We have now done our third trip up here to northern Finland. It has been a very interesting trip with many ingredients. As I wrote before we are living in difficult times with the horrible war just around the corner from us. Our country has over 800 miles of border with Russia and we still remember our past history from previous wars. We thank our veterans for the freedom we have had and still have. We pray that we will keep this freedom!

We left home on Tuesday, March 22nd and drove to Kuusamo in north eastern Finland. On Wednesday we had a service at the local Pentecostal church there and it was the first time we ministered in this region. It felt very good to meet new people and connect with the church. We had a blessed time and we are looking forward to do some outreach together this coming summer.

From Kuusamo we drove to Kemijärvi on Thursday, March 23rd where we did outreach outside MokkaTupa, a lunch restaurant and truck stop together with the local Pentecostal church. The wind was cold but we had our bus that protected us from the wind. Still it was cold but we did what we came there to do. We played music, shared the word of God as well as gave away books and CD:s.

From Kemijärvi we drove to Salla where we spent the weekend. Friday we made preparations for the annual meeting with the Vintage snowmobile club of Finland. It was a wonderful day and in the competition Sebastian came second and I came on third place. Was good to connect with more new people and we had some beautiful rides together during that day. We drove up to the top of mountain Ruuhitunturi and from there we could see the original Salla mountains that used to belong to Finland. It was very beautiful but meanwhile it felt a little bit spooky to be so close to Russia in these times.

In the evening we participated in the evening festivities and the atmosphere were good. They had a play that was both realistic and fun about when people from Finland moved after jobs in Sweden in the 1960’s. We also got to share what we do, who we believe in and present Team RFC as a world wide ministry who takes the Gospel to the world of motorsports. I also got to share my life story and more books and cd:s were given away. Thank you all for a good time together.

Sunday evening, March 27th we had a wonderful service at the local Pentecostal Church in Salla. A small church in a small community. God was present and it always feels good to share the testimony about what Jesus has done in our time. This is what makes Him very much alive. We are looking forward to return to Salla for outreach in the summer.

From Salla we drove to the Arctic Circle and Santa Claus village just north of Rovaniemi. We parked our bus at a well prepared spot behind Santa’s Pizza & Burgers. Our friend Jarkko who owns the place is such a blessing and help. When we are parked here we feel like we are at home. The week started with being out on our snowmobiles as well as taking care of some technical issues. This time we are with the old snowmobiles so any longer trips would be really hard to do but we had some beautiful rides in the Arctic scenery and where we stopped people came to look at the old equipment. The old snowmobiles are good keys to open up discussions with people.

Thursday was a very special day. I love talking to the youth and this was the second winter we visited a youth facility in Rovaniemi. This place is a small home for youth who are in need of hope and love. What a blessing it was to be able to go in there and share my life and the love of God with the precious young people. Thank you brother Markku for setting this thing up.

Friday we packed our stuff to go prepare for the Vintage snow cross race. We left the 1984 Maxi Ski 340 behind as it will be on display at Santa’s Snowmobile museum at the Arctic circle. We realised that both skis on the Ski-Doo I was going to race were broken but people in Lappland are both friendly and helpful. We got to weld the skis together at the mechanic shop by the Arctic Ice Hotel and Igloos and we got the snowmobile ready for the first race ever for me.

Saturday we got up early and went to the race track. Everything was new to me and it was both exciting and a little bit scary. They did the slower classes in the morning and I am glad I made it to the goal in the first heat. I was so excited that I had to call my wife I made it to the goal so I missed the start for the second heat. Well, now I know more…

It was a very powerful day with changing weather. We had some snow and it was a bit difficult for a while. Still you could hear the 2 stroke engines roar and feel the anointing of 2 stroke gasoline.

I did a set of music and presented myself in the break. Felt good to break new ground. In the afternoon the faster classes competed and it was fun to watch and I just think I stay in the slower class at this age. I am turning 50 in August. No major accidents, some fatalities but nothing that could stop anyone from being at the price awards ceremony in the evening.

After the price ceremony I did some music and shared until late at night. It was a long day but very good talks with people and there are so many people at these events so you always find people to talk about this and that and God with. As I said before we are not there to preach or hit people in the head with the Bible. We are there for the people and they do know who we believe in. The personal talks are the most important ones. They do bear fruit.

Yesterday we drove home and now we are home preparing for next trip end of this month. YOU can help us take Racers for Christ to the world of motorsports here in Europe by donating towards the work we do amongst racers on the TEAM RFC WEBPAGE.
God Bless You All!