Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

We just received more books to give away!
We just received more books to give away!

Time for Sweden

21 June 2023

Dear friends,

The summer is here and here in Finland we have a pretty late but hot summer so far. We have had some wonderful days off and been able to spend some time boating in our beautiful archipelagoe here around Vasa, Finland. To me it means very much to be able to get out on the sea and just soak in the fresh air.

Vator 17HT from 1976

Last weelend decided to go for an adventure and did a little bit longer trip around the entire Replos island and I went pretty far out on open waters. It was such a blessed time spent in the boat and I am thankful and blessed to be able to get out in our old Vator 17HT boat from 1976. Nothing fancy but the boat I dreamed about when I was a little boy.

On open waters

I have been thinking about eternity and how it is going to be in heaven when I have been out on the waters since heaven it is not going to be what many of us think. It will be like here now but everything will be perfect. We are going to live our eternal life in Gods perfect creation with everything He created. There will be no sickness, no disease, no wars… All will be good and we are going to be together with Jesus and all others who believed in Him. We get to heaven by believing in Jesus, not by our own actions or living after the law. That is why we sing ”Amazing Grace”. God’s grace is way bigger than we can imagine.

On open waters

During the last week we have also visited three youth camps and it has been so wonderful to meet the youth and speak out hope to them. They really need it in this dark world!

Youth camp in Kauhava

Sweden summer 2023
Gospel Express is ready for another adventure

At the moment we are preparing for our 35 day Gospel tour of Sweden. New songs to rehearse, the bus need to be washed and some small maintenance and to just remember everything we need on the road. Last tour was good, the only thing I left behind were my suspenders :)

Using Harley Benton guitars and Taurus amps

We are so looking forward to be out on the road in Sweden and reach people where they are. We kick off in Säffle, Sweden with some outreach as well as services in the local Pentecostal church. The weekend after that is one of the highlights from last summer, the blues festival in Åmål. Together with the local churches we are going to be in the heart of the little town and deliver music with a message.

We are also returning to Hälsngland and we are going to be at Dellenbaden, July 23rd and at Betel Church July 23rd. We return to Bollnäs July 31st for a townfestival called grillnatta. July 26th and 29th we are going to be back at Mat & Nostalgi in Viksjö and there it is all about cars, bikes and rock and roll. The Saturday will be something totally different. Follow us on Facebook and you will see more what is going to take place and where we go.

Free cd:s and books in the luggage

There have been some human misunderstandings so we have an open period that we are working hard to fill as we don’t just want to sit around between July 10th and July 20th. We want to serve!

We have printed more books and cd:s that we are giving away to people where ever we are. This has shown good fruit and people are actually writing us after reading the book. Then it is our responsibility to connect those with local believers where ever they are located. That is also lots of work that is not seen but basically we are working every day all 365 days a year as peoples salvation is our passion! Hope to see you on the road!

God Bless You All!

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