Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

JESUS is the reason for the season!

23 December 2014
Dear Friends,

Now it is Christmas time and let us remember the reason for this season. We celebrate and remember the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. A time that might be a difficult time for some people while some people are spending quality time with their loved ones. Let us remember all those who are alone, those who are suffering from drug- & alcohol abuse and all those children who are in a home where the alcohol is flowing this season because their parents find an excuse to drink more. Lets pray for protection for these children.

For me personally this time of the year is hard. I remember all those years when my children's father was drunk during Christmas and did not spend the time with them as he should have. The good news is that I know that I am forgiven and I have also managed to forgive myself after all. All because of Jesus Christ. This will be the 8th sober Christmas for me and I can not thank Jesus enough for delivering me from my 22 year long alcohol abuse that almost took my life 8 years ago. The old is gone and something new has come, I AM a new creation in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17) and today I have a purpose for my life; to be the best possible father and husband and do what Jesus told me to do when he appeared at my deathbed.

151 dates in 2014

I do not remember exactly how many dates we ministered around the world the year before or how many days we were in His service. Actually it does not matter as my heart wants to serve Him daily. It does not matter where I am but something happens inside of me when I start to talk about Jesus and this is something that happens much more while I am abroad than here at home in Finland. Why? I do not have the answer to that but I think it is a "cultural" thing and Finland is known for being a melancholy nation. Also people receive me in a totally different way in other countries. Again why? I do not have the answer.

The year 2014 is coming to its end and I am looking back at the year that soon is gone. I have had the privilege to travel as an evangelist in Finland, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Malawi, Zambia, Ethiopia and USA. I tried to count the "booked" dates in my calendar and came to 151 dates or events and that is more than ever and my heart is rejoicing for every open door and opportunity to share the Gospel or being part of an evangelistic event. I am not into numbers or statistics of how many people we have seen being saved as it is Jesus who saves and He knows.I thank God for the year 2014 and I pray that those seeds that have been planted shall be watered and lead to a harvest.

We have also produced more episodes of the Life in Him TV show that we have been broadcasting on TV7+ in Finland and HeavenTV7 in Sweden. Since we started in 2012, only a couple of years ago we have documented a total of 80 personal life stories and testimonies. Check them out at

New challenges in 2015

This year I also did a decision to leave my part time job I had at Frank Mangs Center, where I had been on staff since 2008. I just felt the time was right as more doors are opening and I want to be obedient to God and reach those who He sends my way. This means that I had to take a step in faith and also believe that God would provide for me and my family as I had a small steady monthly income that I do not longer have. God has been faithful and we have survived. Praise God!


Next year is already being filled with dates and we are continuing to do the work for the Kingdom of God. Some major changes are going to happen from early next year and that is that I am going to pass the mantle as a leader of the Ambassadors For Jesus Christ motorcycle ministry forward. I will still be the European founder and a member. During the last two years I have realized that there are so many Christian motorcycle clubs and ministries out there but there is hardly nobody reaching the hot rod-, racing-, custom- & classic car community so therefore we have founded Ambassadors For Jesus Christ Hot Rod and Racing Team. Our mission is the same to be out where the people are and use our vehicles as keys to discussions and we do talk about Jesus where ever we go.

We are also doing changes in the Life in Him TV productions and in February 2015 we are going to launch a NEW YouTube channel where we are going to publish all episodes in english as well as the video blogs from our adventures. This means that all the personal testimonies we document can more easier be shared world wide through social media and people can watch these fantastic and encouraging life stories about what Jesus has done in peoples lives. We will continue our work together with TV7+ and HeavenTV7 Sweden as before but our goal is to reach more souls.

PJB Ministries Europe will also have a new board of directors from next year and personally I will not be handling too much administrative things as I want to focus on preaching the Gospel to a lost world as well as spend quality time with my family while I am home. When you do around 150 dates a year there is also a price you have to pay. I am away from my family over half of the year and while being on the road I do get very homesick.

This year my prayer is that I would be able to bring my family members on the road more than before. My four children can be a great help while we are out there as well as they will be able to serve Jesus on a different level. I still believe in the prophetic word we received some years ago that we are going to serve the Lord as a family in the future and we already do. For example my wife is as much involved in our ministry as I am as she blesses me and allows me to do what I am doing. When I am away and she is at home she is doing God's work taking care of our home as well as lifting me up in her prayers.

Become a monthly partner in 2015

As you understand funds are needed when you work for the Kingdom of God and Kingdom work also stands for "teamwork" as we are actually one church as there is only one body of Christ. I am honored to be where I am today and my heart is for reaching souls.


This coming year we already have taken some big steps in faith and we are looking for monthly partners who would donate any amount monthly so we can continue and bring the good news to people world wide. Welcome to partner with us. IF you want to partner with us, please let us know by e-mail that you will partner for 12 months and how much you want to sow into this work by sending an e-mail to

With these words we would like to thank you for this year and wish you a
Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year 2015. Together we can make a difference.

Pontus J. Back & Co.