Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Africa in my heart

9 September 2014
Dear Friends, Brothers and Sisters,

At the moment I am sitting at the airport in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, waiting on my next flight to Stockholm, Sweden. From there I am taking one more flight home to Vasa. I am on my way home from another crusade trip with Pastor Tommy Lilja and PTL Ministries.

For four nights we have had a large crowd of people coming to the crusade meetings and every night people have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, the greatest miracle of them all. More have been baptized in the Holy Spirit and what have ministered most to my heart are all people, including small children who have been delivered from evil spirits and demons. You might say; - Pontus, are you crazy? There are no evil spirits or demons!

Well, it is a spiritual reality we live in and where we have been there are lots of witchcraft that opens the door to these spirits from the dark side. I was the same way myself many years ago when people talked about demons. I thought they were crazy. What I can rely on today is what I have seen with my own eyes and I have seen it over and over again. The good thing is that JESUS has given us the power to heal the sick, cast out demons and most important of all; preach the Gospel.

At first it looked very dramatic to me when I saw someone manifesting because of evil spirits and demons but when I then saw what Jesus did in these people it made me rejoice. Would you like to have a demon living inside of you? I know your answer is no! Their job is just to destroy but Jesus wants to set us free and therefore He has the power over all other things, in the world and in the spiritual realm.

After this trip I feel really motivated to take up this subject since I now also see how important it is that these people in Africa is being delivered from the evil spirits and demons. It makes these trips even more important and valuable as we are talking about peoples lives.

We have also witnessed many healings. One woman had an object in her stomach that was removed. A young girl who could not hear or talk started to hear and responded when talking to her. A woman with TBC felt she was healed and went to the doctor who could tell her that a miracle had happened. I could go on and on and on about what Jesus has done, but as I said earlier the greatest miracle of them all is salvation and forgiveness.

Sunday morning I preached at Christian Love Church in Mzuzu, Malawi where we were located and it was a packed church. Church in Africa is not like church at home. There are more noice and more joy. There are no spotlights, no big speaker systems and nothing fancy. There are people coming together to worship Jesus and when these people sing I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in a very unique way.

These people live in circumstances we never could imagine to live in. Still they are happy and thankful. They might have nothing but when they have Jesus they have everything and they actually have faith that moves mountains as faith is the most valuable they have in their lives. We are so focused on all that goes on around us and on worldly things and we have so much that too many of us think that we do not need God. Well, that is the biggest lie in history. We all need God as without Him in our heart we are going towards a horrible eternity. Why take that chance when Jesus did it all and gave us a free gift; forgiveness, salvation and eternal life.

The eyes of my heart has opened more for the African people and I hope that I manage to finish a song I started to write on the plane from Lilongwe here to Addis Ababa today, called; Africa in my heart. I really wish there was a little "african" living in my heart so I could have the joy these wonderful people have.

I will be home for 11 days and then it is time to return for another tour of Germany. Something has changed in my life. Before when I toured in the world I always said never again. If I am making it home in one piece I will never go on the road again. Today it is different. Even if I am tired and exhausted I am looking forward to the new adventures and missions God has prepared for me together with all kinds of people. I have a feeling that Germany is opening up in a way now that there will be more focus on Germany next year as well.

Also Mission America 2014 is coming up from November 1st to December 9th. It will be a long time to be away from home but there are places I need to visit and work I need to do. Actually I do not consider what I do as "work", it is more like "living my new life in Jesus".

As many of you probably have read I am no longer at staff at Frank Mangs Center but I will continue to work with them. This means bigger financial challenges and I am putting up a fundraising page to raise funds for Mission America 2014 as well as the new album that is being recorded. This is not something I do alone, this is something I wish we stand in together, so please pray for me and our ministry as well as our finances that we will have enough funds to go through those doors that God has opened. Click HERE to get to the fundraising page

God Bless You All!
