Today I am writing from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I have been here for five days now and tomorrow afternoon I will be back in Finland. I have been here together with my mentor, friend and brother, Pastor Tommy Lilja and his PTL Ministries Ethiopia team. The purpose for this trip was a four day PTL mega crusade in south Addis Ababa. Immediately the first night Jesus showed up and people got saved, delivered and healed. One example: a man who have not been able to walk for three years but after Pastor Tommy prayed for the sick, this man started to walk and like the lame man at the gate beautiful he started to jump and dance and give praise to the Lord.
Usually when I come to these crusades with Pastor Tommy something happens. Last time I could not get in the movie camera into the country and I spent one day at the airport trying to get it up and it ended with that we had to come up with lots of money to get the camera back. The same trip on our way to a leader seminar we were attacked by muslims. This time was when I checked in at my hotel room the night I arrived. I could smell ammoniac in the room but I thought they had cleaned the room with some powerful stuff. I was ready to go to bed, actually I was already in bed when I decided to get up and put my soft drinks in the refrigerator. I opened the fridge and immediately I felt like I was going to pass out. I could not breathe and it was sticking in my face and eyes. I managed to jump out of the room and call upon someone who works at that hotel. I did not know what happened or what it was. I just knew that I felt like I was passing out and my nose and eyes were running. When the staff from the hotel went into the room they could not go in as the smell of ammoniac was so thick. It was the refrigerator leaking ammoniac (some fridges works with ammoniac to keep them silent. They called the doctors who came and saw me in my new room, they washed my eyes several times and gave me some medicine and told me I was lucky that I did not go to sleep in that room. I do not even want to think about what had happened if I had not decided to open that refrigerator. God was looking after me!
The second night at the crusade was even more powerful. One of the testimonies were a woman who had not been able to stand up, lay down or walk properly for the last 7 years. She was healed and of course she was dancing as well. The Africans are a wonderful dancing people. They have the music and the rhythm in the blood. This night at least thousand children came to Christ and Pastor Tommy laid hands on each and every one of them. This was to me a very heart touching time. Jesus, Himself said; Let the children come to me, do not stop them. So many wonderful children received Christ and only Christ can change their direction, their destiny, their future...
The third night was something else. Even Pastor Tommy said that he never have seen so many manifestations and deliverances in Ethiopia before. The presence of the Holy Spirit was so strong so all darkness had to leave. People were casted to the ground, manifesting while Jesus was setting them free. It is not only adults that are carrying evil spirits and demons, they are in children too and they carried a little girl to the platform who was manifesting and after Pastor Tommy laid hands on her she got peace and it was with a smile on her face she looked Pastor Tommy in his eyes when he lifted her up and thanked God for her deliverance. The night ended with joy, so much joy. The tens of thousands of people were all jumping and dancing and I have never seen anything like this. When we drove back to the hotel, there were people everywhere still sining and dancing and all were filled with the Holy Spirit.
Sunday was the last day on the crusade and I went to the crusade ground before Pastor Tommy to do some filming and some preparations. The worship team were singing and there were people everywhere. The joy was still on the ground and people were just off the hook. People were even dancing in the trees. This night Pastor Tommy had a very serious message that we all should consider thinking about. Where are we going to spend eternity? When we are in hell it is already too late. Pastor Tommy made a point that you are not going to hell because you sin. The Bible says that we all have sinned. We go to hell if we does not accept God's rescue plan for us, salvation in Christ Jesus and it is only by grace we can accept Jesus into our lives and ask Him to forgive us for all our sins and make our decision to follow Him. Thousands of people came to Jesus and thousands were baptized in the Holy Spirit. One powerful testimony about healing was a woman who had been healed. Her husband had been on the crusade the day before and when Pastor Tommy prayed for the sick he called her on his mobile phone. He had faith and she had faith. She touched the phone and received healing over the phone. As Pastor Tommy said; there are NO distances for the Spirit of Jesus. The night ended with something that might look like chaos with people jumping, dancing and rejoicing but I believe that is just a foretaste of what it is going to be like in heaven.
I will not be able to be at home that long. I will be home only for three days. On Saturday I fly to Florida to be at Daytona Bike Week 2014 for one week. There we are going to minister to the hundreds of thousands of Bikers coming to the area for Bike Week. I will be working with Music For The Soul Ministries who have a stage with christian live music every day from 1PM until there are no people left. For two days I will be singing at the International speedway track with the Heaven's Saints Motorcycle Ministry and I am happy that some of our Ambassadors from Houston, Texas are coming as well. David Ekfors, one of our Ambassadors from Finland is flying with me this year again. Sunday 16th I will return to Fountain of Life Church in Okeechobee, my home church in USA. Looking forward to see what God is going to do this time.
During Bike Week and the week after we are also going to work on new episodes for LIFE IN HIM as well as for the new series of TV programs; ON THE ROAD (with Pontus J. Back). On The Road will be broadcasted on Alfa TV soon that is a new secular TV channel in Finland. It is a great opportunity to share testimonies over TV. The good thing is that these programs and these life stories and testimonies from people that have experienced Jesus can be seen all over the world where there is internet. This work has been an important part of PJB Ministries but it is also taking lots of time. I have no staff and I am doing my best to do everything myself as filming, editing, producing.... it is not easy but with help from Jesus it is possible. Also this is a work that is in an urgent need of funds to be able to do more new episodes. So far we have 40 episodes of Life in Him and to be honest I am not only proud, I am also surprised that we have managed to do so many programs since the first broadcast in December 2012.
You see, I write a lot about "we". You who know me know that I am traveling alone for the most time but with "we" I am talking about YOU and ME together with JESUS. Together WE can do a change! Together WE can reach the lost! Together WE can do anything as long as we have Jesus in the center and believe in Him. YOU can be a blessing by supporting our ministry. Right now we are in an urgent need before the USA trip and we only have a week time to receive our funds. IF you feel led by God to be part of this work you are more than welcome to give. God loves a happy giver. Most important is that you pray for us while we are out there as well as for our families at home. This trip I was lucky, I felt led to put my drinks in the fridge and I know it was because of the protection of the blood of Jesus and that the Holy Spirit guided me to open the door to the fridge. If I had not opened the door I would have slept there and most likely slept in forever. I am extra thankful today, not only for that I am alive but also for being able to travel with Pastor Tommy who is the best teacher I can have (besides The Holy Spirit).
God Bless You All!