Today it is 21 days (three weeks) left for our fundraiser. The fundraiser helps us to go and reach the people who really need help. We have confirmed many visits at recovery centers, detox clinics as well as prisons. We are also going to spend time with homeless people and give them what we have. God or silver have we not but what we have we will give to them in Jesus name. I hit rock bottom almost 12 years ago and first it was not possible to get up from there. I was sentenced to an too early death. God had another plan and it is only because of the grace of God and the power of Jesus Christ that I am alive today.
If God could do this in my life, He can do it in anybody’s life. This is why I personally feel for reaching out to these people who are where I was back in the days. Many doctors have told me that I should not be here and my prayer is that nobody has so sink as deep as I did. In America drugs, opioids and alcohol is a big problem.
North America continues to experience the highest drug-related mortality rate in the world, accounting for 1-in-4 drug-related deaths globally. In January 2017, the Centre for Disease Control has estimated that the number of people in the USA who had died from overdose in the 12-month period prior to January 2017 was 64,070. THIS IS 175 PEOPLE PER DAY DYING FROM DRUGS / DAY IN AMERICA!
For ten years we have done this full-time and we rejoice with ever soul saved and every person who gets a new life without drugs, alcohol or opioids. Our main focus is on Jesus and Jesus alone. When we meet these people that often are called ”junkies”, even by christians we have to meet them with the eyes and heart of Jesus.
We do not charge anything and we do not ask for anything. Together with YOU we are making America great again in Jesus name and it starts with helping those who needs help. So many gifted and skilled people live in bondage and I feel a personal responsibility to walk through these open doors and tell them what happened in my life and that without JESUS I would be six feet under.
We have more visits confirmed to recovery center, detox clinics as well as prisons and youth facilities than ever in the history of our ministry. We need your help to fulfil our mission. Visit our donation page to learn more or visit our fundraiser on Facebook!
God Bless You All!
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