Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Peoples eternity, our passion!

1 June 2023

Dear Friends,

We have now been back at home for a week and I am so happy to be able to smile again. Dentist Henoc did a fantastic job while we were in Nurnberg and I am so thankful To me this is a huge miracle. i have had dentures since the mid 1990´s and now I am in the progress of getting implants. The implants are there and healing and we will hopefully finish the work in September when we are planning to return to Germany.

I can smile again!

From Nurnberg we drove to see our friends at Musikhaus Thomann and they always take such good care of us. Since we arrive on ascending day the store was closed and there was nobody there but they had prepared our spot and put out a cable for our bus.

Thomann in Treppendorf, Germany

We had a good time there and during this tour I have been doing lots of walking. I guess I walked around 120 kilometers in Germany and 60 kilometers more since we got home. I am just feeling better and better for each dag. Also so happy to be able to play Harley Benton guitars, a Thomann brand. Been playing them now since 2016 and the quality has increased a lot. This year it is their 25th anniversary and I wrote a short song for them before the tour. Before I had to have a Gibson or a Fender or another brand guitar but why pay for the brand. Harley Benton make some really good guitars and personally I love the Fusion Pro series but all new models are better than ever. I got to check out pretty many of them while we were there.

From there we drove to Kulmbach, our last stop on our German tour. Our brother Marco had prepared everything there and when we came in the big parking place was empty. When I got up in the morning there were hundreds of people outside the bus selling all kinds of old stuff. Went out and walked amongst the people and gave away some more cd:s and talked about Jesus. Had some really wonderful discussions with some people.

Our bus parking in Kulmbach, Germany

The last service was really wonderful. God was present and again I got to share the same old story. Well, it never gets old as every time I share about my life and what Jesus has done for me I get so thankful. It keeps me alive.

Our team in Kulmach, Germany

We left Kulmbach and drove up to Travemunde where we got on the ship back to Finland, where we arrived 30 hours later. It felt good to come back home. Now we are working on scheduling our next tour in Sweden that starts end of this month and we will be on the road the entire month of July. August we will be back home and hopefully we are returning to Germany for September.

Driving back home

I just remembered when we came from the USA when the pandemic started and God told me to look around me. During these years I have looked around me and here in Europe there are millions of people that need to be reached and saved. Peoples eternity is our passion and in Germany we saw God do so much that it would take too long to write. Also I am not a man of numbers who have ”received Christ” or ”how many people we prayed for”. Those things does not matter as at the end of the day it is all God’s work we are just his servants, and as said with people eternity as our passion.
Looking forward to get out again and reach and preach in Sweden end of this month. Thank you all for your support and your prayers. Together we are plundering hell and populating heaven. Below the full service from our evening at FEG in Kirchberg, another wonderful evening.

God Bless You All!

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