Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Live on radio 100.1 KRUU

7 November 2009
Today pastor Brian picked me up and we went to pray together with the leaders at Livingstones Fellowship Church here in Fairfield, IA. It was a pleasure meeting pastors Larry and BB Rail and brother Scott Sydnes who is going to play with me for the next two meetings. I felt that another reason why I am here is the spiritual climat. The difference between outside the church with an atmosphere filled with strange spirits influenced by the Transendental Meditation and Maharishi movement. Pastors Larry and BB Rail are people I really like and I feel that I am getting lots of spiritual encouragement being
with the people here. Maharishi died a couple of years ago. So did also Jesus around 2000 years ago and the big difference is that Jesus IS Lord and he was raised from the dead and is alive for evermore. That is what WE have to tell to people around us that dont yet know this.

Pastor Brian took us out on another guided tour of Fairfield and we got to take some more pictures inspired by the culture here. I am still amazed that
the difference between the states of America is so big. Not only the climate but also the mentality. I feel that Iowa is more like Finland and that the need
of our living God is bigger here. Of course we need God everywhere but there is depression in the air up here. If it has to do with the TM movement I dont know for sure but I believe that it is a main reason. Anyway Jesus is shining where ever HIS word is spoken and there are some really strong people of God here and it is a blessing to me that I can be able to learn from these brothers and sisters in Christ.

In the afternoon we did 35 minute live stream on Radio 100.1 KRUU and I felt led by the Lord to just be bold and speak out the good news. They even played two songs from my latest cd and I got to do another song live. There were some oridinary questions that I usually get when people ask me stuff and one of them were how it is possible to be a Christian biker. My answer is still the same and it is a perfect combination. If it was something wrong with being a biker and a Christian it would be wrong to be a Christian and play the organ as well. To do a long story short I am happy and blessed that I am able to do what I am doing right now as this is exactly what Jesus told me to do; Go out and tell all the people about me and about your life. Radio is a good channel to reach many people and this was a good time of the day as well, between 4PM and 4:35PM, when people are sitting in their cars listening to the radio on their way home from work. Some of them might stop by WalMart but I am sure and I hope many people got the message that Jesus IS Lord and HE is our healer.

If you have followed our blog here you have recognized that Americans eat much. At least they eat more than we eat in Finland. We had the honor to go out for dinner with pastors Rail, pastor Brian and brother Scott. An awesome night with food and fellowship. Tomorrow night we are going to continue our meetings here in Iowa and I am looking forward to minister in Livingstones Fellowship Church again. It was a special night on town tonight so we drove around handing out some flyers and we are praying that God will send those people there that HE wants to be there as then we know that the night will be good. Without GOD we can do nothing!

Stay Blessed!