We have started our last tour this year and we have now arrived at Storstua in Røyken, Norway. The place is a hotel and social center that has christian services every evening. We are going to stay here for our entire stay here in Norway so it is very convenient.

We left home early Thursday morning and drove to the harbor in Turku where we boarded the ship to Stockholm, Sweden, where we arrived the same night. From there we drove to the small town Åmål where we stayed in the local Baptist church during our days in the area. Last summer we visited Åmål for the first time and did outreach together with all the churches in the town. It was a blessed time and therefore it was so blessed to return.

Friday evening we had our first service at the Baptist church in Åmål. I was surprised over how many people came out this evening. It was a blessed night and again I got to share my life about what Jesus has done in my life along with some music. The same day the single ”Walking Away” was digitally released so I did both songs from the single for the first time in the final versions. I also spoke about something God laid on my heart recently and that is to tell people about our true identity in Christ.

Saturday we drove to Säffle, not far away from Åmål. Another little Swedish town. We had a service at the local Pentecostal church and again we had a good crowd. The churches have done a very good work getting these events promoted in the local newspapers and on both place there were people who normally don’t go to church. It is always good to hear that those people take the step into the church.

Our evening in Säffle was another wonderful evening in the presence of Jesus and afterwards we had fellowship and coffee. Was good to meet some brothers and sisters we haven’t met in a long time.
Now we are here in Norway and the coming days we are putting the band together. I already met with drummer Benkt Stonner today. Tuesday the rest of the band should be coming in and we will start our rehearsals. It will be an interesting line up and wonderful to play with Lasse Möllesjö (guitar) and Lennart Elvmyr (bass) again after a long time. We will also have Hans Groth on keyboards so Hans and Benkt are new brothers to us but I have a feeling that it wil be very good.

Thursday evening we start with live TV on Channel 10 Norway (Kanal 10 Norge). Friday, Saturday and Sunday we are here at Storstua on a special weekend and famous singer Emilia Lindberg from Sweden is coming as well. This is very exciting as it is also our very first time ministering here in Norway.

As I mentioned in my earlier post I will take some time off after this tour. November 11th I have a back surgery and I will take time off for at least the rest of the year. While I am healing up I will work with music as the ”Walking Away” blues album is scheduled to be released early next year. When I am done with that I am going to do a best of album with old songs in new versions. It will feature songs like ”Thankful”, ”Its a miracle”, ”Hope”, ”Thank You”, ”Destiny” and some others. This record will be with us next summer to hand out to people together with the book about my life. We love giving away books and cd:s. We have seen the impact they have on people and we get mails on a regular basis from people who have received the book somewhere and red it and something have happened. God has done His thing. Thank you all for your prayers and please keep us in your prayers.
God Bless You All!

Listen to the new single here: