Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

More from the road!

15 October 2024

Dear friends,

We have had a different time but good time. We had some last minute cancellations we still don’t understand so we have had too many days off. From Säffle we drove to Lidköping for a wonderful evening with all the churches on their eastern café.

Åmål, Sweden

It was wonderful to return to Åmål. We have been here several times now and it is another of those places where it feels like coming home when we arrive.

We arrived in Lidköping and checked in at the campground that was our home for our days there, a beautiful place, also by Lake Vänern and I could do my walks by the lake.

Winston checking the camground map in Lidköping

On Thursday in the early afternoon we visited Hela Människan who takes care of people in need. A place where they can come and get something to eat and someone to talk to. I did a set of music and testimony there and it was a nice session for the afternoon.

Hela Människan, Lidköping

In the evening we continued at the same place and I shared more and also preached a simple message so that all in there could understand. It was a nice evening and the had a taco evening so people got some good food to eat as well. A wonderful evening in the presence of Jesus.

The following evening we visited the Pentecostal church of Lidköping and I was invited to share at their youth evening. I always loved talking to the youth since I was at that age when my life took a wrong turn and alcohol became an important part of my life.

Pingstkyrkan, Lidköping

We had a wonderful evening and it felt good to speak to the youth. The youth need to hear that Jesus is real and that He can really change a live. They also need to hear that alcohol or drugs can not fix any problems you have. I tried and so many others have tried but usually it ends up being worse than it was.

As said we had Saturday and Sunday off and it felt weird to have a weekend off during a long tour but we made it. I did my walks and took care of other things. When we are on the road we also work on coming tours and right now we are booking the spring and summmer 2025, so I got to work a little bit on that part.

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Beautiful Lake Vänern

From Lidköping we drove to a place called Mullsjö. This was our first time ever here and shortly after our arrival we set up our gear outside the local ICA store where we shared ,gave away my book and invited people to come to church the following evening.

Outreach in Mullsjö

When we are outside the four walls of the church I am like a fish in water. I love being out where the people are and of course there are different reactions when you are outside the church. It is always wonderful to see those who are hungry and thirsty for the Lord but they chose to hide somewhere and listen. It happened again. We were there for some time until it started to rain.

The following evening we were at the Pentecostal church of Mullsjö and as I said it was the first time ever. I felt the church being an open church with wonderful people. A church that has a heart to reach people and make disciples. Not just a church with different programs. Evangelism needs to be the heart of a church in order to get in new people and it is not just about getting them to church. It is all about getting them to become children of God.

Pingstkyrkan Mullsjö-Nyhem, Sweden

We had a wonderful evening and we had a good crowd. They listened and I got to pray for some people after the service. Again I have been saying it over and over again that Jesus is the only way to God and for some reason I feel it is more important than ever to say this. I guess it is something God wants to be very clear.

The time spent in Mullsjö was wonderful. A new place with new people and the following day we left with a warm feeling in our hearts. It is always a wonderful feeling when you come to a new place and you feel a connection with the local church.

By the coast in Oskarshamn, Sweden

Again we had a few days off so we drove to Oskarshamn and a campground by the Swedish east coast. Such a beautiful place and I did pretty much walkin the two days we spent there. We had good weather but you can tell the summer is over and the winter is coming. Fall is definitely here!

Strandakyrkan, Mönsterås Sweden

From there we drove to Mönsterås where we had been on a blues festival when we returned from Germany this spring. Now it was our second time there and in. a church. We were picked up good in time to set up our gear and I did not have that high expectations for a Sunday evening. They had already had church earlier the same day.

I was very happy to see the church almost packed and all kinds of people came out this Sunday evening. I played the songs from the new album and shared my life. People were really listening and this is something you can tell when you sit up there talking to the crowd.

Gospel Express

As usually I ended with Amazing Grace but because of the location I did one more song and that was How great thou art in Swedish. The song was written in that same town in 1885 and has become one of the most translated and sung songs in history., It was such a wonderful end of the week and it could not have been better.

Gospel Express

Right now we are in Västerås heading towards our next stop Tierp on Wednesday evening. On Thursday we have two events in Falun. Friday evening we are in Edsbyn in the local Pentecostal church and on Saturday in the church of Bollnäs so this week we have a drive. We end this tour at Höge Kapell in Indal, October 26th and after that we return home.

Gospel Express

So far it has been a very good tour. We could have had a few more events but it has all been good. I wont talk about the finances. We are always in need of help. When we get home we need to take the bus to the garage as it needs some work on the air suspension and we hope to afford to do it.

Gospel Express

Our Gospel Express bus is such a blessing and we have slept over 500 nights in total in the bus. It has saved us much hassle with hotels and places to stay during the last three years. It is a very affordable way to do what we do as we have everything we need on board. We hope for at least three more years with this bus but now we are first going to end this race.

Thank you all who are praying for us, you who have helped us and all you we have met during this journey. Together we have accomplished something for the Kingdom of God!

God Bless You All!


Keeping Gospel Express on the road and winter missions in Finland!



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Thank you for standing with us and doing this together with us!