When JESUS moves in you can feel it. HE takes your burdens away and fills you with HIS Holy Spirit. These things are too big for our small brains to understand and therefore it is all by faith we have to receive. People who don't believe in GOD would even consider giving HIM a try as HE is real and JESUS IS ALIVE. After the meeting I cancelled my hotel room and drove back home to Vasa to my family. I arrived thankful at home around midnight and I had no problems to sleep.

This week was another wonderful week of GODS Amazing Grace and love. What would we do without GOD. Life is not easy but GOD has promised to be with us and never leave us. No matter what the situations are we can always trust in HIM. GOD is a good GOD and HE wants us good. For us as people born as sinners we just have to repent and ask JESUS to forgive our sins and save us. Thats where it all starts. Personally I do not believe in a salvation without repentance. It has to come sooner or later but the most important decision we can do during our walks here on planet earth is make up our own minds and step over the line and decide to follow Jesus. The cross before me the world behind me are lyrics from the second verse of the song I have decided to follow Jesus. This song will be featured on the new album with two bonus versions. One in swedish and one in finnish.

This week will be preparation for the future and I will continue studying. Next month is looking wild and soon we have the summer here. Remember to believe in JESUS as HE believes in YOU!

Have a blessed week!


T. Mieskonen
My father and me
My father and me
T. Mieskonen
My father and me
My father and me
Pontus J. Back
My cousin Tarja and grandmother watching pictures
My cousin Tarja and grandmother watching pictures
Eila Harju
Me together with cousin Tarja
Me together with cousin Tarja
Tarja Innanen
Me and my grandmother
Me and my grandmother
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Pontus J. Back
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Pontus J. Back
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Pontus J. Back
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Pontus J. Back
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Pontus J. Back
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Pontus J. Back
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Jyväskylän Vapaaseurakunta 24-03.2011
Pontus J. Back
My brother showing his pen.
My brother showing his pen.
Pontus J. Back
My brother and my nephew Timi
My brother and my nephew Timi
Pontus J. Back
brother Reijo Kettunen outside Tukikohta
brother Reijo Kettunen outside Tukikohta
Pontus J. Back
Tukikohta, Kuopio
Tukikohta, Kuopio
Pontus J. Back
Tukikohta, Kuopio
Tukikohta, Kuopio
The youth group
The youth group
The youth group
The youth group
The youth group
The youth group
Saturday night at Tukikohta in Kuopio
Saturday night at Tukikohta in Kuopio
Saturday night at Tukikohta in Kuopio
Saturday night at Tukikohta in Kuopio
Pontus J. Back
Saturday night at Tukikohta in Kuopio
Saturday night at Tukikohta in Kuopio
Pontus J. Back
Saturday night at Tukikohta in Kuopio
Saturday night at Tukikohta in Kuopio
Pontus J. Back
Saturday night at Tukikohta in Kuopio
Saturday night at Tukikohta in Kuopio
Morningmeeting with Tukikohta
Morningmeeting with Tukikohta
Cityseurakunta in iisalmi on sunday
Cityseurakunta in iisalmi on sunday
Cityseurakunta in iisalmi on sunday
Cityseurakunta in iisalmi on sunday
Cityseurakunta in iisalmi on sunday
Cityseurakunta in iisalmi on sunday
Cityseurakunta in iisalmi on sunday
Cityseurakunta in iisalmi on sunday