Two days ago I arrived at the airport in Vasa, Finland where my dad waited for me and took me home. I had been away from my family for one month and three days. It is a long time but hopefully you also get to understand and see why I am doing what I am doing. In this weeks devotional I will do my best to share my feelings about "Mission America 2011 tour". Most of it I have been written before and if you want to read it all in Swedish you can visit my Swedish travel blog by clicking here.
As you know the tour started with four busy days at The Lonestar Rally in Galveston, Texas. We got to share the good news about Jesus Christ among hundreds of thousands of bikers. We got to pray with and for people and we gave away thousands of tracts, cd:s and Bibles. These places are the places we really want to be at as Ambassadors For Jesus Christ. It is now finalized that we are going to be at The Daytona Bike Week 2012 for the first time ever. While my days in Florida last week we checked out the location and it looks like we are going to be at Destination Daytona, next to the worlds largest Harley Davidson dealership, Bruce Rossmeyer Harley Davidson.
During my days in Texas I surely got to see that we live in a dark world and it gets darker all the time. Therefore we HAVE to shine. There is only one way for us to shine and that is by filling ourselves with the glory of Jesus and walk in LOVE. There has to be an end to all judgement, condemnation and words to other people about burning in hell even if it is the truth. More and more I see how much of an idiot I was not too long ago when I tried to scare people to Jesus. I am thankful that GOD changed my direction and showed me that I can NOT be a tool for HIM if I do not walk in HIS love. HIS love is something else. People might think we need the Holy Spirit for manifestations and for getting kicks. Nope, to love one another and to love all persons around us we need the Holy Spirit.
The darkness was present when we ministered to the homeless, thats what we expected too and JESUS is the only one who can give hope and light to these people. What broke my heart was to see so much darkness among the youth of today. What have happened? It was not that way when I was young? The darkness is everywhere, we can see it in Finland and we can see it in USA. What shall we do? Yes, we shall release the light (JESUS) where ever we go as GOD is using HIS folks to set people free and save people. Imagine if all Christians did something else than visit church ones a week. What a change we would see in this world and what a change we would see if all Christians started to walk in love. We are not better than those who live on the outside, we just have the opportunity to choose to walk in the flesh or in the Spirit. Jesus came for all of us so when we meet people that look like "mission impossible" for this world we have to use God's eyes to see them as who they are; people that God loves. I fail on this myself and it makes me feel bad! I can not do anything in my own strength but with the power of The Holy Spirit anything is possible.
The 18 days in Texas was wonderful but hectic. Meeting after meeting but also I have to remember that these kind of trips are no holiday trips. I would like to thank all the Ambassadors For Jesus Christ for taking such good care of me. A special thanks goes out to my brothers Samuel Eby, Victor Flores and one of my spiritual Fathers, Cele Monreal. I really look up to him and his way to walk with Jesus. I want to get there one day myself and it is good to have people like him around us so we can learn. We all need to learn day by day!
Ohio was a very positive surprise for me. Brother Gary Cooper and his lovely family took good care of me and the meeting there was off the hook. I really hope to get back there next year for more meetings and hopefully some outreach as well. Only God knows what is going to happen. What makes me thankful is the praise reports from Ohio about how God answered prayers, simple prayers just in a couple of days. When it looks impossible for us God has a plan and all of a sudden everything we could not understand make sense. People got saved and people received hope. Thats what it is all about!
The last week in Florida was good. In Lakeland I met a brother I only met on Facebook before and we had breakfast together before I headed to Port Charlotte. His name is Skip Frye Sr and he is such a good guitar player. We had a wonderful time together and I am sure this was something that God had in HIS mind and I can not wait to see what the future will be. Hopefully we get to play together for Jesus one day.
In Port Charlotte I hooked up with brother Larry for breakfast. Breakfast is a big thing in USA and I totally buy it. It is the most important meal of the day. From Port Charlotte I drove to the east coast where I stayed for the rest of my USA trip. Had a wonderful time together with my old friend and brother Garry Nutt and two awesome meetings at All Nations Church and Kotikirkko in Lake Worth. It was the third time I visited them and GOD has something going on there. It felt fresh and it was easy to breath.
Two days ago I came home and I am happy and thankful. Another long trip is behind and what I love most of all is to see peoples lives change. My life also change day by day and I just hope Jesus will keep me on this narrow road. I have no plans on returning into the world where I used to live before.
Now it is time to take some time off. Just a couple of meetings in December and I am looking forward to spend Christmas together with my family. Next year is exciting. Many things are already hooked up and there is more to come. Next year starts off with the FIVE year anniversary party at my church and the same night we will have the official release party for the new Thankful album that is out. All are welcome! Bring a friend!
I just wish you all a wonderful month and all the blessings from the throne room of God!
Love you all!
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From January 1st 2012 we are going to introduce a new way to keep this ministry rolling. As God is opening new doors YOU can be part of this work. We are looking for monthly partners that donates 20, 50 or 100 euros per month for one year. YOU can make a change in this world by joining our future partner plan. Interested? Check out this space later or mail