Now we have been on the road for 12 days and we have had a great time so far. We started with two days in Sweden. There we attended the LP day in Arvika where we played with the band from Gothenburg and shared. Sunday morning I shared and played a couple of songs and sister Lili-Ann Karppinen was preaching. We had a wonderful time together, even if we had a long journey on the Swedish roads. We were in good company as sisters Lili-Ann, her daughter and Inga-Lill picked us up and took us around.
The meetings were powerful. People who really needed encouragement came and we got to witness people receive Jesus into their lives as well.
Monday morning, February 29th we left Stockholm and 24 hours later we arrived in West Palm Beach, Florida where Pastor Dave Robertson picked us up. We were tired after traveling but was happy to see our Pastor and be back in Florida. Wednesday night we attended our church for the first time and it was wonderful to see the congregation again and be back.
During our days off here we have been working on our JOHN 316 Camaro that will be our tool at events to open up discussions about Jesus. Friday night we visited Faith Farm and had a meeting in their facilities. We had an awesome time and Faith Farm is a place that is close to my heart as all people who are there are there for a reason. They all have alcohol- & drug related problems and thats why they are there. To work together with these christian based programs is such a blessing as it does no longer has to do with what man does; Jesus is involved and we know that for God nothing is impossible.
Book release
Sunday morning it was time for the book release at our home church, Fountain of Life Church here in Okeechobee, Florida. It was a wonderful day and we had a great time. Skip and Nancy Frye were our special guests and we could not have had a better book release than the one we had. Now the book is released and available. You can order it from our webshop or from Tate Publishing. Soon it will hit the bookstores, Amazon, Barnes & Nobles etc… This is a huge prayer answer that the book is out, so I just want to thank Jukka Mäkinen, Alexandra Ryles, Tate Publishing and all other who have been working on this project and helped out. Now we pray that the book will reach the right readers and that it will be a tool in to reach people with the good news about Jesus Christ.
Daytona Bike Week & Gainesville Drag Race
Today we leave Okeechobee for Daytona Beach and Bike Week 2016. We are going to be serving together with Music For The Soul at the swap meet area with music and testimony. We are looking forward to take the church to the people. We are also going to do some more Life in Him programs with new powerful life stories and testimonies.
From Daytona we are leaving for one meeting at Resurrected Life Church in Citra, FL this coming Saturday and on Sunday we are doing our first Drag Race Church in Gainesville together with Racers for Christ. Lots of interesting things are going on and now as the book is released we have reached one more milestone in our ministry. Thank you all for praying and partnering with us. Together we are making a difference.
We are in need of more partners for this trip and now when we have the book out we would also love to be able to buy books that we can give away at prisons, youth facilities, alcohol- & drug rehabs as well as to people we meet that would not buy the book. As I earlier said, the book is a tool to reach people with the good news about Jesus Christ. More information about donating here.
God Bless You All!
Pontus & Sebastian
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