Dear friends,
The days have been challenging but we are going towards better times. After we returned from Germany I decided to take some days off and just get out with my boat. I went far out in our beautiful archipelago and visited a few lighthouses and had such a great time, but….

I started to feel weaker and weaker each day and finally I felt that I can’t breathe. I searched help at the hospital the following day where they took all tests and the only thing they found was very low blood levels.

I stayed at the hospital during the checks as they did not want to send me home before they had the reason to my low blood levels. The latest news is that it was caused by the injections I took for 40 days after my knee surgery. I am glad we found the reason and so thankful to the staff at the emergency room at the local hospital.

Yesterday I got my first iron infusion and I am starting to feel less tired and my strength is coming back. I feel much better than a week ago as I have been taking natural medicine to gain the iron level in my blood as well.

For a while the devil thought he had us but nothing can stop us as long as we walk with Jesus. I have been able to work in the studio and continue with my boat rides as well as do 45 minutes of stationary biking per day. I am doing my part and I know God is doing the rest. We are on our way to Sweden as scheduled.
I am looking forward to get back on the road and I am extra delighted that most of our events during our six week tour is outside the four walls of the church where the people are. This is what God has put upon our hearts to do and it just feel right.

We just sent the new book in Swedish to the printers and we will have a big pile of books to give away to people we meet when we get out there. Still some things to work out but the best thing we can do is to trust that God will meet our needs. You find the details how to support us as well as the tour dates below.
God Bless You All!

19.06.2024 Mat & Nostalgi
Viksjö, Sweden
21.06.2024 Blankaholms camping
Blankaholm, Sverige
22.06.2024 Blankaholms camping
Blankaholm, Sverige
23.06.2024 Blankaholms camping
Blankaholm, Sverige
26.06.2024 Göta Holme
Gullspång, Sweden
28.06.2024 Glada Laxen
Gullspång, Sweden
29.06.2024 Betania
Rudskoga, Sweden
05.06.2024 Ica Kvantum
05.06.2024 Ica Kvantum
Säffle, Sweden
05.07.2024 Pingstförsamlingen
Säffle, Sweden
06.07.2024 Kvarnhjulet Second Hand
Säffle, Sweden
06.07.2024 Pingstförsamlingen
Säffle, Sweden
07.07.2024 Pingstförsamlingen
Säffle, Sweden
11.07.2024 Åmåls bluesfestival
11.07.2024 Åmåls bluesfestival
Åmål, Sweden
12.07.2024 Åmåls bluesfestival
Åmål, Sweden
13.07.2024 Åmåls bluesfestival
Åmål, Sweden
14.07.2024 Åmåls bluesfestival
Åmål, Sweden
17.07.2024 Equmeniakyrkan
Munksfors, Sweden
18.07.2024 Network MC
Odensbacken, Sweden
19.07.2024 Sverigehoppet
Falun, Sweden
20.07.2024 Sverigehoppet
Falun, Sweden
24.07.2024 Mat & Nostalgi
Viksjö, Sweden
28.07.2024 Betel
Runemo, Sweden
29.07.2024 Grillnatta
Bollnäs, Sweden
You can help us through
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