Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Nobody said it was going to be easy!

24 June 2024

Dear Friends,

The 2024 Swedish Rock and Gospel tour has started and I guess I needed to be reminded of that nothing is easy and that I am not getting any younger. We left home on Tuesday, June 18th and took Wasaline over to Umeå, Sweden.

Gospel Express in the harbor of Vasa

From Umeå we drove down to Mat o Nostalgi in Viksjö. On the way there we ran into three fellow believers, all people we never met before. It is amazing how God is connecting His people. It all started in the harbor of Vasa. Each person we met brought encouragement to us.

The updated version of the book

It was nice to see brother Stefan and his family again. The 2000 books we ordered for this tour arrived just in time for the first event on Wednesday evening at Mat o Nostalgi in Viksjö. I am very excited to hand out this book to people we meet as it is the updated version of my life story with 50+ pages of color pictures from my entire life. It is also well printed so I am excited to see how God will use this book.

Live in Viksjö, Sweden

As it was midsummer week we did not have a big crowd on Wednesday evening but the neighbor and his wife showed their hatred as usual and were driving their lawn mower back and forth without even cutting the grass. They also reported that we played too loud to the authorities but we know for sure that we did not break the legal rules of what is allowed and we ended way before legal time. When you stand out for Jesus there are always people who will hate you. We just keep praying for them that Jesus would heal their soul and draw them closer to Him.

After all it was a wonderful evening with lots of rock and roll and it was nice to see Seppo and Jennifer come out to visit. We will be back July 24th and then we are going to start earlier and play later. I will have Sebastian measure the volume and will play as loud as I legally can. Why? Just so the good news can be heard where it really need to be heard.

We left Viksjö and Stefan but will be back June 24th

We were scheduled to leave after the event but decided to stay the night in Viksjö. So we left the following day and I did the mistake and thought I am younger than I am. I drove all the way from Viksjö to Blankaholm. The trip was 711 kilometers and I later realized that it was too much for one day.

Viksjö to Blankaholm, 711 kilometers

On Friday I woke up feeling very weak. I was in bad shape the entire day and I did not feel good at all. I am still battling with the anemia but it is getting better and better. Still I need to watch what I do and how much. I was so tired on Friday evening at the campground in Blankaholm that I decided to stop playing after 40 minutes and be honest with the crowd and tell them I do not feel well. The kind people understood and laid hands on me and prayed.

Blankaholm 21.06.2024

Actually it was the first time in 17 years I had to quit earlier but I never had anemia before and the combination of that with the amount of kilometers plus financial stress was just too much for me.

On Saturday God poured down the rain over the area and therefore we did not have an event. He gave me time to rest in our bus with our parrots. I would never be able to do this without my son, Sebastian on board. He is doing such a great work taking care of me and helping out in so many different ways.

A rainy day on the bus in Blankaholm in good comapany

Sunday morning we had a really nice and cozy chapel service at the campground and we decided to do it in English as many people came from Germany as well as from other countries. I am glad I can talk English as it is one of the big universal languages that you can use when needed.

Blankaholm 23.06.2024

After the service we hung out for a while before we started the bus and drove through "Swedish Jerusalem”, Jönköping to Mariestad. It was actually a nice ride as we took a road we never drove before and my thoughts were just that there are so many places where we could stop and share the good news with the people. Still we just don’t want to do it without help from the local churches. It is very important to us that there are local people involved as if someone needs help, need to know more they have someone locally to connect too as we go from one place to another.

Today we are enjoying a day off with some office work. I am glad we have today and tomorrow off as we can’t really leave right now. The account is empty, the wallet is empty and that tank is empty. We still have faith that God will help us out one way or another.

Blankaholms Natur camping is worth a visit

On Wednesday evening we are doing outreach on Göta Holme in Gullspång. Friday evening we are doing the same thing outside Restaurant Glada Laxen and on Saturday evening we are at the Betania Church in Rudskoga and we hope to see people we meet during our outreach events come to church.

Sebastian, Winston and Reagan in Mariestad

Keep us in your prayers and IF you feel led to help. You find the details below! This is just the beginning of our tour and I just feel that good things are coming up. When the bad dogs starts to bark good things are ahead so keep barking, it inspires me to share even more of the truth. Check out our NEW WEBSHOP HERE!

God Bless You All!

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Thank you for standing with us and doing this together with us!