Dear Friends,
It feels like the summer is here and this morning I woke up in my own bed. After I came back from Germany I only had a short break at home before me and my son, Sebastian jumped on our bikes and took our first road trip this year. We took the ferry from Vasa over to Umeå in Sweden and from there we started our journey south, towards Stockholm. Due to the cold weather we stayed one night a bit north of Härnösand and due to some technical issues on my bike we took it in for service in Sundsvall the following day and spent one night in Söderhamn. On Friday we arrived in Stockholm, tired but prepared for service. On our way down we ran into people here and there and it is amazing to see how God puts people in your way who needs to hear the truth about Jesus Christ. I do not know what we christians have done as there are so many people out there who are literally blown away when they see us riding our motorcycles and being christians. A very common question is: - Can you ride a bike and look like that and be a christian?
My answer is always the same: -Yes, you can be a christian and look like this and ride a motorcycle. I usually go further and tell them that it is for them too and that Jesus loves them very much. It does not matter where we stop or where we take a break, there is always someone to talk to and The Holy Spirit leads the discussions into passionate discussions about Jesus and a new life together with Him. Looking back at my life today makes me laugh. What if someone had told me 15 years ago that I was going to travel around the world preaching the word of God and telling people about how I screwed up my life and about how Jesus took over and did the impossible. I would most likely have told them that they are crazy and that they need to see a doctor.
Biker Church in Stockholm
In Stockholm we stayed at Brother Jari Niemis house and on Saturday morning it was time to get back on the bikes and together with Jari drive to Rålambhovsparken at Kungsholmen in central Stockholm. There we hooked up with bikers from other christian clubs and ministries as well as other bikers who came for the Biker Church Service this cloudy morning. The band Hero were playing really good Christian hard rock in a great tempo and I did my thing sitting down with my acoustic guitar. It is good with contrast. I played two new songs, one of the songs "Never Alone" was given to me by The Holy Spirit a week ago and it is a message to those who are in hard situations at the moment. We are never alone, He is always with us. We might go through things for a reason but only for a season. After darkness there will always be light, especially if you take the masters hand and walk with Him. There is no situation He can't help you out of. Remember you have to allow Him to help you and it might cost you a price; you have to surrender all to Jesus but I promise you that you will never regret your decision.
Both Biker Church and Church on Wheels were represented and Church on Wheels Pastor Ulf Mannebäck gave a touching testimony about his life and how important it is that we let God love us. A message filled with the love of God can never go wrong, it goes straight into the hearts of people. There were also other bands and musicians playing and Heaven's Bikers had a BBQ stand where the served hamburgers and coffee. A wonderful morning in a green area in the middle of Stockholm with lots of wonderful Brothers and Sisters.
Jesusmanifest 2013
In the afternoon around 60 bikes rode together into the heart of Stockholm and we drove before a parade with 8000 christians marching for Jesus. We ended up at the Jesus manifestation in Kungsträdgården in Stockholm. This is a yearly event that draw close to 15 000 people to listen to the name of Jesus being proclaimed. It was wonderful to see so many christians together without any gossiping and slandering about how good we are compared how good they are compared to how bad those are. I could feel unity all over the place and this big event is surely part of Jesus own prayer for all believers in John 17:20-24 that we shall be one, the same way as Jesus and the Father are one. In the beginning at the service all the Bikers walked up to the stage with a big cross and raised it up and bowed knees under the cross. This was the second time I visited this event and I hope to do it again next year, God willing. First time we visited the Jesus manifestation in Stockholm was back in 2009 and it was also the first trip me and my son did together, ever. Then he was sitting behind me on my bike, now he drove his own bike.
Biker Church in Tierp
The following day Ambassador Brother, Lasse Lindberg picked us up and we took his car to a small community called Tierp, between Uppsala and Gävle. We attended a Biker Church at the church of Tierp and the atmosphere was something I did not expect. I felt love, peace and freedom in the church. It was our Swedish Biker Priest, Mikael Bedrup who was preaching and he did a really good job. Now I got to see it with my own eyes what he has been talking about. I have to confess that I have had some negative thoughts about the church of Sweden but after being at this church last Sunday I have new hope for the Lutheran churches in Finland and Sweden. There IS a movement of the Holy Spirit going on and we know that the Holy Spirit ALWAYS points at Jesus. This church was definitely Jesus centered and they used the free gift both in power and faith: The Holy Spirit.
From Tierp we drove back to Stockholm, packed our stuff at Brother Jaris house and took the over night ferry to Turku. From there we drove up back home to Vasa and we arrived safe at home yesterday in the afternoon. Another trip is over and it sure was a blast! GOD IS GOOD! You can check us out day by day on the trip on our Life in Him
Ambassador news
After the service there were time for fellowship and BBQ before the bikers took off for a ride. The Ambassadors visited the Ringefors family for a meeting regarding the future and a new board was selected. I will remain director for Ambassadors For Jesus Christ Europe but Finland and Sweden are both under Ambassadors For Jesus Christ Scandinavia right now and there is a complete new board of directors. It was time for me to pass on the mantle. My personal ministry is also taking more and more time and I can not do everything. I am proud of the Ambassadors For Jesus Christ motorcycle ministry and all our members and I know this was the right decision to do. There is so much more to do and right now I am working on scheduling the rest of this year. It is almost fully booked and I thank God for this coming summer that will be a summer together with my family. I will only do a couple of short trips in June, rest is family time.
A busy future
From end of July to the end of the year it is rock and roll. Another trip to Sweden on the bikes. The last weekend of July we have an outreach in a park in Borlänge, Sweden together with Sören Samuelsson and CMA Palm Springs, followed with another outreach in Tärnsjö. On both events I will be playing with my favorite band, The Betels featuring Captain Jukka Mäkikangas from Gothenburg, Sweden. The following weekend (the first week of August) we are at a conference (LP) in Halmstad and on Saturday night (August 3rd), we are playing at Betelskeppet in Gothenburg.
End of August, one day after our 20 years anniversary I am flying to Michigan, USA to do some meetings together with the Ambassadors For Jesus Christ branch up there as well as some meetings together with Heaven's Saint's MM in both Canada and USA. I do not have all dates yet but we are going to be in Michigan, Ohio and for the first time ever, also in Canada. I am excited about this. Another trip to England is scheduled to the two last weeks of September and there are some other stuff coming up as well in October before it is time for Mission America 2013 that starts end of October and ends early December. In other words, this year is getting pretty booked but again; I enjoy life and I love doing what I am doing today. I do not see it as a job or as work, I see it as me living life again.
Partner with us
During the trips I am also filming more episodes of the Life in Him TV show. We have now broadcasted 14 episodes and all the episodes are also in the
archives and can be spread all over the world, where ever there is an internet connection. We already have another 25 programs to broadcast but we are going to focus on getting more as we are planning on broadcasting in other countries in the future as well. Basically we are not getting anything for our TV programs, it is something we do to share the love of God all over the world and it all cost lots of money. Also traveling and evangelizing takes funds and too often we realize that we do not have the funds to walk through the open doors. Please take a moment to read the red text below and may be YOU can become one of our monthly partners. We have some wonderful partners already that have been there since the beginning six years ago but since God is bringing this work to another level the expenses are also brought up to another level. This means that we are in an urgent need of more partners and imagine that YOU can be part of reaching souls for Jesus world wide. Kingdom business is teamwork and I ask you to pray about how YOU can help us spread the word of God and reach people also in the future.
God Bless you all!
The purpose of PJB ministries is to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ by taking the message of salvation to all peoples of the world. PJB Ministries is taking the Gospel about Jesus Christ to the needy people. PJB Ministries works with the outcast, the people who are nothing worth in the eyes of the world but precious in the eyes of God!
In addition, the ministry seeks to actively inspire and equip the body of Christ for evangelism through meetings at churches, conferences and through the Life in Him world wide TV program with true life stories and testimonies!
Frank Mangs Center who is a big part of our work have opened up a new account for this ministry and we are now looking for people who would like to partner with us monthly. At least I would ask you all to pray for our work and for the harvest of 2012. You can read more about being a partner in finnish or swedish by clicking HERE.
You can also do a direct donation to PJB-Ministries by bank transfer with the following information:
Aktia Savingsbank,Palosaarentie 88, 65200 Vasa, Finland
Account number: 497011-28558
IBAN: FI8949701120008558 / BIC- / SWIFT: HELSFIHH
CHASE account: 151691250 / Routing #: 267084131 / Swift: CHASUS33
To walk through these open doors we need YOUR help! First of all we would like to ask you to pray for our missions that we really will get to sow the seeds but also that we will see a harvest.
To walk through these open doors we also need funds and by partnering with us YOU can be part of the work we do for the Kingdom of God. We are now entering into a new year. Last year was successful and I had the honor and privilege to do 133 different meetings / attendances in seven different countries. I have high expectations for 2013 but we need your help. Together we can make a difference!
Me and Sebastian on our way to Stockholm.
Road stop in Sundsvall.
Jari Niemi
Sebastian and Jari in Rålambhovsparken
Jari Niemi
Biker Church in Rälambhovsparken
Jari Niemi
Biker Church in Rälambhovsparken
Jari Niemi
Biker Church in Rälambhovsparken
Biker Church in Rälambhovsparken
Hero Live at Biker Church in Rälambhovsparken
Biker Church in Rälambhovsparken
Biker Church in Rälambhovsparken
Biker Church in Rälambhovsparken
Bikers in Stockholm
Bikers in Stockholm
Jesusmanifestationen, Stockholm Sweden 18.5.2013
Jari Niemi
Jesusmanifestationen, Stockholm Sweden 18.5.2013
Jesusmanifestationen, Stockholm Sweden 18.5.2013
Jesusmanifestationen, Stockholm Sweden 18.5.2013
Jesusmanifestationen, Stockholm Sweden 18.5.2013
Jesusmanifestationen, Stockholm Sweden 18.5.2013
Biker Church in Tierp, Sweden
Biker Church in Tierp, Sweden
Biker Church in Tierp, Sweden
Biker Church in Tierp, Sweden
Jesus is the rock
Frank Mangs Center 19.7