For a long time I lived a life where I did not think about anything or anyone else than myself. My biggest habits were alcohol and drugs and all I did was playing rock and roll and getting drunk. My life came to an end because of my life style and at my death bed I met Jesus, who saved me, healed me and set me free. Since that day things have changed. Everything did not change at ones like a "big bang" explosion. God have been working with me hour by hour, day by day, month by month and year by year and I am not ready yet. To me it actually feels good to know that no one will be ready during life here on earth. Two things are still facts based on the word of God, The Holy Bible. IF you believe in Christ Jesus as The Messiah and your Lord and Savior you will live even if you die John 11.25). You will have eternal life and when life is over here you continue in heaven where everything is perfect. The other side is that if you chose to NOT believe in Christ Jesus and don't take the opportunity to repent and let Him take place in your heart you will go to hell. I know this is scary but I am focusing on the good news.
After I met Jesus I have had rough times but also good times. Only a fool can say that since we get saved we can not be angry, sad or frustrated anymore or that life is just a dance on roses. This is crap as we have to understand that we live in this world but since we are born again we do not longer live of this world (John 17:14-15). It is very important that we realize that we are no longer sinners because of Jesus. We sin but we are not sinners. This is one of many keys to the knowledge who you are in Christ. When we are in Christ we are seated in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). Personally I think this is heavy as part of me is sitting together with JESUS on the right side of God at His throne. Nobody that believes in Jesus will end up in hell and this has nothing to do with our own actions or mistakes. When we are in Christ we ARE forgiven and our name is written in the book of life. Even if we go through hard times with different things we can still trust that GOD is always with us! Amen!
As I lived the life I used to live I did not take care of my family or my home. The first years I worked on the relationships with my family and I am still working on them. I have to learn that everything takes time and again it has nothing to do with me. It has to do with He who is in me and His timing. Gods timing. It was also in the beginning of my walk with Jesus when God told me to clean up my home and make it in condition. Since I had not done anything on our house for the last 15 years it started to get in bad shape. It took me three years to obey the Lord and start these projects and I had a hard time finding the place where to start. After a while I started in the kitchen and immediately when I started to throw out the old stuff as refrigerators and other machines God started to bless me with sending people who GAVE us new stuff. I continued in one of our toilets and our living room and God sent me a brother who knew how to do things I could not do.
Before this I had never done anything like this with my own hands but our supernatural God opened my hands and removed my thumbs from the middle of my hands. Last summer we had our living room and kitchen in shape and I am both proud and thankful for what I have managed to do together with The Holy Spirit.
In may I started with the following project in our shower room. We had had a bad water leak for years and it was all a mess. When I started I did not know how big this project would be but I tore down wall after wall and found more mold and I continued until there were no wall at all. I removed the old floors and threw everything out. The exact same way God is working with us through The Holy Spirit. From the day HE moves in HE starts to throw out dirty and damaged stuff. I continued building up new walls and with help from friends and others we now also have a new floor. The same way we need each other so God can work on and in us. God is also using people to build us up and to teach us and encourage us. I really start to like this parable how a dirty house can get as brand new with some work.
For the last months I have been working on the house when I have not been out on the roads. Now I am starting to see that it is getting there. I can also see that in myself but I know that I will never be ready. It is the same thing with a house it will never be ready, especially when you start to work on an old house as our house. When one end is ready there is something else that need to be fixed and taken care of. Imagine how big this is that when we are in Christ GOD is taking care of us. HE can even do things that are impossible. If I had told someone that I was going to fix up my house with my own hands a couple of years ago they would have laughed at me. Today they look at what is taking place and they can not understand how things are working. I can not understand but I believe. The rest is up to God and blessed are those who believe even if they don't see (John 20:29).
I am blown away myself. I know my old me but I am day by day starting to know the new creation I am in Christ Jesus. Day by day, month by month and year by year. One day when I get to heaven EVERYTHING will be revealed for me too. It is just amazing to be a child of God!
Future times
September 10th and 11th I will be in Hyvinkää outside Helsinki and the saturday night is something we do as Ambassadors For Jesus Christ together with Gospel Riders for the local youth. Sunday 11th I will speak at the local church service. The following weekend, September 17th and 18th I will be down there again but only 10 miles away in the town of Riihimäki. Another youth event and another church service on sunday. From there I fly to Spain to serve the Lord as an Ambassador For Jesus Christ together with Gospel Riders Espana and some other biker clubs.
October is stil open. There are plans to do some meetings together with Pastor Tommy Lilja in Finland and another Life in Him event is booked in Laihia October 14th. I am very pleased about all these youth events as God has put the youth on my heart more than ever lately. End of the month I am traveling first to Sölvesborg, Sweden for a conference and to Södertälje, Sweden for a one night meeting before I jump on the plane in Stockholm and fly to Houston, Texas.
Mission America 2011
In USA we will first attend The Lonestar Rally in Galveston, Texas and this will be my fourth year at the rally. Our ministry over in USA have also set up meetings for me during my stay and me and brother Samuel Eby have decided to do what the Apostles did so we also can get what the Apostles got during a five day long road trip of Texas. They also have young people in Texas and november 11th we are doing a youth night in San Antonio and from there we continue through Fort Stockton to El Paso and a short visit to Juarez, Mexico. Meetings are getting confirmed along the road but our main mission during these days is to take the Gospel to the streets, like the Apostles did. There will also be some meetings for the homeless and for the alcoholics in Houston, Texas and under the bridges.
From Houston, Texas I fly to Milford, Ohio for one meeting before I end my Mission America 2011 trip in Florida. Dates are being confirmed and God is opening doors. IF you feel led by The Holy Spirit to be a happy giver you are more than welcome to sow into the work we do for the Kingdom. We need to print tracts and cd:s we are going to give away. We need gas and lodging and we also might need to eat on the road. Our goal is to raise 3000 euros before the end of September. Pray with us! We believe in a breakthrough during this trip and we are looking forward for everything to come.
Have a wonderful and Blessed week!