Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Lonestar Rally 2011
Lonestar Rally 2011

Loaded with excitement!

3 October 2012
Dear friends,

Since I returned from Africa I have had many things on my mind and I have to confess that the trip to Africa did really minister to me a lot. First of all it is a great honor and privilege to be able to serve under Pastor Tommy Lilja and PTL Ministries and I am still amazed over how God opened that door for me some years ago. There are few preachers I really trust these days, Pastor Tommy is one of them, Reinhard Bonnke another one. I mean there are many good preachers but how many of them actually live what they preach? I have had the privilege to be around Pastor Tommy for quite a while now and every time I return from a trip together with him I feel that God has restored me to the one He created me to be more and more. This world need more preachers as Pastor Tommy and Reinhard Bonnke. They have a simple message that is easy to understand and is 100% rooted in the word of God. It is so important that we have the word of God, The Holy Bible to stand on. I could never have imagined to be one of these preachers disciple and I have given God free hands to change me through my teacher and my mentor.

Another thing what I realized when I returned from Africa is that we have it way too good where we live. I can still see all the children without homes and those children who are taken care of at the orphanage. Me and my wife decided to support one child and it is just a blessing to be able to do this. For 35 euros / month you give one child a new life and a future. Not only a bed and a roof to sleep under. All funds goes straight to these children through PTL Children Aid and they are well taken care of. They get health care and they go to school. Some of them live there until they are over 20 years old, yes until they are ready for a normal life on their own, with an education and a faith rooted in the word of God. YOU can also be part of this awesome work. Check out PTL Children Aid.

Life in Him

I have mostly been working on the "Life in Him" TV programs and I have been able to learn how to edit the interviews myself. To make a program was not all that easy as I first thought but I am not giving up. Together with TV7 here in Finland we are looking forward to broadcast the first programs, starting very soon. The first five episodes are filmed during my last trip to USA. In these first shows we hear awesome testimonies from people who have had their struggles but met Jesus Christ. We have Pastors, Bikers, Tattoo Artists, Street Preachers… yes, we want to include as many different people as possible in this TV program so who ever watches these programs can identify themselves with the person sharing his or her testimony and realize that Jesus IS alive. Thats what it is all about.

Future episodes are going to be filmed during the upcoming tour of USA and it is a good compliment to be able to work with this kind of media besides the regular missionary work. All I have to do is to have a camera with me and a camera man. All these programs are also going to be stored in the TV7+ archives so who ever wants to watch them anytime can log into the site and watch the programs. Thats also why we decided to make the programs in english as that way we can reach the whole wide world.

USA dates

Yes, only a couple of weeks and I am taking off together with Brother Teemu Piippo, the European Coordinator for The Ambassadors For Jesus Christ M/M Europe. First we spend one weekend in Sölvesborg, Sweden at a conference at Pastor Tommy's church, Folkkyrkan. From there we are flying from Copenhagen to Chicago and from there to Houston, Texas. The dates in Texas are already booked and as usual I know we are going to be well taken care of, it feels like going home.

California is all new and we are starting off with a couple of days and meetings in the Palm Springs / Palm Dessert area before we head to the outskirts of San Diego for two meetings with our Brothers and Sisters from Bikers for Christ. We are ending the week in California with a visit in Los Angeles before we fly back down to Houston for two more meetings at Family Church, November 14th and 15th.

November 16th I am on my own as Brother Teemu flies home. I am looking forward to the two weeks and eight meetings in the Sun state, Florida before ending this USA tour of 2012 in Goshen and Milford, Ohio.

I am praying that this will be a good trip and that we shall reach the lost as well as produce more fantastic TV programs with the bread of life to be broadcasted worldwide. YOU can be part of this work as well and IF you specially want to sow into the USA work you can give a donation through this website. The banking details are in the right side navigation bar. God loves a happy giver.

Future times

It is with excitement I am writing today. I know the USA 2012 tour will be off the hook and I already hear that The Lonestar Rally in Galveston, Texas we are going to attend is bigger than ever. It is USA:s biggest four day rally with at least half a million of attendees. That where we want to be and share the good news. We also made a completely new CD with The Ambassadors For Jesus Christ M/M that we are going to hand out for free at the rally. Last year we handed out 1500 cd:s and now we have ordered more so even more people could listen to WHO we believe in and WHO saved our lives. You can also listen to the CD by clicking HERE!

Also excited about next year. I did not have anything in the calendar until just a while ago but now invitations are coming in and I am especially looking forward to work more with the youth in my own country, Finland. I am also thankful for new doors opening up and next year will not only be USA, Finland and Sweden. There will be meetings in Germany, Spain, Norway, Denmark, UK and hopefully I get to return to Africa as well. Two trips are planned to USA as well.

To be busy is a blessing! Before I was busy as well but without purpose. Today I have a purpose for my life and I am so thankful that Jesus showed up in the last minute to put things in the right order in my life. Jesus is first, then comes my lovely family and I love being at home together with them. It is totally different than what it was when I lived in the world. Then the ministry is on the third place and to be able to take care of all these things without any kind of stress or any kind of trouble that I used to have before is another miracle. Something only God can take care of.

Love You All!
In Christ!


Frank Mangs Center are standing behind me as an organization and together we have decided that it is not wise to stand outside the open doors just because there are not enough money to walk through those doors. 

Frank Mangs Center have opened up a new account for this ministry and we are now looking for people who would like to partner with us monthly. At least I would ask you all to pray for our work and for the harvest of 2012. You can read more about being a partner in finnish or swedish by clicking HERE.
Lonestar Rally 2011
Lonestar Rally 2011
Lonestar Rally 2011
Lonestar Rally 2011
Lonestar Rally 2011
Lonestar Rally 2011
Lonestar Rally 2011
Lonestar Rally 2011
Bikers in USA earlier this year.
Bikers in USA earlier this year.
Of course I will hang out with Brother Garry and Brother Dogman as usual. Wonderful brothers
Of course I will hang out with Brother Garry and Brother Dogman as usual. Wonderful brothers
Brother Rob is one of the Brothers I am going to hook up with this tour.
Brother Rob is one of the Brothers I am going to hook up with this tour.
Pastor Z is another one of the Brothers I am going to hook up with this tour.
Pastor Z is another one of the Brothers I am going to hook up with this tour.
Looking forward to work with these guys at Common Ground Vineyard Church in Fort Pierce as well :)
Looking forward to work with these guys at Common Ground Vineyard Church in Fort Pierce as well :)
Brother Lilwolf is one of the guests in the first five episodes of "Life in Him".
Brother Lilwolf is one of the guests in the first five episodes of "Life in Him".
Street Preacher Smokey is one of the guests in the first five episodes of "Life in Him".
Street Preacher Smokey is one of the guests in the first five episodes of "Life in Him".
Mighty Mike, is one of the guests in the first five episodes of "Life in Him".
Mighty Mike, is one of the guests in the first five episodes of "Life in Him".
Pastor Buddy Tipton is one of the guests in the first five episodes of "Life in Him".
Pastor Buddy Tipton is one of the guests in the first five episodes of "Life in Him".
Pastor Todd is one of the guests in the first five episodes of "Life in Him".
Pastor Todd is one of the guests in the first five episodes of "Life in Him".
The cover for the new free cd
The cover for the new free cd
Meeting at Folkkyrkan in Sölvesborg
Meeting at Folkkyrkan in Sölvesborg