Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

House of Gospel
House of Gospel

Major breakdown

25 April 2019
House of Gospel
House of Gospel
The breakdown
The breakdown
House of Gospel
House of Gospel
House of Gospel
House of Gospel
House of Gospel
House of Gospel
Towing away RFO
Towing away RFO
New car packed
New car packed
On our way to Germany
On our way to Germany
Dear Friends,

Things does not always go as you plan but God is still in charge. We are now in Zwickau in the formed DDR and we have been on the road for one week. We were excited when we left home with ”Rock Force One” (our tour van). Excited to be able to just set up anywhere and share Jesus with music and testimony to people.

Our first service was on easter Friday with a group of hurt people in the town Oxölesund in Sweden. It was brother Kjell Myrskog who I have been in touch with for some years now on Facebook who took the initiative to do a Friday meeting with this group as we were passing by. We had a wonderful time and the people, all had been struggling with addictions or criminality received the message and got new hope in their situations.

Major breakdown

We continued our journey down to Gothenburg, Sweden where we checked in at a wonderful apartment at House of Gospel. We made a new connection with brother Samuel Siitonen, one of the elders and it was a divine connection. He and his wife made sure we felt welcomed and this is something I value very much.

The following day, easter Saturday it was time for our service there with the band with Jukka Mäkikangas, Zet Tonmyr and Lennart Elvmyr. This was exciting and we decided to go and grab something to eat before we hooked up with the brothers for a sound check. Right in the middle of a high traffic road our tour van, Rock Force One broke down and would not move a meter. We first thought it was just the cable to the clutch that had broke but we later in the evening found out that the entire clutch had a major breakdown and that we would not be able to get parts or anyone to fix it so we could continue our journey.

The service at House of Gospel was great. We had a good time and even if our car had broke down I had some weird peace the entire day and night. This is unusual but God took care of everything. He spoke to people who helped us out so we could by another car and continue the trip. Looking back now we are so thankful that it happened just there and then. It would have been a major problem if it had happened here in Germany. God is looking after us and He talks to people who can help. We got back on the road but not as we had planned with a sound system equipped van.

Former DDR

As I mentioned we are now in the formed DDR. You can tell it is different but people here are in my opinion more open for things and they are hungry. Someone told me that there is an open heaven over Zwickau, the city where we are right now.

We arrived here Monday evening and checked in where we are staying. Another wonderful apartment where we can have privacy, come and go as we want. Tuesday night we shared the hope with a Blue Cross group and it was well received. Last night was a powerful night in a church who had brought in some unsaved people. The place was packed, people were really listening ans it was a wonderful night in the presence of Jesus. People got saved and people realised that they need to talk to someone about their inside wounds. I kept everything inside of me for too long and that cause chaos in my mind that led to a destructive life style.

Just the beginning

This is just the beginning. We are continuing here in Germany and our last service here is on May 5th. Our plan is to continue for another two weeks in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. This all depends on if we can afford it. Our fundraiser has not been that successful and we have had extra expenses on this trip due to what have happened. Praise God for those who helped us so we could get here and not have to cancel the tour,

We are still waiting for information from the other countries and we have bookings. Still we need to raise funds to be able to do this and we have not really any guarantees of getting our expenses covered in these countries. We are still waiting for more information. What we know so far is that we have something in Poland, some outreach and a church in Lithuania, a prison on the Russian border and more outreach in Latvia and Estonia. It sounds like a tight and busy schedule.

We have left it all in God’s hands. If God talks to you to sow into breaking new ground in these countries YOU can be part of it. Details below. We are excited and as I said everything is in God’s hands. He took care of the major breakdown, protected us and made sure we got here so all we have to do is to trust Him.

Greetings from Zwickau, Germany!
God Bless You All!


To partner with us or support us:
Rockpastor Ministries rf Vasa, Finland

Bank Transfer:
IBAN: FI3649700010005435

Swish in Sweden: 070 545 9416
(mark your donation Pontus or Rockpastor)