Now I have been at home for a couple of days after being in Sweden for two weeks together with my son, Sebastian. Thinking back about the days in Sweden fills my heart with good highlights. Somethings we shall keep in our heart and somethings we shall let go. There are two different ways to look back; a good way and a negative way. The good way is to think back at things where God have been involved and the good times. The negative way to look back is to look back at our mistakes, our failures and especially when we try to dig in the ditch for our old sins. I have good news for you folks! There is no reason at all to look back at your done sins. IF you have repented and asked the Lord to forgive you they are washed away. They are not only forgiven witch is a big thing but the word of God says that they are washed away. This is amazing. So when we have repented but still look back at our old sin we are actually doing wrong. The only place where the sin is not washed away is in our own mind and memory. We shall start to look forward and not back and we shall live in that faith that cleanses our mind and gives us the mind of Jesus Christ so we also can see ourselves as loved children of God. This is when we can see other people with God's eyes as well.
"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the Christ, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus." Acts 3:19
Västerås and Tärnsjö
Now I am going to look back at the time in Sweden. Me and Sebastian took off January 16th in the morning and late at night we checked in at the Pentecostal Church in Västerås where we slept for one night. The following day we prepared for the meeting at that same church as well as had lunch with a Brother in Christ. As usual I did not know what to expect that night but now when I am thinking back it feels good. There were many people who came and I shared my testimony as well as delivered a message from the word of God together with some of my songs. As I usually do I ask if there are any doctors or nurses in the crowd and if there are I have them to come up and tell what they think about the condition I were in back in February 2007 when I laid on my deathbed. So far I have not met one who have said that it is not a miracle that I am alive. In Västerås I had one doctor and two nurses who verified the healing in my body. I do this so nobody shall doubt or think I am up there telling stories. It IS a miracle that I am alive today. Only Jesus can do such things and that I am totally healed and well today makes me even more thankful.
Another thing that was different this night was that I really felt I got something during the week in London at Reinhard Bonnke's school of evangelism. I had two words of knowledge that two people responded to and the way I received the words of knowledge were totally new to me so basically that blew my mind away. I have never seen body parts within me before and if it is God's will for me to have this gift I do not mind at all. This also means that I might start to lay more hands on people in the future but I want to be sure and ask God about it first as all I do is to live in my calling and not do anything that is outside my calling because that is not what God wants. Still I believe that laying hands on and pray for people is something every Christian person should do. I believe this year is going to be totally different than other years, at least I know it will be very busy.
After the meeting at the Pentecostal Church in Västerås I got to visit their youth who had their meeting downstairs and it is always wonderful to see the house of God filled with youth on a Friday night. To encourage them to walk with Jesus is one of the best things I know as the youth are the next generation, coming very soon and we need to love them and encourage them to live in the miraculous, like Jesus did when He walked the earth.
From Västerås we continued to a small community, Tärnsjö in the middle part of Sweden. Betel Church had invited me a long time ago and I felt honored to be there. When I arrived I felt unity and harmony and I could tell that they had been doing an awesome work for the two meetings we had there. Saturday night the church was packed and again I had the privilege to give my testimony and deliver the word of God. This night I also had a nurse help me out with verifying the miracles in my life.
Following day it was time for Sunday church and they were gathered from two different churches. I was first preaching out of the Gospel of John and about unity in the body of Christ as well as the powerful encouraging words about that we shall do even greater things than Jesus. It was an awesome time and again another nurse came to my help. It gives a totally different power to the testimony to have a professional standing next to me telling the congregation about that without Jesus showing up that night back in February 2007 I would be dead. I am looking forward to return to Tärnsjö together with Pastor Ulf Mannebäck this coming summer. Then we are going to do an outdoor event with our motorcycles, my music and most important of all, we are going to preach the Gospel. This will be Sunday, July 28th and the day before we are going to have another outdoor event in Borlänge together with Brother Sören Samuelsson from Palm Springs, California.
A week in Stockholm
Last week we were in Stockholm all week and we are thankful for our Brother Jari Niemi who opened up his home for us so we had a place to stay. We had two days off and on wednesday I visited a rehabilitation center for criminals on their way out to a new life. It was my fourth time at this place and even if these meetings are not big with lots of people it feels important every single time. These are people that are longing for a new life and there are no better news than the message about Jesus Christ and a new life in Him to deliver to these people together with my testimony. I pray and hope that these people will find the way, the truth and the life; JESUS.
Thursday was the first day at the Stockholm Bike Show 2013 and we were there for four days. For four days we were there together with some of our Swedish Ambassadors For Jesus Christ at the Church on Wheels booth. Several other ministries and clubs were also involved in the outreach and we had a great time. This was also the fourth time I was at the Bike Show in Sweden. The third year I performed in the booth with my music and testimony. The good thing with playing soft live music at a place like this is that people stop up and listen. Thats when the others can minister to them and hand them a Bible. Church on Wheels has given out close to 100 000 Bibles within the last years and many people have returned to us and told us about how they received Christ through the word of God and especially through the personal life stories and testimonies that are included in the small pocket Bibles. As we don't force the Bibles on the people we did not find one single copy laying on the floor or in the trash. We just are there to answer questions and to talk and everyone who takes a Bible does his or her own decision to pick up one from the stand. It was four days of hard work but it was worth it. I enjoyed every second even if it was hard at times. Jesus did never say that what we do shall be easy but He promised to always be with us and that is all that matters. Without the presence of Jesus we can do nothing.
Biker Church at Finska Filadelfia
On Saturday night The Ambassadors For Jesus Christ m/m together with Church on Wheels and Finska Filadelfia organized a night with the good news, music, fellowship and food. During the three first days of the exhibition we invited people to come and we had a packed church. I gave my testimony and I had help of another nurse. She was so touched that she bursted out in tears. Me and Pastor Ulf delivered the message together sitting on two chairs talking about Jesus. At the end of the night we gave an opportunity to repent and turn over to God and we had a few people get saved that night. Those few hands made all the work worth it and more. One single soul is worth so much for our Lord and that is what it's all about, souls being saved. Yes, Jesus IS the same yesterday, today and forever and I totally stand in agreement with Reinhard Bonnke and his statement to plunder hell and populate heaven!
We also did a video blog from our journey in Sweden and you can watch it on YouTube. There are also two full meetings, one from Tärnsjö and one from Finska Filadelfia in Stockholm. Check out the Video Blog from Sweden HERE!
Coming times
February will be mostly around the home base and I will be working on some future Life in Him TV episodes as well as do some local meetings. March kicks off with a three week trip to Florida and Texas. I am going to be sharing at Ignited Church in Lakeland, FL March 6th and at Fountain of Life Church in Okeechobee, FL March 10th. After that follows a week of outreach at Daytona Bike Week 2013 and I am honored to be able to go there and serve together with Calvary Christian Riders, Overbey Music Ministries, Bikers For Christ and Heaven's Saints Motorcycle Ministry and of course with the Ambassadors For Jesus Christ. Friday March 16th I will play with the Full Throttle Band at The Rock Church in Port Orange and Saturday I will be at Broken Chains Biker Church at Calvary Christian Center and there are some really special guest going to show up that night, the machine gun preacher and Pastor Flathead Tom Iddings are two of them to name a few.
April it is time for UK and a week of ministry together with my brothers from CMA England. Meetings, outreach and prisons. The last day we have three meetings booked and I can't wait to get back to the UK. Later in April and early May it is time for Germany and some major Bike Events. The summer will be busy with three different trips to Sweden and in September it is time for Canada and Michigan. This year is going to be something different. Busy, lots of traveling and I hope and pray that I will be able to bring my family on the road with me as well. What we do, we do for Jesus and He takes care of the rest.
God Bless you all!
In Christ!
Frank Mangs Center are standing behind me as an organization and together we have decided that it is not wise to stand outside the open doors just because there are not enough money to walk through those doors.
Frank Mangs Center have opened up a new account for this ministry and we are now looking for people who would like to partner with us monthly. At least I would ask you all to pray for our work and for the harvest of 2012. You can read more about being a partner in finnish or swedish by clicking HERE.
NOW ALSO IN USA! Now you also have the opportunity to PARTNER with us in USA! If you would like to do a monthly donation it can be done to our CHASE account: 151691250 Routing #: 267084131 Swift: CHASUS33 mark your donation Mission America!