Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Evangelism, the cure for high blood pressure

25 January 2018
Dear Friends,

We are now in Gothenburg, Sweden and we have had a long first day at the Gothenburg motorcycle exhibition 2018. I thought we were never going to make it here but God took care of everything in His ways. First we had some issues with where we were going to stay. When you travel 250 days a year you need privacy. Especially after a day like an event like this you just want to go into somewhere, close the door and take it easy. This is not always possible when you stay with people. I like being social and sit and talk but not when I am tired. It is not anything personal against anyone it is more the fact that I know how I work.

Last weekend I started to feel weak and had a strange headache. It did not go away and it just got worse. Sunday evening I went to the ER and they checked my blood pressure. It was way too high, 189/133. I went home and returned the following morning. I thought that we had to cancel the trip. They too a heart scan and blood tests and everything was in very good condition. It was just the kalium level that was low and that raised the blood pressure. Since I have genetic high blood pressure they went over my medicine and the same day we left I got the new medicine. Sebastian drove all the way here from Vasa, Finland and I was feeling like I had been driven over by a truck. Still last night I was weak but the blood pressure started to go down.

Today we got up early and went to the motorcycle exhibition. We set up the gear and I started to sing and share. The entire day I have not felt anything. I have felt really good and I have had lots of energy. I had fun talking to people and I felt very alive. This is so typical. We have been at home for almost 2 months and I have not had any outreach events or meetings. Now I got to sing and talk about Jesus again and it is like an elixir for me as it makes me feel good. To me just confirmation of what I should do, so I am not giving up.

We were together with Church on Wheels at their stand and their new Bible just came out of print. Many bibles were given away and there were lots of talks with different people. Imagine that just that you talk to someone and share the love of Jesus might change that persons destiny. This is why it is so important to be out there where the people are.

We have three more days at the exhibition and next week is loaded with meetings here in the Gothenburg area. I enjoy being on the road again and I am happy.

Now we are on the road again and we will have a busy fall! End of February and March we are planning to do our next trip to the USA and end of April and the two first weeks of May we are in Germany. The summer we are scheduling to rock for Jesus in Scandinavia.


2018 is a challenge. The first two months we have a budget of $2000 to do what we have planned. For the mission America trip in March we have a goal to reach $8000 and for the German dates we are looking at reaching $2500. This makes a total of $12500 for the first half of the year and we are two people doing this full time. Not as a job or work. This is our life.

IF YOU feel that you want to be part of this please visit our donation page. For donations in the USA click HERE.

We wish you a blessed New Year 2018!

Evangelist Pontus J. Back &

servant Sebastian Back

The exhibition is over and here you can see and hear a short report: