Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Shooting the Thankful video
Shooting the Thankful video

We are fishers of men!

14 July 2013
Dear friends,

Since I wrote last time many things have been taking place. I have been blessed and been able to spend more time at home together with my family, more than earlier summers. I also did a trip to Sölvesborg, Sweden where I worked for Pastor Tommy Lilja and PTL Ministries and I thank God for our unique relationship. I learn many things, not only theory but also in the practical real being around Pastor Tommy and the good thing is that I can use everything I learn in the ministry to reach souls for Jesus. Soul reaching is what God has put in my heart and I will continue doing what I am doing.

While I've been home I have been out fishing with my son, Sebastian. One night we realized that we need a boat to catch more fish. We prayed for a boat and next morning I woke up with the idea to visit one of the boat shops in town and ask them if they have an old boat they can give me for free. I decided to do so as I used to work at this place when I was a teenager. I went there and asked for a free boat and I got a free boat. It was not the fanciest boat and it was definitely not ready for the sea but within less than one week we had it restored and floating. Had a great time fixing the boat and while I was doing work with my hands I had many good conversations with Jesus. He revealed many things to me, the restoration also pictured how we also need restoration and we have to remember to start in the right end, you can't paint on old paint and you need to remove all rotten parts first. It is here we need the local church and fellowship with other Christians.

The importance of the local church

Some Christians say they don't want to go to church. Going to church is like going to the kitchen and eat food, if you do not eat you die! It is the very same way with our spiritual food. We might look at Christian TV and other things on social media but it is still not the same as going to church! What we all need is the presence of Jesus and of course the presence is totally different when you are together with other brothers and sisters before Jesus!

There was a time when I felt that "I had to go to church". I tried to blame the statement on the church and others but listen; the issue was within myself! I was not hungry enough and during that period of my life I went backwards.

I had to get down on my knees again and ask my Pastor for forgiveness and ask if I could come back and of course I could. He said; welcome home! Since then I have not felt that feeling that "I have to go to church" I have had another feeling; "I WANT TO GO TO CHURCH" or "I GET TO GO TO CHURCH"!

Before YOU judge the church or any leader, any church member, take a look in the mirror and ask The Holy Spirit if there is something in YOU that says "I have to go to church" or "I don't want to go to church". I am absolutely sure that you are going to be surprised as I can already now tell you that there is NO perfect church where everything is just "hallelujah". Iron sharpens iron and we need each other. Alone we can not really do anything and the most dangerous matter is that you don't grow and you walk backwards. Soon you have lost what you once had!

I am THANKFUL for my church, for my leaders and my brothers and sisters! Do I get along with everyone? Answer: NO! Where is the problem? Answer: Most likely it is in me!

IF this ministers to you and you feel; this is me! Get down on your knees before GOD and let HIM deal with it and you will see a change and you will start to hunger for more church! Jesus Himself is still praying that we would be one. (John 17:21-24)

It is NEVER too late to run back to the cross, back to church! We ALL need leaders and leaders needs us! Also the work we are doing is ALWAYS together with a local church. I would never go anywhere to evangelize without the work being rooted to the local church as I will be gone after the meeting, campaign or what so ever and those who might have been born again and saved need to get further into the Kingdom and get discipled to disciples. That is the order and it is very important with a leadership.

Family trip

Earlier this week me, my wife and two of my daughters did a "family trip" to Laukaa and Jyväskylä, where I was born, August 14th 1972. We stayed three days and we met my biological father, his family as well as my grand mother. We had a good time together and it feels good in my heart to reconcile with my roots. My head does not yet get it all but I trust my heart and follow that.

New Thankful video

During this period of time we also shoot the last shoots for the new Thankful video. It was Brother Tommy Merikangas from Seinäjoki who did the production and more or less I only did what he told me to do. I am very happy with the result and especially thankful for getting this first music video done. Check it out HERE!

Coming weeks

Next week will be busy again but I am sure I will have time for some late night fishing as well. Friday night Nina Åström is having a concert at Frank Mangs Center in Närpes and the same night Gospel Riders are visiting. They are out on their 7XSF tour, preaching the Gospel all over the country. The following day we continue with Gospel Riders visiting Kvevlax in the morning between 9 and 10 am. After that we are having free sausages and coffee, live music, bikes and US cars. This all will take place outside the SALE supermarket in Kvevlax and all churches in the area are involved.

The week after that me and Sebastian are getting out on the road again and for two weeks we are going to ride thru Sweden and preach the good news about Jesus Christ. More dates in the calendar. Please check the three videos below. One a teaching about fishing, the thankful video and my latest live greeting to all of you.

Love you all! 
Stay Blessed!

The purpose of PJB ministries is to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ by taking the message of salvation to all peoples of the world. PJB Ministries is taking the Gospel about Jesus Christ to the needy people. PJB Ministries works with the outcast, the people who are nothing worth in the eyes of the world but precious in the eyes of God!

In addition, the ministry seeks to actively inspire and equip the body of Christ for evangelism through meetings at churches, conferences and through the Life in Him world wide TV program with true life stories and testimonies!

Frank Mangs Center who is a big part of our work have opened up a new account for this ministry and we are now looking for people who would like to partner with us monthly. At least I would ask you all to pray for our work and for the harvest of 2012. You can read more about being a partner in finnish or swedish by clicking HERE.

You can also do a direct donation to PJB-Ministries by bank transfer with the following information:

Aktia Savingsbank,Palosaarentie 88, 65200 Vasa, Finland 
Account number: 497011-28558 
IBAN: FI8949701120008558 / BIC- / SWIFT: HELSFIHH

To walk through these open doors we need YOUR help! First of all we would like to ask you to pray for our missions that we really will get to sow the seeds but also that we will see a harvest.

To walk through these open doors we also need funds and by partnering with us YOU can be part of the work we do for the Kingdom of God. We are now entering into a new year. Last year was successful and I had the honor and privilege to do 133 different meetings / attendances in seven different countries. I have high expectations for 2013 but we need your help. Together we can make a difference!
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
The restoration of a boat
Out fishing
Out fishing
Out fishing
Out fishing
Out fishing
Out fishing
Out fishing
Out fishing
Shooting the Thankful video
Shooting the Thankful video
Shooting the Thankful video
Shooting the Thankful video