Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

CMA clubhouse
CMA clubhouse

It is harvest time

5 April 2013
Dear friends,

God has kept me busy since I came home from USA. Five days after coming home it was time to get out on the road again. This time together with my son, Sebastian. We went to Turku, Finland for two nights during the ongoing "Mahdollisuus Muutokseen" (chance to change) campaign. It was a privilege to be part of this massive outreach campaign that goes from town to town and the fruit of the campaign is seen in all churches where the campaign moves forward. In the Turku area around 60 churches and ministries were involved and that is just a sign and confirmation about that God is bringing unity to the body of Christ.

Awesome start in England

Again I did not stay too long at home. We came home on Friday and Monday morning I flew from Vasa, Finland to Manchester, UK. Right now I am in my hotel room in Bolton, outside Manchester and I am blown away by the three days we have served the Lord here. I could feel something different already before I left Finland. I felt that I was going to step into something that was already prepared and I could feel that the team I am working with over here had been praying and preparing the way for the days. 

It was a little bit of excitement in the air when I arrived as the terminal at the Manchester Airport was evacuated due to a "suspect package". Brother John who picked me up could not get to his car so he decided to call another Brother to come and pick me up and take me to my hotel. I have been taken care of very well and I honor these Brothers and Sisters I am working with over here and I love them with all my heart.

I was right! Tuesday we started to serve the Lord and we started with a Bible Study at Bikers Church in Rixton followed by a wonderful lunch with the church people. From there we went to Stoke on Trent for the first prison for this trip. It was the Werrington Youth Offenders Prison and I have to say that the prisons here in the UK are different than the ones in Finland and Sweden, way different. Following day we entered the second Altcourse Jail in Liverpool and that is a high security prison. The same night I spoke at a Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship dinner in Warrington and when we first came there I could tell that everyone was not pleased with the way I was dressed. Things changed when I told the people who came about what Jesus has done in my life and it ended up being a wonderful night when four people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Thursday we visited the Thorn Cross Prison in Appleton and to my surprise the Prison Chaplain was Irish-Canadian. What a man of God and I could see that he was a man on the right place. His passion for the prisoners was like Jesus own passion for the lost, I saw Jesus in his eyes and in his way to treat the people we met on our way from the prison gate to the chapel. I want more of what this man of God has and I will receive it. We had an awesome afternoon in the prison and later the same night I spoke and sang at a CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association) meeting in Widnes. So far this trip has been way more than what I ever could have expected it to be. Everywhere we have been, people have received Christ into their lives. We have seen people get saved every day and this is something that I am experiencing for the first time in my life. It feels good to step into a time of harvest after being out planting seeds for a long time. I believe we all need to see this happen in our lives as that is when we know that every singe seed we have planted is important.

The team here, Brother John, Colin and Rob has been taking such good care of me. I feel that I am in something that does not belong to me and I keep asking God why He picked me for this mission. Why me God? Why me? I remembered that I one day, around six years ago said: - Lord, here I am! Use me for your glory Lord. Those simple words said in Jesus name in a prayer are dangerous as when you mean it God will take you serious. I am having a good time right now and to see people get saved on a daily basis is something that encourages me and gives me strength to move forward. The mission here is not over yet, we have three more days and six more meetings and events. Again it has nothing to do with me so the mission here will continue after I leave next Monday and that is when the real work starts for the team here; to start training and making those who have been saved to disciples. 

Right now there are no words that can be translated to my thoughts, all I can say is that God is good and God is love. He is on a move and time is short. As I asked the prisoners these last couple of days I now ask you the same question: - Are you ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ? Are you absolutely sure that your name is written in the book of life so you have eternal life and a place in heaven when you die? Tomorrow is not promised. Yesterday is gone and today is a gift but we know nothing about tomorrow. God wants us to acknowledge in our hearts that we are saved and born again. All it takes is to believe in our Lord, Jesus Christ and ask him to forgive you for your sins and ask Him into your life. God does not want nice words, He wants an open heart.

God Bless you all!

Sebastian Back
Mahdollisuus Muutokseen, Kaarina
Mahdollisuus Muutokseen, Kaarina
Sebastian Back
Mahdollisuus Muutokseen, Kaarina
Mahdollisuus Muutokseen, Kaarina
First night in England
First night in England
Pontus J. Back
Werrington Youth Offenders Jail, Stoke On Trent, UK
Werrington Youth Offenders Jail, Stoke On Trent, UK
Pontus J. Back
Altcourse Jail, Liverpool, UK
Altcourse Jail, Liverpool, UK
John Rowley
Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship, Warrington, UK
Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship, Warrington, UK
John Rowley
Me with Prison Chaplain Shawn
Me with Prison Chaplain Shawn
Mike Davies
CMA clubhouse
CMA clubhouse
David Beesley
CMA clubhouse
CMA clubhouse
David Beesley
CMA clubhouse
CMA clubhouse
David Beesley
CMA clubhouse
CMA clubhouse
David Beesley
CMA clubhouse
CMA clubhouse
David Beesley
CMA clubhouse
CMA clubhouse
David Beesley
CMA clubhouse
CMA clubhouse