The helpful people at American Airlines took good care of our bags and got us other flights so now we could spend three hours at Starbucks AT the airport too. We met some new friends on their way to France. A man that was going to move there with his girlfriend. I asked him why France and when he told me he works as a chef I totally got it. I pray that they will get some good American food in France now ;)
First we flew to Dallas where I lost my phone and from there to Cedar Rapids in Iowa where my brother from another mother Brian "Uncle Bubba" Hill picked us up. It was great seeing him again, he is another of my really good brothers.
We stopped for Pizza as we had not had pizza for a long time and had a nice ride to Fairfield. Lots of things to speak about. Almost like we had an open heaven in the car.
Well rested and will rest some more we have a thight schedule here in Iowa and tonight we have our first meeting. I am looking forward to it.
More Later!
God Bless!
Dates in Iowa:
05.11.2009 Mission America 2009
New Life Community Church FM
500.W.Washington Ave. Fairfield Iowa
06.11.2009 Mission America 2009
Live streaming interview on
KRUU-LP 100.1FM Fairfield, Iowa
07.11.2009 Mission America 2009
Livingstones Fellowship Church
1947 Highway 1, Fairfield, IA 52556
(Meeting at 7PM)
08.11.2009 Mission America 2009
Livingstones Fellowship Church
1947 Highway 1, Fairfield, IA 52556
(Meeting at 10AM)
08.11.2009 Mission America 2009
Foursquare Evangelistic Church,
122 S.Moore St. - Ottumwa, Iowa
(Meeting at 7PM)