Dear Friends,
End of February it is time to get out and share the love of Jesus Christ again. We are on our way on another missions trip to USA!
Last time was a hard trip. Mostly because of how hard it is to raise funds. People have said things like ”America is the richest nation in the world, you have to ask the American people to support you” and other things. Well, to some degree I understand but on the other hand churches has been part of reaching the lost since the time of the first apostles and the church still does support evangelism. Last trip when I made up my mind and made an official statement that I am giving up I also meant it. I was ready to lay down everything for the future and I did it. I said that IF it is the will of God to continue to reach souls in America like we have done for over 10 years now I want the airfares paid for and that has to be the first step. It did not take long. We did not make it out of the USA before we were promised paid airfares and so it happened. Our both flights are booked and paid for. Praise the Lord.
We will start at a Finnish festival in Lake Worth, Florida where I will perform together with AMB The Blues Band from Finland. Even if we are going to do secular shows at a secular festival I only see it as a great opportunity to make sure that those who listen to us grasps that all of us who are on the stage playing rock and roll as well as blues, we all believe in Jesus Christ and we are born again Christians. A good opportunity to take the good news to the people. This is exciting and this is the start of the trip.
During the coming weeks we are mainly focusing on doing events and outreach. We are going to have outdoor mini concerts at evens as Daytona Bike Week and Turkey Rod Run in Daytona Beach as well as Gatornationals in Gainesville, Florida. Between the weekend events we are focusing on visiting those who really need to hear the message of HOPE that we have delivered since 2008.
This year it is 12 years since Jesus delivered me from a long time as a slave under alcohol and drugs. This year it is 12 years since Jesus came to my rescue at by deathbed. It was impossible for me to survive but Jesus had another plan. The life story we deliver together with music has brought hope to people worldwide for the last ten years we have been in full time ministry. We have seen people receive faith. We have seen people healed and set free. We have seen families and relationships be restored. When I speak about me I speak on behalf of our entire family as we as a family are all involved in this. As an example I am traveling with my son, Sebastian since five years. He did not have a father before, but when Jesus entered into my life he got his father back. This young man is not only my son. He is also my best friend. Another example of how GOD can change, heal and restore.
Salvation is the greatest gifts of them all and our mission is to make sure that all we meet understand that JESUS also came for them. We do not force anyone to anything. We do not hit people in the head with the Bible. We might give them one so they can do it themselves. We rather sit down at the detox centers, prisons, recovery clinics, halfway homes and talk to a small group of people. THIS has been the DNA of our mission since the beginning.
Without help from others we are NOT able to do this. We are voluntary missionaries and our heart is to reach and help others. For this five week journey we are hoping to raise $4000 to cover our expenses. We believe THIS is something we do together as those who support us when we go out there are as involved and important as we are. It is not about me and Sebastian. It is about US TOGETHER reaching souls for JESUS.
God Bless You All!
Pontus J. Back
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