It's been a while since I found time to update my website. Since I wrote last time so many things have taken place that I do not really know how I can describe this summer so far in words. I will try to do my best to take you out on a short trip with me and my son Sebastian.
Tomorrow it is two weeks since we left home. We left one day earlier due to the weather forecast and we got blessed as we got all wet the first night on our way to Frank Mangs Center in Närpes where we slept over. I also got to start working on the coming tv-show "Life in Him" together with producer Kim Påfs. From Närpes we drove on smaller roads down to the harbor in Turku where we took the cruise ship to Stockholm, Sweden. We arrived in Stockholm, Sweden early in the morning, Wednesday June 27th. We visited our brother and friend Jari in the morning and he was in way better shape than I had thought he would be. He had a motorcycle accident some weeks ago and it took place on a racing track in a curve when his speed was around 150 km/hour. He flew with the ambulance helicopter to the closest hospital where he was at the intensive care for three days.
A taste of heaven
While we are sitting at Jaris coffee table he is telling us what he experienced when all this happens. Jari is telling us that he visited "the other side" and all of you who know Jari also know that he is the kind of person that would never make up a story like this. He really experienced it and he got a taste of heaven. He described it like he was zoomed in to a place with lots of people dressed in white. He felt a sweet taste in his mouth and he felt peace and love in a way that he never had felt before. He said that he could have stayed there as it felt so good. In the very same moment when he was going to see the faces of the people, Jari returned to his body. These kind of testimonies are encouraging to hear. So many people fear death and I do understand and I do know what fear of death feels like. I carried that fear for 34 years and it was horrible. Today I also know that we actually shall fear death as long as we are unsaved and not born again. The word of God says it clearly that we need to be born again and saved to enter the Kingdom of God. Nobody really has the total vision about what it is going to be like in heaven but more and more testimonies are reached to us and personally I believe that God wants us people to share about our experiences so others could hear and realize that without Jesus in our hearts there is no heaven. Jesus is the only way to the Father and the Father is in heaven. We also hear stories of people who have been on "the other side" but on the wrong side. 99,9% of those have given their hearts to the Lord after such an experience like that as nobody wants to spend an eternity in hell when it is already done and prepared for us to repent and say yes to Jesus and follow Him to our final destination, heaven forever. Think about it! Life is short! Where would you like to spend your eternity? Where do you want to be after 10.000 years? It is a long time so why take a chance and get fooled by stuff like "I have not been a bad person so I will get to heaven"? There is NOTHING like that in the truth, Jesus IS the way, the truth and the life and ONLY through HIM we get eternal life.
From Stockholm we drove south and stopped in Nyköping where we spent one night spreading the Gospel at a custom car night. The following day we headed south towards Linköping but on the way we took a break at the zoo in Kolmården and looked at all the beautiful animals God created. It was lots of walking but it was worth it.
Church on Wheels meet 2012
On Friday, June 29th the Church on Wheels meet at Bjärka-Säby outside Linköping started. It was our fourth year we visited this rally and it is always a privilege, honor and joy to serve the Lord with Pastor Ulf Mannebäck and Church on Wheels. I am thankful that I listened to God when I entered the Christian Biker community in Sweden, five years ago. I came in and there were two organizations called "Biker Church". I asked God witch one I should co-operate with as there were no way to work with them both. God told me to follow those who does His will and I returned and saw both of them spread the Gospel and reaching people. I asked God again as they both were doing what I thought God meant as His will. He told me to go back and see who does His will and when I saw the sad thing, the fight between Christian brothers I got confused, but I saw one side shooting arrows with bad words, badmouthing and slandering the other while the other side just blessed the other side and spoke about moving forward. I decided to take a stand and start working with Pastor Mannebäck and the organization that today is called Church On Wheels. I am happy and blessed being part of this ministry today as an Ambassador For Jesus Christ.
I can also see God's plan in this as it is not only Bikers that need Jesus. Over here in Sweden and also in Finland there are so many different vehicle enthusiasts and ALL need Jesus. Without Jesus there is no heaven as I said earlier. Church on Wheels are today not only reaching Bikers but also American and Custom Car people and other motor enthusiasts. New Bibles are under work and hopefully they are ready for a new year 2013.
On this years CoW Meet I had the honor to play with Brother Jukka Mäkikangas and The Betels. We had a good time and the rally was good as usual.
More meetings
On Sunday, July 1st me and Pastor Ulf served at the local Pentecostal Church in Linköping and after that me and Sebastian took a ride in Pastor Ulf's car to Södertälje and the Finnish Pentecostal church there where we were invited to speak at their Sunday service. Love that church and their Pastor Mika Halkola. He means much to me as he was one of those who came and testified to me and prayed for me at my death bed. Halkola had also been very bad and he told me that Jesus healed him on his death bed. That gave me a small seed of faith and I know that it was what I needed to receive my healing. I am thinking about in the book of Acts chapter 14 where the Apostle Paul is in Lystra and there is a lame man from birth. Paul saw that the man had faith to be healed and Paul commanded the man to get up and walk and so happened. It is still the same way as Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.
On monday me and Sebastian had a day off and drove around checking out the beautiful roads. Tuesday night we returned to Bjärka-Säby for a motor & music night and I am getting used to sit at the most strange places singing my songs about Jesus. This time I was sitting in a bush. The following morning Pastor Ulf helped Sebastian work on his motorcycle and we took off to another custom car night in Nyköping.
Big Power Meet 2012
From Nyköping we drove to Västerås and checked in at the local Pentecostal Church where we stayed for three nights. Thursday was more preparation but friday was rock and roll. Big Power Meet is the biggest USA- & Custom Car show in the world and up to 20.000 custom vehicles comes to town and up to 90.000 visitors comes to Västerås this weekend year after year. When we got the opportunity to come here I already knew that it was going to be a rough place but the right place for us to be a light in this dark world.
We stood outside the Pentecostal Church on the strip where the cruising took place. The people from the church gave away around 1000 cups of coffee each night and we gave away Bibles to those who were interested. I sat on my chair on the sidewalk singing songs about Jesus and I do not know how many times I sung the rock version of Amazing Grace this weekend. My hands are hurting from playing guitar but I know and I already heard that people listened not only to the music but also the the message.
For me being an ex. alcoholic it was pain in my heart to see so many young people act like they did. They drove around in their cars and all they did was drink and make noise. I know, youth are youth but there need to be limits. I realized that there are two sides of the Big Power Meet, first the enthusiasts that are serious interested in custom cars and come to show them off and then the other side who comes there just to party. After all I am happy about the weekend in Västerås and we ended up speaking and singing at the Sunday service at the Pentecostal Church this morning.
One more week on the road
Right now we are in Köping, Sweden at a Biker friendly Best Western Hotel. They have a campaign for Bikers this summer and every sixth night is free and their prices are reasonable as well as the rooms are ok. From here we are heading to the west coast for a concert with The Betels at the Betelship in Gothenburg on Friday night and on Saturday we are having our last meeting on this "road trip for Jesus 2012" at a Bike Rally in Skara, called MCparkOnly. From there we are heading back home getting prepared for the next trip to the EMC Rally in Germany early next month. God is keeping us busy but I love it. I feel I am alive and I am thankful that it does not feel like work. It feels like living the life with heaven as the final destination one day. We do not know when but with Jesus in our hearts we can trust in the promises of God to spend our eternity together with Him in heaven. The best place of them all.
Love you all!
In Christ!
Frank Mangs Center are standing behind me as an organization and together we have decided that it is not wise to stand outside the open doors just because there are not enough money to walk through those doors.
Frank Mangs Center have opened up a new account for this ministry and we are now looking for people who would like to partner with us monthly. At least I would ask you all to pray for our work and for the harvest of 2012. You can read more about being a partner in finnish or swedish by clicking HERE.
YOU are invited to come and celebrate my 40 years birthday at Frank Mangs Center in Närpes, Friday August 10th. There will be food from 4PM to 6:30PM for everyone and the same night Morgan Carlsson from Sweden is preaching! No presents, gifts to the mission at Frank Mangs Center are welcomed indeed.