Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Thank you Netherlands and Germany

21 May 2024

Dear friends,

Our tour of The Netherlands and Germany is over for this time and I have to say that we have had a fantastic time. May be not fantastic in the usual way, but fantastic in a spiritual way. We have now been away from home for thirty six days and I am so waiting to get home to my family. Thankful to have parts of the family with me on the road. Without Sebastian as my right hand I would never make it through these tours. He is such a blessing!

Sebastian working on my pedalboard

The last week was very intensive. I could have used my few days off with less drama with different actors but it is what it is. To combine business with ministry is nothing I desire. I rather focus on reaching out to people with the message of Jesus.

Vogtland Perle, Oelsnitz, DE

Friday evening we had a wonderful evening at Vogtland Perle in Oelsnitz. Brother Marko picked me up at the campground in Stadtsteinach and drove me there. Amazing place and as Theo Tholsma who runs the place with his family says, it is not a congregation, it is a meeting place for people where they can experience Jesus.

Many came out and really listened to both the music and the message and the weather was on our side. It was raining around Oelsnitz but for some reason not in Oelsnitz.

Camping Stadtsteinach, DE

The following evening there was a Pentecost party at the campground in their bier garden. I had told them I can play and so it happened. On evenings like this I rather cut back on the talking part and do more music, we are not out to offend people. Things can be misunderstood and then we have people against us. That is not our goal. Our goal is to turn peoples hearts towards God.

It was a fun evening and lots of music. I also shared my life between the songs and people seemed to like it. At least they wanted us to come back. I love the owners of the campground. We just showed up as strangers and they took good care of us and it felt like coming home when we got there the second time.

Me with brother Marko in our bus

Sunday we left the campground in Stadtsteinach and drove back to Oelsnitz for another evening at beautiful Vogtland Perle. Before the meeting I saw that brother Thomas from Zwickau came with his son and a surprise for me was to see brother Michael Beyerlein again after not having any contact in the last five to six years. He made me so happy with showing uo this evening.

It was wonderful to meet brother Michael Beyerlein again

We had another wonderful evening with even more people than on Friday night. Jesus was there with us and we could not have ended our tour in any better way.

Yesterday we left Oelsnitz and drove the 600 kilometers to Swinoujscie, Poland to take a ferry to Sweden. The entire harbou is a mess and nobody speaks English.We found a friendly man in the terminal building that you do not access with a bus. He told us that our ticket was from Sweden to Poland and not from Poland to Sweden. This was a surprice for me as I had booked it from Poland to Sweden.

Theo Tholsma speaking at Vogtland Perle

Well, they did not have room for us on the ferry so we parked behind a gas station where we slept the night. I could not really sleep as I still could not trust that we were going to be on a ship to Sweden today even if they re-booked our tickets to the next day.

Getting some diesel on the road

We got on the ship to Ystad around noon on Tuesday and the journey on the sea took seven hours. Now we are parked on a campground where we are going to load our batteries for this coming weekend at the Mönsterås Blues & Roots festival.

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Campground in Ystad, Sweden

Thinking back about our time in both The Netherlands and Germany I am thankful, thankful to God. It is unbelievable that He is using someone like me as His messenger to people in this dark world. Together with our brothers and sisters in The Netherlands and Germany we did it again. We reached people who God wanted to reach. Special thanks to brother Marko who has done a tremendous work putting it all together and and thank you to all of you who have prayed for us or supported us.

God Bless You All!

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Thank you for standing with us and doing this together with us!