Dear friends,
Tuesday june 28th me and my son Sebastian got on the bike and headed south. Our first stop were in Pori where we shared the good news, the message about Jesus Christ at a confirmation youth camp. It is such a privilege and honor to be able to go to these places to encourage these young people to think about their confession when they get confirmed. All I can do is to tell about the wonderful things Jesus have done in my life and encourage them to believe in Him and in the word of God and that it is important that they mean what they confess with their hearts. I have a strong feeling that all of those youth who get confirmed don't believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Many of them are there for other reasons such as family traditions and because of that everybody else goes. I am thankful for those people who are working with these young people as it is a great opportunity to give them knowledge about God.
From Pori we drove down to Turku and took the ferry over to Stockholm, Sweden. There we hooked up with our brother Jari Niemi and we stayed with him during our visit in Stockholm. The first night we went out riding with our brothers and sisters from TYFRI MC and we had a wonderful time and a guided ride at beautiful Djurgården. Afterwards we went to see where some bikers usually race outside town but there were no action as the police were there. There had been an accident the week before when one biker died. We spoke with the police for a while and they thought it was cool that people like us, Ambassadors For Jesus Christ came and hung out.
The following day me and brother Janne Paavilainen visited the Visättra rehabilitation home for drug- and alcohol addicts and criminals. It was my third time there and it is always nice to visit them and give them a word of hope for their future. There IS hope in Christ Jesus. Amen.
As the weather forecast promised rain for the weekend we decided to get on the road on thursday night instead of friday morning so we rode down to Linköping that same night. We had an awesome time on the road with many stops before we checked in at a hotel. The following day we drove out to Bjärka-Säby outside town for the annual Church on Wheels Meet. The first night we had lots of fun and Sky Blues Band from USA were playing. It was awesome to finally meet them. We have had contact over Facebook for some time and now we met. Saturday we got heavy rain and when I say heavy I mean heavy. They say it rained 160 millimeter in three hours! I never seen so much rain ever before. I can say it was wet but God was with us and we had a wonderful time.
Next day we hooked up with our wonderful brothers from Heavens Bikers and two girls and rode our bikes up to Stockholm. We had some great stops and some good fellowship and later at night we went out for dinner with our brother Jari who hosted our last night in Stockholm. From Stockholm we drove up to Storvik where Pastor Ulf had a wedding the following day and I sang a song. It was a great honor and a privilege to be at this wedding. We decided to leave the same day, so on tuesday night we drove all the way from Storvik to Sundsvall. In Sundsvall we hooked up with Ambassadors Anja and Berth Haka and their son and as a change we ate some Kebab together. Shame it was late and we did not have so much time to spend together but the short time we had was worth every minute. I love these people and I am proud of having them on board in our motorcycle ministry.
After checkin in at the hotel in Sundsvall I was going to start my computer but I found out that it was dead. I thought it was going to be easy to fix it but the next day I found out that it was not worth fixing it. I had to buy a new computer and I am glad I did it in Sweden where they are cheaper. I am thankful for my parents, my mother and father for their support as without them I would never have been able to get a new one. From Sundsvall we drove to the middle part of Sweden, to Ånge for a meeting together with Pastor Ulf Mannebäck at the local Pentecostal Church. Not so many people came but those who came were really sent there by God. We got to share our testimonies with them and minister to them and we had an awesome time in the sunshine.
Yesterday we had a long ride again and me and Sebastian drove up to Umeå from Ånge. It took us the day to get there with our many road stops and as usual we had a great time together. Late at night we arrived at our hotel and went straight to bed. Another long day with many miles behind. God is really good!
Now I am sitting on the ferry between Umeå, Sweden and Vasa Finland together with Pastor Ulf Mannebäck and my son Sebastian. A short stop at home and I take my youngest daughter Jeannette and we are heading north, to Larsmo for Gospel Riders MOJ meet. It iwll be nice to be there and to serve the Lord together with our brothers from Gospel Riders. From there we continue to Nivala on monday and to Kaskö on wednesday. After that it is time for some quality time at home together with my family. I am such a thankful man. Without GOD nothing of this would be possible and I would never consider going back to where I come from. Not even to yesterday. I see that GOD has something in mind for each and every day and it is an adventure living for Him.
Stay Blessed! I