Dear Friends,
Since January 10th 2018 we have transformed into Rockpastor Ministries rf as a registered non profit organisation in Finland. This was something natural to do since we are celebrating 10 years of ministry this year.For 10 years we have traveled around the world, preached and reached people at many different places. We do not have the crusader calling or the calling to be ”mega church preachers”. That is not our ministry. Our calling is to go to the least once that the society of today call ”junkies”. We have some core values we want to share with you:
2.If we call someone a ”junkie” we can not call ourselves followers of Christ!
3.There IS hope for everyone!
Sadly I see it happen too often today, that people look down on other people. I also hear Christians talk about getting down on ”their level”. What level??? We are ALL equal. Just because you are a Christian you are NOT worth more than these people too many of us choose to call ”junkies”.Because I was a ”junkie” and Jesus took me as I was, I am also transformed today. JESUS has cleansed me inside and out but I might not look good enough for some churches. I look like I do because I have a past, a dark past. If there were hope for me there is hope for everyone!
We know that Jesus told us ALL to go out to all the world and preach the Gospel. We are doing this but instead of having the mind set of a ”mega church” we have seen how God is working everywhere. The most precious moments we have had these last 10 years have been in prison, at recovery centers, at death beds when we have seen people accept Christ, in schools and amongst youth and children.
You might not understand how big it is for us to see ONE transformed life. I know it sounds amazing when we hear about thousands of people coming to the Lord or when tens of thousands of Christians gather. Where would Jesus go and what would He do?
I asked Him that question and He told me He is always going after that lost one.Dear friend, let us work together. It is a new year and we are soon on our way to the USA for over a month long trip. People think we are on holiday but those who have been with us have burnt out and not been able to handle the tempo. Jesus is not burning out people and we love what we do. To sit at a detox center with five young people who needs Jesus is so precious to not only us but also to the Lord as our message is only about Him. It could be your child or grand child. I think we all know someone who has a child or a relative who is struggling with addictions, criminality and other things? Let me tell you something. This person needs to hear the story about a transformed life. A totally new life in Christ. This is what we are doing and this is why we kindly ask YOU to be part of our work.
We are in an urgent need of monthly partners. I was talking to one elder today and he said IF we managed to get 100 people who donated $10 each monthly we would already have a great platform to stand on. If we had 50 people who donated $50 monthly it would be even better. It does not matter of the amount. What matters is that YOU and we can do this TOGETHER as TEAMWORK on a Godly level.
The easiest way to give monthly is to click HERE
Needs for USA
Right now we are around $5000 short to break even on our USA trip. Are you not getting paid when you go over there you might ask? Don’t you charge for your services? The answer is NO! Jesus did not stand with His hands open waiting me to give Him money when I laid on my death bed 11 years ago. He did it all for free and this is how we also want to continue to work.Me and Sebastian want to pray for you and we are lifting up all our partners to the Lord. We hope that YOU want to be part of our team and TOGETHER we shall see people get saved!
To donate for "On a Mission from GOD - USA 2018" CLICK HERE
Now we are doing the last preparations and soon the mission starts. We are excited over all the open doors to prisons, recovery centers, youth facilities, detox clinics and all other events.
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