Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Mat & Nostalgi in Viksjö
Mat & Nostalgi in Viksjö

We are back on the road!

23 January 2023

Dear friends,

We have just returned home after our first missions trip this year, 2023. We had a wonderful time in Sweden and we could not have started this year in any better way. We left home Sunday, January 15th and drove down to the harbor in Turku, Finland from where we took the ferry over to Sweden.

With brother Ulf in the Ovankåker Church

When we arrived in Sweden after a long night with not enough sleep we drove up to Edsbyn and checked in at brother Ulf and sister Marias home where we stayed the first days on this trip. We got to rest the rest of the day and have some wonderful fellowship together with Ulf and Maria. When we plan, we always try to plan to do the travel one day before we start ministering so that we can step into our mission well rested. This is getting more and more important as older you get. We also need to rest while on the road.

Prayer day in Betel in Runemo

On Tuesday we attended a day of prayer at Betel Church in Runemo. A wonderful day and a wonderful church filled with wonderful sisters and brothers coming together to pray. I shared a little bit and sang a few songs. They laid hands on me and prayed and this is something I put a very high value on. It is always good when people pray for you, especially when you are out sharing the love of God with people.

Prayer day in Betel in Runemo

Wednesday was our first service this year and this was in the church of Ovanåker. An old church with that wonderful echo. It actually felt good to sing there. It was easy to sing and we had a good crowd. I shared my life and presented some of the songs from the new ”God gave me the blues” album. People listened and we had a good time of fellowship with the people after the service.

Church in Ovanåker

Thursday we did the same thing in the Missions church in Bollnäs. We had a good crowd and God was present. Another old church building with a nice atmosphere. More and more I start to like these old churches as they really feel like the house of God. I have not been a big fan of religious bling bling but all these old churches has a history. Before times were different and people actually went to church. Today is so different and it is sad to see that so many people are so busy that they don’t have time to go to church. It is something special that happens when we get together in the church. Having said this I am still of the strong opinion that the church is not a building, we are the church.

Missions church in Bollnäs

After the service we drove up to Viksjö where we stayed for two nights. Friday we started to hang up some of my guitars at the famous place Mat & Nostalgi. A very special place in the middle of nowhere. A retro cafe and store with a flee market with lots of old stuff. You can almost find everything here. It is sure worth a visit. It feels good to have some of my older guitars hanging on display. There is also a history to each guitar.

With brother Stefan in Viksjö

Friday evening we had a café night there and we did not have as much people as we expected but I personally believe that those that God wanted to be there were there. It was a good night and it was a lot of fun as well. To me numbers are not the big thing. If God sends one person there that needs to hear what we have to say and receive something from above it is worth everything.

Mat & Nostalgi in Viksjö

Saturday evening was our last service on this first trip of the year. It was in Höge chapel in Indal and we had a good crowd. I shared my testimony, sang and shared what God laid on my heart. It is amazing how He actually can change the direction of my thoughts to become a message for that occasion. That is how the Holy Spirit works. We ended up in a strong presence of God at the end of the night and there was so much holiness in the room as Jesus was present. We sat silent for a while and you could hear a needle drop. It was one of those moments where the presence was so strong that everyone could feel it. We could not end this first trip in any better way.

Höge kapell in Indal

Thank you all who were part of this trip. Special thanks to Stefan Hagman, Trosgnistan, Ev fonden and Ulf & Maria. Together we did something beyond our control!

Now we are getting ready to do at least one tour up north here in Finland before the spring. This spring will be very special as we are returning to Germany late April and will do a one month long tour down there. Last tour in Germany was over all expectations and this is something that we are really excited about. It is a project to get the bus there but being on the road with the bus feels just more than right. No need for expensive hotels and we also use it as a platform when we minister. We are looking at printing up my book in German as well as a new ”Best of” CD with a fold up pamflett inside with my testimony and a short sermon why YOU need Jesus in German. We want to give something to the people we meet and it has shown that this bears good fruit.

Our Gospel Express tourbus will serve again this spring and summer

The summer tour is also under work and we will more or less do like we did last summer. We will start in Sweden and share the message from our bus throughout Sweden on the highways and the byways. We are also going to visit some events and be there sharing the Gospel as well as give away books and cd:s. We will continue with some dates in northern and eastern Finland. The tour starts early July and ends mid August.

We are now looking at printing 1000 books in German and 1000 books in Swedish. The cost for the printing of both books are 2000€. We are also going to print 2000 of the ”Best of” CD with the pamfletts in three different languages. The printing cost for the cd:s is landing at 1200€. We hope to be able to raise 3500€ for printing these as well as some other material we need during our tours. YOU can be part of this! We receive letters from people who have red the book all the time and people have been blessed. People have received hope and people have received Christ. This is what it is all about! If you want to donate towards our ministry material for this year you can go to PayPal and use andmark the donation ”material”.

Keep us in your prayers. We want to focus on the good things and trust God that He will take care of all our needs. We are very excited about what God will do this year!

God Bless You All!

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