Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Holy Spirit fire and Texas Longorns

1 November 2011
Dear friends,

Right now I am sitting onboard on Continental Airlines flight 47 from Frankfurt, Germany to Houston, Texas. I got up early this morning and flew from Copenhagen, Denmark to Frankfurt. So far the trip has gone good and I am happy, blessed and highly favored.

Trip started with a financial miracle

I left home last week, wednesday and I flew from Vasa, Finland to Stockholm, Sweden early in the morning and continued my trip from Stockholm to Ronneby in southern Sweden. There my brother and friend Nils Edén picked me up and took me to my hotel room in Sölvesborg where I was going to stay for the next four nights. I had a very rough economy when I left. When I left my home I had only six euros in my pocket but God is good and already before the first flight I had 76 euros. Thats how God is working. When HE order something he also pay for it. I was still worried when I came to Sölvesborg as I had to pay for my hotel and other stuff during the next couple of days. As I had only slept for one hour the night before I took a nap during the day at the hotel. I woke up when it knocked on the door and I was barely awake when I opened the door. There stood a man I never seen before and he asked if I was Pontus J. Back. I thought for a while and answered with a yes sir, thats me. He told me he had a greeting and a package for me and gave me a small bag with a box in it and left. I went in to my room, opened the package and realized that it is true what the Bible says about God taking care of what He orders. There was a quite big amount of money and this was a raw and radical prayer answer from God. I did not know the man but the main thing is that God knows what HE is doing. Now I could take it easy over the weekend, pay for my hotels and travels and not worry about anything. 

Music and Testimony

On thursday I was booked to speak at Centrumkyrkan in Bromölla, just outside Sölvesborg. Brother Nils took me there and I did a quick sound check and hung around with the staff from the congregation for a while. I heard that they usually not have too many people coming and I felt a bit disappointed to start with. When the clock became 7PM people started to come in and after all there was a nice bunch of people, both saved and not saved people. A while ago I wrote about a "new level" or a  "new presence" in the meetings. That was when I realized that there is nothing I can do in my own strength and that I am totally depending on God if people are going to get something out of my testimony, sermons and music. Again I got to experience this awesome presence of mercy and grace. Jesus was present and sometimes it is hard to keep my own tears away when I see people in the congregation cry. There is such a raw hunger and thirst for the presence of Jesus in the body of Christ today and if we are going to get somewhere we need His presence in our meetings or where ever we are. This night was wonderful. One woman accepted Jesus Christ into her life as her Lord and Savior and many people got set free from bitterness, hate and anger. God touched all the people this night and we were very blessed when we drove back to Sölvesborg. 

Powerful Conference

On friday morning it was time for the fall conference at Folkkyrkan in Sölvesborg. The conference is part of the Bible school I am attending and this was my third visit at this church. Felt good to get there as I start to know some of the people there. I also have worked with Pastor Tommy Lilja in Finland lately and I thank God for him and our relationship. He is a man of God that I love, trust and respect. Friday we started the school and it was Evangelist Tim Storeys sister Paige Junaeus who thought us about the Holy Spirit. The teachings were awesome and we continued on saturday almost too early in the morning followed with a powerful seminar with Pastor Tommy Lilja.  

At night there was a "crusade" meeting and The Holy Spirit showed up in a powerful way. I was so happy to see some other people from Finland and my prayer is that we received something from the days at the conference as what just took place in Sweden last weekend is what we desperately need more of in Finland, the presence of Jesus. I am thankful for these days and I know I got something, lots of love and encouragement and I just love these people down there. 
On sunday they had two meetings and I played in the worship band. It was an honor for me but at the end of the second one I could not longer keep my tears away. We were many that wept under the strong presence of the love and compassion poured out from the throne room of God. So powerful and so wonderful. God showed me different people and I prayed for them. Those who I thought I should pray for just got deleted by the Spirit of truth and HE showed me exactly those who I will pray for this coming time. It is just amazing how big God is. He is so big that we can't understand it with our minds. 

After the last meeting in Sölvesborg, brother Nils took me to the railway station. It was again time to leave Sölvesborg. I will be back for the easter conference and this is something I really want to recommend for all who wants to be in an atmosphere filled with the power of God and the presence of Jesus. The train ride to Copenhagen went smooth even if I do not like trains. Very handy to arrive with a train at the airport and so handy with these airport hotels as the one where I slept last night. 

In the air

While sitting here on the plane I have been writing on and off as I have also been studying the word of God. I have been reading Romans and it just appeared to me that Paul the Apostle was something special. In Romans 9 he is writing something that reveals Christianity today for me. Are we walking in The Apostle Pauls footsteps or do we just look at ourselves? Paul was a human being but he walked in the Spirit. We have to remember that we can not be in the Spirit and in the flesh at the same time as the flesh is fighting the Spirit. Try to worship Jesus while you are angry! It wont work as your heart is somewhere else. When you walk in the Spirit as The Apostle Paul you would be ready to die for other people as you see them with the eyes of Jesus with HIS love, mercy and compassion. This is what Paul says in Romans 9:1-3: 

"I am telling the truth in Christ (I am not lying), for my conscience assures me in the Holy Spirit - I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accused - cut off from Christ - for the sake of my people, my fellow countrymen, who are Israelites. To them belong the adoption as sons, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the temple worship and the promises. To them belong the patriarchs, and for them, by human descent, came the Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever! Amen."

Could you imagine to cut off from Christ and give your salvation to another person? I am 100% sure you would not do that in the flesh. I believe that Paul is able to say this as he sees this with the eyes of Jesus. You love these other people with the heart of God and you have total compassion for them. Thats walking in the Spirit folks. What are the body of Christ doing today? I see lots of condemnation! Lots of slandering and tons of gossip. I see pride, anger and hate. Are these gifts of the spirit? No, these are so much flesh that it smells burned bacon far away. I love The Apostle Paul! In Galatians 5 he is teaching us clear enough about the fruit of the Spirit and the desires of the flesh. Galatians 5:11-26 

"Now brothers and sisters, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been removed. I wish those agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves! (Paul was also very radical) For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity to indulge your flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law can be summed up in a single commandment, namely, "You must love your neighbor as yourself." However, if you continually bite and devour one another, bewared that you are not consumed by one another. Live by the Spirit: But I say, live by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh. For the flesh has desires that are opposed to the Spirit, and the Spirit has desires that are opposed to the flesh, for these are opposition to each other, so you cannot do what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, depravity, idolatry, sorcery, hostilities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish rivalries, dissensions, factions, envying, murder, drunkenness, carousing and similar things. I am warning you, as I had warned you before; Those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there are no law. Now those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also behave in accordance with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, being jealous of one another."

Thats the truth folks. Thats what the word of God says so would it not be time for many of us Christians to crucify our flesh and start to live by the Spirit. I have been walking with the Lord only for five years but God have showed me much and I have seen much. We are like animals who are fighting each other. We do not think about those who live outside or other people. We are selfish and if someone succeed in something we get jealous. We speak bad about one another and we are sarcastic. This takes back our identity from the new creations we are in Christ to be more like to old creations we were before we died together with Jesus. I think this is worth to think about, also for our church leaders. This last weekend I visited a church with encouragement and love and I wish more churches could drop all condemnation and judgment to start encouraging the church to do good things for the Lord and if we do not do these things in the Spirit and Love it won't be worth anything (1 Cor 13). 

Arriving in Houston, Texas

I finally arrived in Houston, Texas and I have never liked the big airports. Had to stand in line for a while at the border control but did not have any problems getting into the country. Of course they asked if I am here for business and of course I answered: - Yes sir, I am! I am here for God's business. They thought I must have lots of work then and they looked at my vest and said: - We thought you were a 1%er. I gave them a couple of JESUS LOVES YOU cd:s and went downstairs to pick up my luggage. Outside I got picked up by Brother Samuel who first took me by Family Church where they had some kind of alternative Halloween party as I managed to arrive at Halloween night this time. From there we went to buy some items such as a diet Dr. Pepper. From there we took off to say hello to brother Victor and from there to brother Cele's home where I am going to stay. 
We also had time for a late dinner at a sea food place together with Brother Samule, Brother Cele and his wife. Now it is time to go to bed and tomorrow we start the missions over here. I will write at least ones a week. Keep checking back!

Love you all!


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