We are now back at home in Finland and it has been a while since we wrote. Our last weeks in the USA were busy times and our friends Virpi and Jarno arrived on a delayed flight March 18th. Since their flights were so delayed we had to get rolling and we drove back up to Gainesville for the Gatornationals 2016. Saturday we hang around and met up with people as well as we did an interview with Racers For Christ, Chaplain Tom Ratliff for our TV program Life in Him.
Sunday morning we had two church services at the race track and it all was over what I could have expected. So many people came to church at 7 am, Sunday morning and even more people came on the 8:15 am service. I got to introduce myself and share my testimony together with a couple of songs. It was a wonderful day.
After the service someone came up to us and said ”Tony Schumacher” wants to meet you. As I am quite new in these circles I did not know anything about this ”Tony Schumacher”. We were taken into another VIP area where Mr. Schumacher had breakfast and people where filming him from behind the fence. There we sat and I asked our friend who brought us there if this is a ”famous guy” or something? Well, he was a 7 time world champion and the son of Don Schumacher so I felt kinda stupid. He wanted to play us a song and he took us to his car and we got to pray together. The impression I got from him was that he is a true believer and a humble man. You see many ”rockstars” even in this sport but this was a man with a heart. It was a pleasure meeting him and I hope we’ll meet again.
After we were done at the Gatornationals we drove back ”home” to Okeechobee where we hooked up with Virpi and Jarno. Their luggage was delayed and I am not taking the story here and now. They received their luggage three days before we all had to leave.
During the last weeks we visited the Detox Center as well as the G4S halfway house. We did not have many kids on the halfway house this time but what God did was worth the entire trip. When I least expected it one of the young boys said: I start to believe! God took over and we saw two young men received Jesus into their lives that day.
We also visited Teen Challenge in Vero Beach and as usual it was a great night with the youth and several young men took the step into the Kingdom of God. We also visited Real Life Children’s Ranch where we spent some time with the children and talked about Jesus. When we were done we took all the children on a ride in our John 316 Camaro and I remembered the vision we had with our brother and friend Ove ”Tommy Tiger” Björk to take children suffering from cancer on a ride in a race car. We have definitely received so much confirmation during this trip that there was something handed over to us from brother Tommy Tiger and we sure miss him very much.
During easter we were back in Daytona Beach for the Daytona Spring Turkey Rod Run, a smaller version of the Turkey Rod Run in November. We had our John 316 Camaro on display together with the show cars and we had many good talks with people. Sunday morning we had chapel service with Racers For Christ again and now we are waiting for all the paperwork to be done and we will be part of Racers for Christ and I will become one of their Chaplains.
The last night we spent at our home church, Fountain of Life Church in Okeechobee, FL. We reported what we had been doing for the last month and we showed the official video of the music video ”Hope” from the upcoming album with the same name. The record will be out for our next USA tour in November and we are excited. The book was pre-released during this tour and we have received great feedback about the book. It is now available on line through Tate Publishing.
Upcoming trips
The summer is around the corner and right now we are working on getting the cars in shape for this summers different events. The yellow 1973 John 316 Buick has arrived in Finland and we are on our way to pick that up. With that car we will represent the LP organisation on the roads and at various car meets and shows this summer. Before that we are doing a tour in Germany and we are looking forward to get back to Germany to reach the lost with the message of Jesus Christ. It is all about what He already did for us when He died on the cross and His blood is shed for each and everyone of us, just to receive as a free gift. During this tour I have come to the conclusion that we need to return to the original Gospel and preach Jesus and what He did for the world. There IS hope for everyone. Religion and man made rules and regulations can not save anyone; it is finished, Jesus did it all.
We have an outreach budget for this summer that is 8000€. This is for us to be where the people are. We are not called to entertain the christians. We are called to go out and preach the Gospel. To do this there are many expenses involved, especially when we organize special events such as ”Fire Meet” during Power Meet in Västerås, Sweden this summer. Power Meet is counted as one of the largest US car meetings in the world and our spot there is the best possible. We will be there with our band and play live music and deliver a message to the people from God’s heart. This is only one of many events this summer.
We are also planning to start broadcasting Life in Him on Öppna Kanalen in Sweden. We will broadcast in the major cities and this is another step in faith. We are currently in need of sponsors and partners for this summer season and we hope that YOU stand behind us in prayers and support. This is something we do together!
God Bless You All!
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