Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885


We are also men of the same nature as you!

22 April 2013
Dear friends,

Last time I wrote we had just started our first tour of the United Kingdom. As I wrote then it was harvest time in the beginning and it just increased over the coming days. We had two wonderful meetings Friday and Saturday night at Billinge Family Church and Middlewich Community Church. Sunday we started with a meeting at Fanworth Christian Fellowship in Widnes. From there we had to leave as this wonderful Sunday included three meetings in one day. Afterwards I received reports from the church that people got saved and relationships were restored, in other words; God showed up and touched the people. From Widnes we drove to Manchester and held a service at Forrest Bank Maximum Security Jail. It was hard to get in but easy to get out. We had a fantastic time in the prison again and we saw people getting saved. This Sunday afternoon 18 people came up to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and my spirit can testify that every decision was from the heart with true repentance. After a short nap at Brother Colin's house we ended the UK tour at Bikers Church in Rixton. The last meeting was a packed church and the presence of God was tangible. I was tired, very tired but blessed. At all churches I had nurses or doctors come up to verify the miracles in my life and they all stated; it is a miracle that I am alive. That makes me very thankful!

UK was a big surprise for me. Not only that I was so well taken care of but that people were really hungry for God. I had my own thoughts about Christianity and UK before this trip. I had painted up a picture of a very old fashioned and religious country but I have to say that it was totally different. God is definitely doing something in England and I feel that the people were more hungry there than here in Finland and Sweden. We saw around 50 people get saved during six days and that just makes me think about what it would be like if we all Christians did what we are supposed to do and led one person to Christ per week. That would be a huge difference! People say they are not good enough to be used by God but that is a lie. It does not have anything to do with how good or how bad you are. It all has to do with if you are willing. If God can use me, He can use anyone.

A couple of days ago I was reading the book of acts and I studied Acts 14 over and over again. This chapter has been on my mind and it really ministered to me in different ways, every time I read it. Paul, the apostle was on tour and he was preaching in Lystra when there was a man who had been paralyzed since birth. Paul saw that this man had faith and commanded him to stand up and walk. What happened? Yes, the man started to walk and all the people saw this and they thought the God's had been coming down to them so they started to bring offers and sacrifices to Paul and his team. This is when Paul is saying something really simple but heavy. Paul says: - Whats wrong with you guys! We are just people like you guys! So in other words this means that we as Christians are carrying the same power, the same authority and the same anointing that Paul the Apostle was carrying. I think we all should received this and realize that we all are humans and we all are on the same line. Some people say that God does not have any favorites. I would rather say that God only has favorites and that we all are His favorites. Imagine that YOU are God's favorite at the same time I am God's favorite. Look at God as your Father and think about how much He loves you. Take a step out in faith and start to believe and signs will follow you (Mark 16:17).

"At Lystra a man was sitting who had no strength in his feet, lame from his mother’s womb, who had never walked. This man was listening to Paul as he spoke, who, when he had fixed his gaze on him and had seen that he had faith to be made well, said with a loud voice, “Stand upright on your feet.” And he leaped up and began to walk. When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they raised their voice, saying in the Lycaonian language, “The gods have become like men and have come down to us.”  And they began calling Barnabas, Zeus, and Paul,  Hermes, because he was the chief speaker. The priest of Zeus, whose temple was just outside the city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates, andwanted to offer sacrifice with the crowds. But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of it, they tore their robes and rushed out into the crowd, crying out and saying, “Men, why are you doing these things? We are also men of the same nature as you, and preach the gospel to you that you should turn from these vain things to a living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that is in them." (Acts 14:8-15)

We are going to continue the work in the UK and I am already looking forward to the next tour, in September this year and then we are expanding the dates with also visiting some schools and colleges.

Back in Finland

After the days in England it was nice to get back home. Since I came home I have tried to take it as easy as possible since I managed to get a nice cold, flu or what ever that made me stay in bed for a couple of days. Saturday, April 13th I visited a cafe in Oravais that is run by the church. I got to speak about a very interesting theme and the theme of the night was: "Are you religious?" Of course my answer was no and I surprised myself with what came out of my mouth that night. 

Last weekend we attended the Ostrobothnia Exhibition here in Vasa for the sixth year in a row. We were there representing Ambassadors For Jesus Christ M/M and Church on Wheels as well as our church Kvevlax Missionskyrka. During two long days we managed to give away a couple of hundreds of Bibles to those who really wanted to have one. We are not forcing ourselves on people or stand there and stick the word of God in everyones hand. We have decided to be wise and wait until they come and see us as then they make their own decision to grab a free bible from the table and I should say that is an attempt to draw closer to God. The word of God says that when we draw closer to God, He will draw closer to us (James 4:8). We did not only give away Bibles, we had some fantastic talks with people who really wanted to know more. We did not see salvations or miracles right there but I know that seeds were planted and that The Holy Spirit will water them. I have seen it happen so many times before when you sow a seed and later on you hear about someone else who have been harvesting. This is what God's Kingdom business is all about; teamwork and I have to remind you of John 17 again where Jesus is praying for ALL the believers to be ONE. We do our part and God does His. We can not do His part but we surely can report ourselves for service and do our part and be a light in this dark world.

The summer is soon here and in the midst of all other things we are working on making a trike out of my Harley Davidson. I am looking forward to get it out on the road when I return from Germany!

Germany coming up

This coming Friday it is time to get out on the road again and this time the flight goes to Germany where I am going to travel around for 10 days together with Brother Markus and Lion of Judah M/M. We are going to be at bike rallies, biker events as well as in club houses and churches. It will be another busy trip but I am looking forward to get out and serve the Lord.

Love you all!

PJB Ministries 2013
Billinge Family Church
Billinge Family Church
PJB Ministries 2013
Billinge Family Church
Billinge Family Church
PJB Ministries 2013
Billinge Family Church
Billinge Family Church
PJB Ministries 2013
Rob, me and John. Parts of the team. Billinge Family Church
Rob, me and John. Parts of the team. Billinge Family Church
PJB Ministries 2013
Middlewich Community Church
Middlewich Community Church
PJB Ministries 2013
Middlewich Community Church
Middlewich Community Church
PJB Ministries 2013
Fanworth Christian Fellowship
Fanworth Christian Fellowship
PJB Ministries 2013
Fanworth Christian Fellowship
Fanworth Christian Fellowship
PJB Ministries 2013
Bikers Church, Rixton
Bikers Church, Rixton
PJB Ministries 2013
Bikers Church, Rixton
Bikers Church, Rixton
PJB Ministries 2013
Leaving England
Leaving England
PJB Ministries 2013
The trike project
The trike project
PJB Ministries 2013
The trike project
The trike project
PJB Ministries 2013
Our booth at the Exhibition
Our booth at the Exhibition
PJB Ministries 2013
Brother Boris and me at the Exhibition
Brother Boris and me at the Exhibition
PJB Ministries 2013
Brother David and me at the Exhibition
Brother David and me at the Exhibition
PJB Ministries 2013
Cousin Ann-Katrin and me at the Exhibition
Cousin Ann-Katrin and me at the Exhibition
PJB Ministries 2013
Our table  at the Exhibition
Our table at the Exhibition
PJB Ministries 2013
German flyer
German flyer