Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Larsmo, Finland 08.10.2016
Larsmo, Finland 08.10.2016

Talk to the storm, talk to the youth, talk to the church...

9 October 2016
Dear friends,

We have now been home for a while and we have actually had some happening days as well as some time to relax. Our last days in Germany were great. We got to share and play music on two stages in the heart of Auerbach during a town festival. I did not really know what we were going to do before we got there and when I stood on the second stage that Saturday night I realized that the word of God went out to thousands of people as the streets and squares were packed with people. It was one of those moments when I was so thankful to God for making it possible to tell so many people about Jesus Christ. The following day we had church service with the local church in a park and it was also a wonderful day.

After the church service, Sunday September 25th we drove up to Rostock from where we took the ferry to Trelleborg, Sweden. We arrived early the following day and drove to Stockholm where we took one more ferry home to Finland. When we arrived in Finland we still had a four hour drive before we could park our car and thank God for one more missions trip. During this trip we got to witness people receive Jesus Christ into their lives, we got to see people received new hope as well as we had the privilege to speak to thousands of people. I do not know how many we have been able to reach totally with the TV and Radio we did during the first week but my prayer is that the testimony of Jesus shall bear good fruit and that those seeds that have been planted shall fall into good soil and be watered.

Talk to the storm

Last week we have been following hurricane Matthew take peoples lives and we were really worried for our loved ones in Florida. The news expected the worst as usual and even if it looked really bad, media had to blow it up to become bigger. I am absolutely sure that thousands of Christians taked to the storm as we have all heard the story about when Jesus talked to the storm. I am sure that people around the world commanded that storm to head east as on Friday morning when I woke up I immediately checked the news and I wanted to know how my US hometown Okeechobee was doing in the midst of this devastating tropical storm. I was so happy when I saw the news that the storm had head east and that our loved ones were safe. Still the storm did damage in Florida as well but because it moved east the damage was not at all what was expected.

Talk to the youth
Yesterday, Saturday, October 8th was a fantastic day. We got to talk to over 700 young people on two different events. If you look at the youth today and face the truth that so many of them are lost in this world it is like talking to a storm. Jesus told us that even if we have faith as much as a mustard seed we can move mountains. There are so many mountains between the youth of today and God. I believe that these mountains is what christianity has built up as if we had presented Jesus Christ as who He really is more people would be saved and more children would grow up in christian homes with a healthy christian life style, not religious or over spiritual. We have to face the truth that we have not been successful enough and we have fallen into religious systems or traditions or we have been to righteous that we have looked down at other people.

Yesterday we started with a smaller group of youth in the church of Oravais. In the evening we had the honor to return to the area of Jakobstad and they must be doing something right there as over 600 youth came to the meeting last night. On both meetings many of them raised their hands and promised me to never drink or use drugs. I believe that it could have been at least 400 who raised their hands in total. It does not matter if they promised me or if they promised you. What matters is that they heard what alcohol and drug caused in my life and realized the dangers. What matters most is that they promised to never touch alcohol or drugs before God and I want to believe that the day they are offered alcohol or drugs the Holy Spirit will reveal to them what they promised that strange dude that day in October 2016. I believe in motivating the youth to act and raising your hand and giving a promise is an act. I pray for all these young people that they never will end up in a life as the life I went into at a very young age. I put high priority to talk to the youth and yesterday was just amazing!

Talk to the church

There are things that has been bothering me lately but also before. It is when we think we can reach the lost by judging others and when we write in different christian discussions on-line. I have been following a few webpages lately and I do not see any sign of the love of God. It is all about demons, devils, evils spirit and end time prophecies. There are so much correction to the church and judgement that I would be scared to say such things. My concern is that when the people we are trying to reach are reading all this propaganda. I can just look back at how I was thinking before I got saved and even when I was new in my faith. Honestly I thought the christians were stupid morons when they talked about the devil, evil spirits, demons and hell. This was because I did not have the knowledge I have today; the word of God. Because I did not know the truth that is JESUS I did not know the spiritual realm. Still after I had received Jesus into my life I was very sceptic to these dark forces and I had to grow in my faith before I realized that they are true and they are real. My conclusion is that we should not put focus on the darkness. We should keep our focus on Jesus, who is the author and finisher of our faith. We should stay to the good news and when we have a christian discussion or debate we should do that within the church, not in public as there we do more harm than good. I personally do not believe we can scare anyone to Christ. People need to experience Jesus themselves and He comes with peace and love.

USA coming up

In two weeks we are off for our five week missionary trip to the USA. We are looking forward to return to Florida and the last years our ministry has really changed. We have minimized the number of churches and events where we speak to christians. Our heart is to reach the lost and you do not really find those in a church. Therefore we are visiting prisons, rehabs for alcoholics and drug addicts, youth facilities and orphanages. We are going out at events as Daytona Turkey Rod Run and other public events. We do not charge for preaching the word of God and we do not ask for money as we do not do what we do for the money. Still we need a source of income to keep doing what we are doing and we believe this is something we do together. When I laid on my deathbed and Jesus came to me He gave me my calling and that was to go out and tell all the people about Him and about my life. Warn the young people about the dangers and help those who have same problems as I have had. This is what we have been doing for the last nine years and these years has been the best years of my life. I will live in my calling but we also need people who support us when we go out and do what Jesus told us to do. YOU can be part of what we are doing and our dream is to have enough partners so we would not have to try to sell books or cd:s anywhere. We would love to just give them away and not worry about any offerings or fees. You who know how we works know that if we get a question how much we charge for a meeting the answer is ”we don’t know”. Honestly we do not want money to be in the way for going out reaching the lost. IF you want to be part of supporting our upcoming trip or becoming a monthly partner you can click HERE and make a donation. This IS something we do together and we believe that we one day will be together in heaven with a mighty harvest. It is all about Jesus and letting people know how much He loves them. People need to hear that they are loved. They are so many hurt and wounded people there in hopeless situations but nothing is impossible for God. This means that there are NO hopeless cases!

God Bless You All!

Pontus & Sebastian Back

Dresden, Germany 23.09.2016
Dresden, Germany 23.09.2016
Dresden, Germany 23.09.2016
Dresden, Germany 23.09.2016
Dresden, Germany 23.09.2016
Dresden, Germany 23.09.2016
Dresden, Germany 23.09.2016
Dresden, Germany 23.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 24.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 24.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 24.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 24.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 24.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 24.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 24.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 24.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 24.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 24.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 24.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 24.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 24.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 24.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 25.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 25.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 25.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 25.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 25.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 25.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 25.09.2016
Auerbach, Germany 25.09.2016
Oravais, Finland 08.10.2016
Oravais, Finland 08.10.2016
Oravais, Finland 08.10.2016
Oravais, Finland 08.10.2016
Oravais, Finland 08.10.2016
Oravais, Finland 08.10.2016
Larsmo, Finland 08.10.2016
Larsmo, Finland 08.10.2016
Larsmo, Finland 08.10.2016
Larsmo, Finland 08.10.2016
Larsmo, Finland 08.10.2016
Larsmo, Finland 08.10.2016
Larsmo, Finland 08.10.2016
Larsmo, Finland 08.10.2016
Larsmo, Finland 08.10.2016
Larsmo, Finland 08.10.2016
USA November 2016
USA November 2016