The last weeks I have really been thinking about Christianity and our churches and what is really going on. In some congregations as the classical church they do not believe in The Holy Spirit and they claim that healings, manifestations and deliverance is not longer happening. They state that all those happened a long time ago and that we should not focus on any kind of signs, wonders or miracles. They say that they do not happen anymore. My first reflection to these group of religious constitutions and priests are that they should definitely read the Bible more and ask Jesus to baptize them in The Holy Spirit and fire. What happened to the Bible verses that says that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. What happened to Jesus own words about that WE shall do even greater things than HE did while He walked on earth?
These same people also state that you have to be a priest to preach the gospel or a priest to hear the voice of God. These are just religious lies that have brought down our biggest churches to the bottom. It is sad to see how these priests have taken away the spirituality from our churches just because of earlier false Church Fathers and false prophets. Jesus is real and He is living today. If you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior HE lives in YOU and you are carrying the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead.
They have even went so far that they learn that our salvation is all included in the baptism of infants. This is one of the biggest lies ever in history and the child baptism is one of our worlds biggest murders. As true Christians we could never state that all people who are baptized as children will go to heaven. I might sound upset today but the truth is that all of these people who were baptized as children who don't believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in their hearts are going to end up in hell. I am not out to scare anyone but I am sick and tired of these fake Christians and priests who want to include everything in a baptism we can't even find in the Bible. Be careful with the big churches who are preaching this. Don't let the devil fool you with religion.
On the other hand there are charismatics that are looking too much on signs, wonders and miracles. They look so much at manifestations and being drunk of the Spirit that they forget to keep their eyes on Jesus. This is another trap. They might pray for people in Jesus name but do they know Jesus? I have decided to not be one of those who is sent away by Jesus upon His return because of not knowing him or Him not knowing me. I have decided to do our heavenly Fathers will for the rest of my life and it is with sadness I look at the Body of Christ today. In many charismatic churches we have so called leaders who don't care about the church members at all. All they care about is their own pride and their own life. Usually these have small groups behind them and it is these small groups who run the church. The rest of the members are just there to sit on their butts week after week. What happened to make disciples of us all? This is a serious question as Jesus Himself told His first disciples to go out in all the world and make disciples. Today it looks like Jesus would have said: Go out filled with pride and try to get people to your churches to attend your services. Do not let them receive a calling from God and try to stop them if they want to serve me. Do not let anyone else than your small group serve in the church... and so on. This is tragic and this is why we have NO people in our churches today.
Also Church leaders act strange as they do not care about their members at all. They might call you up if they think you have done something wrong but when they are needed to help, encourage and support they are far away. What can I do? The only thing I can do is to write and tell so many people about what I see and encourage people to not listen to these kind of leaders of today. The most important thing is that we are children of God and that we do what GOD wants us to do. To me it is enough to be a child of God. I have no reason calling myself lutheran, pentecostal, baptist or methodist or any other name. I am a child of God and an Ambassador for Jesus Christ and that is more than enough for me.
Of course it is important to have a Christian fellowship but if we read the Bible the church is all of us Christians together and recently I have found out that the best meetings with God is within the small groups that we have in our homes. There ARE many very good churches around and our job is to support them and pray for them to take over. We are living too much in our own bubbles of doctrines and laws. Why not take the Gospel serious and be a Christian filled with love anywhere you go. A Christian community should be filled with love, love and even more love where we encourage one another doing things we are good at. We all have both good and bad sides and by pointing fingers at our bad sides will not encourage anyone. BUT if we start to encourage one another we will soon see that these bad sides will soon be inactive. Why not start today?
Last weekend we had another conference at Frank Mangs Center in Närpes. To me the two last weekends have been such a blessing and God have showed me that we really need to be one in Christ Jesus and not look at our many different churches. I like this place because people from all the different churches comes here and can be before God they way they are without religious church traditions, doctrines or stupid laws. Only a fool can say about another Christian that I won't shake his hand or have anything spiritual to do with him because of their church. That is pure satanism. I heard about a former lutheran priest who said that he is very keen about washing his hands if he by mistake have been shaking hands with a baptist :) These kind of people should need to meet with Jesus and get delivered from their own flesh and false doctrines.
Last weekend The Holy Spirit really came down as an explosion at Frank Mangs Center and so many people got touched. People got saved, healed and delivered and I am absolutely sure that no one left the same way as they came. So many of our churches today have gone away from preaching the good news to preaching something else. What we need in our churches today is positive thinking, more love and encouragement. We do not want to listen to those who comes in every now and then speaking about how good they are and about their trips to other countries. What we need are people who are sharing what JESUS is doing encouraging all others to live in their calling and serve our Lord. We also need leaders who think about the individuals in our church, not just about themselves. Lets pray for our churches, and for our leaders. They need to find the right way to lead our churches. If we really want revival we need to encourage each other and love each other. The best testimony for those who not believe is when they can look at us and say: "Look at those Christians how much they love each other."
This week I am off and will work on my home! Working on scheduling the fall right now and many doors have opened. Check out the calendar for more details about the coming meetings, trips and schedules. Remember that GOD loves people. Believe in Jesus as HE believes in YOU!
Love you all!