Another full week of ministry here in Germany is over and now we have entered into the month of May. We have really been blessed with all the meetings we have attended and ministered at. As I have been writing earlier there is somethings special with this year. We see more things happen than ever before and this is something we have been longing for. We decided to not give up as always when it felt discouraging we received an e-mail or heard from someone that had received salvation, healing, deliverance or something from Jesus. We have nothing to give. Gold and silver we don’t have but what we have in Jesus we want to give to all people who comes our way. It actually does not matter if it is on a meeting, outreach, a truck stop or at a supermarket. He died for us and we live for Him.
April 25th we visited ERF TV and their program "Gott Sei Dank”. It was the third time we were part of this program and this time we marketed the ”Rockabilly Redneck” album. Did two songs, ”Destiny” and ”I have decided to follow Jesus” and a short interview. It was good as always to work with the people at ERF TV. They are all doing a very good and important work.
April 27th we returned to Sechshelden. This time for a youth night in the local church. It was something so special and so precious. The church was packed with young people but also others who came to hear a true miracle story. We have received reports from the evening that many were touched and we pray for the youth that they will continue their walk with Jesus. It is so important today that we care about the youth. This world is putting so much pressure on them that it becomes hard to live. Jesus does not do anything like that. He does not look at standards and perfection, He looks at our heart. What a great evening it was!
From Sechshelden we drove to Zwickau that is within the former DDR. You can see the difference between west and east when you get there, it is obvious that this part of the country was another place until 1989 when the Berlin wall was taken down. On Saturday we opened up the evening session on a worship festival in the old Lukas Church. It was a great event and again we got to speak into many young peoples lives.
As we had scheduled a church in Nurnberg on Sunday we left Zwickau when we were done. We arrived in Nurnberg late Saturday night and Sunday morning was an early morning. The church was wonderful and again I got to hear from three people who work as nurses or doctors that I should not be here. When I ask them why I am still alive they all say that it IS a miracle. So many things are miracles. We should not take anything for granted. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith and we do not know what we would do without Jesus in our lives today. It IS a miracle!
Yesterday, May the 1st we were playing some rock and roll and sharing the good news about Jesus Christ at the annual Biker Event at the Munchenerstrasse in Nurnberg. It was the sixth year in a row we did this and even if it was cold thousands of bikers showed up. We got to pray for and with people and it was a glorious day.
Now we are preparing for a church in Langwasser tonight. Friday we are in Hof and after that we are returning to Wetzlar where we are going to do some outreach as well as meet up with some people and make strategical plans for the future and how we can reach more people here in Germany. We are making Germany great again in Jesus name.
Before we return home to Finland we are returning east. Wednesday May 9th we are in Grunheide, Friday May 11th we play at the legendary rock club Ringkeller in Zwickau and our last meeting this trip is in Schwartzenberg on Saturday May 12th. Then this mission is accomplished.
We still have a way to go and we would need to book our tickets back home to Finland. We made it here and have made it so far. We are always in need of more partners as the more we travel and the more we do we also have more expenses. YOU can be part of this! Check out the DONATION PAGE for further information. God loves a happy giver :)
God Bless Ya’ll!
Pontus J. & Sebastian Back