Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

The journey continues!

1 July 2024

Dear Friends,

Another week has gone and journey continues. It has been an adventurous week in many ways. The most dramatic adventures have been taken place in the spiritual realm. It is good to have the knowledge in your heart that Jesus already won the battle and we are under His protection.

Mariestad, Sweden

We had three wonderful days at the campground in Mariestad. I needed to rest and I also started to do some short walks. It takes time to come back after all crazy thing my body has gone thru this year but I am feeling better every day.

Swimming in the lake Vänern

The weather in Mariestad was warm and I decided to jump in the lake Vänern that is one of the two big lakes in Sweden. The temperature was perfect and it was such a wonderful and refreshing moment after a hot summer day.

After a refreshing bath

On our way from Mariestad we stopped by a supermarket and loaded the fridge with goods for the coming days. We continued to our next event at Göta Holme in Gullspång, not so far away. It was a beautiful old stage by the river and the weather was perfect for doing an outdoor concert.

Göta Holme, Gullspång

I was touched to see that God sent so many people in need. Encouragement. We did not have a massive crowd but I am not interested in massive crowds or big numbers. I always trust that God sends the people He wants there each time.

After the event we drove to the Betania church in Rudskoga in the middle of nowhere and parked the bus there. That was our base for rest of the week. Thursday we spent by the bus and took it easy and I am glad I did.

We decided to eat out on our day off

On Friday we drove back into Gullspång where we had another outdoor and outreach thing outside the local Pizza place Glada Laxen. It was pouring down rain and one of the staff there told me it looks dark. I told him that we have prayed for better weather and it will be better weather soon. He looked at me like I am some weirdo and pointed out the dark clouds. I told him, I can see the sun is coming and he got even more confused.

Sebastian working on one of my guitars

When it was time to start the rain had stopped and I could do two sets of music and share my heart with the people. Again, not a massive crowd but we had a good evening there and we got to end the evening in a beautiful sunset.

Glada Laxen, Gullspång

Sunday we slept late and it felt good as there were no stress. All we had to do was to carry in my gear and do a quick soundcheck in the small church. The church was filled with people and I just felt God lead me on different topics. One thing that has been on my heart lately is to bring the light of the world repentance to the people. For human reasons the word has become a negative word but the truth is that it is the goodness of God that drives us to repentance. The word repentance does not mean that you have to stop do this and that right away and start to do that and this right away. It simply means that you change direction.

Betania, Rudskoga

When you change direction you change from a life without faith to a life in faith. Faith is a gift you receive the very moment you decide to follow Jesus. There is no formula to that moment other than our hearts being willing to humble ourselves for God and ask Him to forgive us our sins and follow Him (Jesus Christ).

More and more I see that there is a need for a simple Gospel. A message that people can understand. It has to be delivered with love and without the love of God it is impossible. We can stand and quote scriptures and teach as much as we want but whet people who do not yet believe is a simple message filled with love and hope.

People often speak in terms of ”life is short, lets do as much as we can”. I rather say that eternity is long, we better chose where we want to spend eternity and if we want to go to heaven we need to repent, make the decision to follow Jesus and from that moment work on our salvation until our last breath.

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We have arrived in Säffle on the other side of the lake Vänern and we are having a few days off before a busy weekend. The bad news that discourages me is that my eye has again seen people who play a role, trying to be something else than who they are in real life. God has showed me things and I do not like what I see. I do not like it at all. Keep us in your prayers, last weeks missions was fruitful but a financial disaster. I pray the people who came find a good church home where people are real.

God Bless You All!

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