Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

The front window of the aircraft
The front window of the aircraft

Fear of the unknown

11 May 2015
Dear Friends,

I hope you all are well. I have to say that I am well and blessed. I feel very positive about the future and the things to come. Me and my son Sebastian returned from Germany a week ago Monday and this last week we have been taking it easy and mostly worked on our new ministry car, a 1973 Buick Century Luxus STW. I did probably write about it before but we decided to do a change in our ministry and changed the Harley Davidson to an old American vehicle. There are already so many christian bikers out there but not many who are attending the car events. This has been on my heart for some years but I never really knew if it was God talking to me or it was my own flesh. God confirmed it by sending Ove "Tommy Tiger" Björk into our lives last summer as a fresh wind. Together we started the Ambassadors For Jesus Christ Hot Rod & Racing Team and our vision was to bring the Gospel to the car scene. Sadly "Tommy Tiger" is no longer with us after he lost the battle to cancer, February 4th this year. This makes it even more important for us to continue this vision and make our dream come through. We have had some great moments while we have been working on the car. The hardest part has been that there has been so many questions and things I would have liked to talk to Tommy about and sometimes I have even thought that I need to call him. It feels like he still is with us. One thing is for sure. He has his own special place in our heart.s We hope to get the car ready for traffic by the end of this week.

Fear of the unknown

I had the privilege to spend some time with Tommy during his last days in life. We could tell that only a miracle could save his life and we did never give up. The powerful thing that did not only minister to me, but to all his friends who visited him was that he had no fear. Many people who do not believe in God visited him and for a person who does not know the Lord, death is something unknown. Tommy could look at everyone and say:

- I am not afraid! I know where I am going and I know with who.

I can relate to this as in my past there were one reason why I drank and used drugs; to numb the fear of death. Today I know that the moment I die I will still live and I will be with Jesus forever. That is one of His many promises to His children.

Some people say that christians should not fear. They base it out of the scripture "There is no fear in the Kingdom of God" or it actually says "there is no fear in love" (1 John 4:19). Still we are human and we can be scared. These are two different things. I hear preachers and christians tell stories about how the can not be scared. I even heard people claim that even if their plane is about to crash they do not fear, they just remain calm. Why tell others such things? I only see one reason for this and it is that these people do not have anything else to do than raise them up as something they are not. Most likely they get scared in certain occasions in their lives. At least I do and it is normal and it is human. I would like to call it fear of the unknown when you fear something you do not know.

On our way to Germany we had an incident on the flight from Vasa to Helsinki. The plane took off and the seat belt sign came off. They started to prepare for the service when it felt like the pilot shut down the engines. We started to fly really slow and we did not go up any further. The captain told the cabin crew to immediately stop the service and we did not know what was happening. I have to admit that I was scared during the time we did not know what was going on with that plane as never ever has anything like that happened. What shall you do in a situation like that? To me it was easy, I was scared so I started to pray and it sure helped. In any situation we have the possibility to call on Jesus name. The captain finally told us passengers that they had a crack in the front window and for safety reasons they were going to continue the flight on a lower altitude on a low speed. When we knew what was going on the fear also was gone. Again I got to experience the fear of the unknown but it all ended good and we landed on scheduled time. It was just a little bit bumpy in the air as we flew so low. When we walked out of the plane we saw the window and to me it looked more than a little crack. The first layer of three layers of glass was totally shattered.

Wonderful times in Germany

We landed the same day in Munich, Germany where our brother Markus Haemmer picked us up and took us to Kemmern where we stayed in an apartment for the week we were there. Our first event was at Kingz MC's clubhouse in Bayreuth and I played some music. I shared the message about the songs and we got to pray with some people. There were a couple of young men who really came to my heart and I believe God did something wonderful in their hearts that night.

The following morning, May 1st was an early morning. We drove to Nurnberg for the 1:st of May biker parade where I for the third year in a row sat on a tractor trailer playing music and talking about Jesus. The weather was a little bit cold and it had been raining but it was another of those times when you just thought that it is such crazy to sit there amongst thousands of bikers singing about the blood of Jesus.

The same night we had a meeting at a small church in Erlangen and it was another great night in the presence of the Lord. You can watch the entire meeting here.

On Saturday night I visited FeG Church in Bamberg for the third time and this time I spoke about a new topic; family restoration and restoration in relationships. I have to admit that I did not know what to say or where to start but again I got to see how the Holy Spirit put words in my mouth and the people who came received the message very well. You can watch the entire meeting here.

Sunday was our last event and it was together with Ride On in Nurnberg. We played with some other musicians at a packed restaurant and I shared my life story and spoke about Jesus. When we were done we all had something to eat and we got to witness one more miracle before it was time for us to leave, when one man gave his life to the Lord. To pray with someone and see when someone gives their life to Jesus is what it is all about. It is such encouraging and it gives you so much inspiration that you just want to go on and on and see more people get saved. It is nothing that I can create in my own strength. It is all a work of the Holy Spirit. We had a successful trip to Germany and the best thing of all was that 95% of the people we reached out to during this time were those who don't yet believe. This is what I want to do; reach the lost. There are already too many who entertain the already saved and "preach to the choir". I want to be out there where the people are.

Back to Germany

Now we are home until May 25th when we are returning to Germany. Before that I am going to do two meetings with our own Finnish guitar virtuous Jukka Tolonen. We are going to be in the church of Palosaari in Vasa, Thursday, May 21st and in the church of Ilmajoki, Friday May 22nd. I am sure these meetings will be interesting and draw many unbelievers. Jukka Tolonen will also play piano on one of the songs on my new album. We are also going to work a little bit in the studio before we leave for Germany.

In Germany we are going to spend two weeks in former East Germany and that is a huge missions field. We have been there before and we are really excited about what God is going to do. The people there are open and in need of God. You can see that it is not too long ago when it still was a poor country before the wall between east and west came down in 1989. You still see houses that are left from world war II and you can feel oppression in the atmosphere at many places.

While we are there we are doing outreach as well as prisons and some churches. We are currently in a need of around 2500 € to fulfill this trip so we kindly ask you to pray for our needs to come through. Usually when there is a struggle in the finances before the trip something good is about to take place. I want to trust in the Lord that He is our provide and that He will speak to peoples hearts to help us reach the lost in former East Germany during our three week tour there. We are scheduled to be back home for midsummer.

Right now we have two fundraisers going on and YOU can be part of the work we do. I completely believe that this is something we do TOGETHER and when you partner with us YOU are part of brining people to Jesus as that is our main mission. God has equipped us with gifts and tools we use and all we need is the funds to get out there to use these gifts and tools. I say as my dear friend, brother and mentor Pastor Tommy Lilja use to say; He died for us and we live for Him. Check out the videos below and do not hesitate to contact us in any questions regarding supporting and being part of this work. We are excited! Hope you are excited too!

God Bless You All!


The Buick
The Buick
Work in progress
Work in progress
Work in progress
Work in progress
Work in progress
Work in progress
Work in progress
Work in progress
The flight from Vasa to Helsinki
The flight from Vasa to Helsinki
The flight from Vasa to Helsinki
The flight from Vasa to Helsinki
Kingz MC, Bayreuth
Kingz MC, Bayreuth
Kingz MC, Bayreuth
Kingz MC, Bayreuth
Kingz MC, Bayreuth
Kingz MC, Bayreuth