Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Jenny Kruse, Hangö
Jenny Kruse, Hangö

Be the church

23 May 2011
Dear friends,

Now I am back home for a couple of days after being deep down south, in Hangö last weekend. Again I had the privilege to have my son Sebstian with me. We had a great time. We left home last thursday and we did some stops on our way down. First we visited Frank Mangs Center, in Närpes wich is the foundation I work out of. They are re-building the old facilities and the new dining room and kitchen is soon going to be read. It all looks good and they are also building a media studio for film and music upstairs in the old shed. 

Our second stop were in Finlands smallest town, Kaskö. We visited the local church and our brother and friend, the vicar Tom Ingvesgård who took well care of us and served us food. We had some nice discussions with Tom and he is also called to be an Ambassador For Jesus Christ. I spoke to him last night and now he is so close that he is going to pick up a bike this week. Lets see if it happens this time. Tom is Tom but we love him very much. May be this write here will be a help for him to take a step in faith.

We arrived in Hangö and The Wild Viking Motel later at thursday night and I was just amazed over the changes that had taken place there since I visited them 10 years ago. The complete complex that used to be the club house for the biker club Deep South has today also a small Viking village and a motel with ten rooms and a couple of cottages. Everything was professionally built and what came to my mind first was organizing some kind of Christian event there. Normally they have parties for bikers, other parties including strip tease there but I got inspired by how good my old friends took the fact that I had given my life to the Lord and changed. I love these people even if they are a bit wild. They are like vikings BUT many vikings converted to Christianity so lets see what happens next.

I was invited to the town by brother Kalle Winberg who is another wonderful man of God filled with love. On friday I held a meeting at the local evangelical school and in the evening the president, Guy Holmström from Deep South MC took us for a wonderful tour to some really beautiful places around Hangö. That town is really something special. The sea is way bigger than here in Vasa.

Saturday I had a meeting together with Kalle Winberg at the dock in the eastern harbor next to the missionary ship Jenny Cruse. It was quite cold out to play guitar but it went well. Some people came to see what kind of people we were and some listened to the word of God from a distance. I have a good feeling after this outdoor meeting.

Sunday I preached at the local methodist church and before we left the town we hooked up with the owner of Wild Viking Motel, Bosse Grahn and agreed about having a Christian night a Wild Viking Gospel Night there in a couple of weeks. It will be tuesday june 7th at 7pm while our American brothers are here. 

I am looking forward to this and one reason why I want to have church services at different places is that we should not just live a Christian life and go to church. We should BE the church and bring the church to the people where ever they are. I think and believe that this is the way GOD wants to have it and I know that HE wants all of us Christians to be the church. Why sit on our butts in church week after week when we have been given the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead? 

We ALL should be the church and get out there with the Gospel. No matter if you have been saved for a month or for 35 years. GOD is able to use us all as long as we want to serve Him. I do not believe in churches where only a handful of people get to serve and the rest has to sit down and watch. Jesus actually called us all to be Ambassadors for Him. Therefore, stop going to church and be the church instead. This means that you shall speak to your pastor or leader and ask him or her to let you serve. If they say no, you have to wait or something else I suggest you find another church as our churches should be there to encourage each and every one to go out and preach the Gospel.

Please don't understand me wrong! I am not speaking against our congregations. It is important that we all have a spiritual home where we can grow. There is nobody on this earth that can't grow anymore and we need each other. What I am trying to say is that ALL are called to serve the Lord and may be you feel that you want to do something in your church, then tell your leaders about it. It is their job to encourage YOU to get out there and do what YOU feel GOD has called YOU to do. Our personal callings are always something between ourselves and GOD. Never let anyone take your call or your vision of you. I have a strong vision about our congregations working more and more together as well as more people, young and old are going to serve the Lord together. No one can do it on their own in a small group. When we meet at Church we are ALL attending and we are ALL bringing something to the service. Thats what the Bible says!

Now only have two more days at home before I get out on the road again. Check the calendar for further information on where and when. Our USA Ambassadors are scheduled to come this coming saturday and I pray that no ash cloud from any volcano shall come in their way.

See you out there on the roads!
Stay Blessed!


You can read more about our stay at Wild Viking Motel and Deep South MC on my Ambassadors Blog!

Pontus J. Back
Frank Mangs Center, Närpes
Frank Mangs Center, Närpes
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Frank Mangs Center, Närpes
Frank Mangs Center, Närpes
Pontus J. Back
Frank Mangs Center, Närpes
Frank Mangs Center, Närpes
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Frank Mangs Center, Närpes
Frank Mangs Center, Närpes
Pontus J. Back
Pontus J. Back
Tom Ingvesgård vicar in Kaskö
Tom Ingvesgård vicar in Kaskö
Sebastian Back
Welcome to Hangö
Welcome to Hangö
Sebastian Back
Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
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Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
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Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
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Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
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Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
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Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
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Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
Pontus J. Back
Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
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Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
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Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
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Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
Wild Viking Motel, Hangö
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Evangeliska Folkhögskolan, Hangö
Evangeliska Folkhögskolan, Hangö
Sebastian Back
Evangeliska Folkhögskolan, Hangö
Evangeliska Folkhögskolan, Hangö
Sebastian Back
Evangeliska Folkhögskolan, Hangö
Evangeliska Folkhögskolan, Hangö
Pontus J. Back
Kalle Winberg
Kalle Winberg
Pontus J. Back
Jenny Kruse, Hangö
Jenny Kruse, Hangö
Pontus J. Back
Jenny Kruse, Hangö
Jenny Kruse, Hangö
Sebastian Back
Jenny Kruse, Hangö
Jenny Kruse, Hangö
Sebastian Back
Jenny Kruse, Hangö
Jenny Kruse, Hangö
Sebastian Back
Oskar and me in Hangö
Oskar and me in Hangö
Sebastian Back
Jenny Kruse, Hangö
Jenny Kruse, Hangö
Sebastian Back
Methodist Church, Hangö
Methodist Church, Hangö
Sebastian Back
Methodist Church, Hangö
Methodist Church, Hangö
Ambassadors For Jesus Christ m/m
Wild Viking Gospel Night 7.6.2011
Wild Viking Gospel Night 7.6.2011